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What should I do if I lose my card or phone?

What should I do if I lose my card or phone?

If you've lost your card

If your ANZ Plus Visa Debit card is lost or stolen, you can cancel it and order a new one in the app:

  1. Go to the Card tab.
  2. Tap on Cancel and Replace Card.
  3. Tap on Lost or Stolen Card.

If you’ve lost your Joint ANZ Plus Visa Debit card, remember to swipe across in the Card tab before following the steps above.

We’ll cancel your existing card and send you a new one with new details.

If you've set up any recurring payments using your card details, you'll need to supply your new card details to those merchants or services.

If you can’t find your ANZ Plus Visa Debit card, but want to keep looking for it, you can lock it in the app:

  1. Go to the Card tab.
  2. Tap on Lock.

If you've lost your phone

If your device is lost or stolen, call an ANZ Plus Coach as soon as possible on 13 42 69 (+61 03 4050 9272).

If you're overseas...

If your card is lost, start by locking it in the ANZ Plus app to prevent unauthorised transactions, following the steps above.

Then cancel your card and order a new one:

  1. Go to the Card tab in the ANZ Plus app.
  2. Tap on Cancel and Replace Card.
  3. Tap on Lost or Stolen Card.

If it‘s a Joint ANZ Plus card, remember to swipe across in the Card tab before locking or replacing your card.

We can’t ship a new card internationally, so you’ll need to get it sent to a secure location back in Australia.

If your phone is lost while you're overseas, please get in touch right away using the international number listed above.