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Dealing with the unexpected

Life can change quickly and everyone experiences periods of uncertainty. Whatever your situation, we’re here to help you find the support you need.

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Financial hardship Caregiving, illness and injury
Fraud and scams Natural disaster
Losing a loved one Government resources
Separation and divorce General tips
Domestic and family violence  

We're here to
support you

We’re committed to helping our customers and communities get back on track when things go wrong. If you’re experiencing financial difficulty, you may be able to apply for financial assistance.

Experiencing financial hardship?

If you’re experiencing hardship, loss of income or financial difficulty, applying for financial assistance might be the right step. It’s extra support to help manage financial difficulty when you need it most.

Fraud and scams

If you believe you’ve been scammed or have received a suspicious message, find out what to do.

Losing a loved one

If you’ve recently lost a family member or friend, we understand that this is an emotional time. We’ve put together some information to help guide you through next steps.

Separation and divorce

Whether you’re married or in a de facto relationship, the breakdown of a relationship takes a mental, emotional and financial toll. Learn how to navigate this difficult time.

Domestic and family violence

If you've been affected by family or domestic violence and require financial support, please visit the financial assistance page. Here are some links which contain information that may assist you.

Caregiving, unexpected illness and injury

Looking after yourself or others in the event of illness, injury or changed circumstances can be stressful, emotional and financially challenging. Here are some support options that may help.

Natural disaster

If you’ve been affected by a natural disaster – such as a bushfire, flood, storm or earthquake – here’s how we can help.

Government resources

Government payments may be available if you or your family are experiencing hardship. For details visit Services Australia.

General tips

Everyone’s situation is different. Here you’ll find some general tips available to all customers that may provide short-term relief.

Credit cards

Consider options such as transferring to a card with lower interest rates, lowering your credit limit or setting up direct payments to stay on top of things.

Personal loans

Consider options such as reducing your repayment to the minimum repayment amount to help manage your finances for a period of time.

Home owners

Consider options such as refinancing your home loan to get a better interest rate, consolidating your debt, changing how you make repayments, making extra repayments or switching to interest only repayments for a short period.

Big life moments

Getting married, having a baby, being made redundant, retiring, moving to a new country – all of these are huge life changes that require careful planning and consideration. Take the stress out of your big moments with our Life Guides. 

Financial wellbeing

Financial wellbeing is having enough money to meet your needs now and in the future. Find out how you can improve your financial health by using our budgeting tools, courses and articles.

External services

We’ve compiled a list of free tools and resources to support you through stressful times.

Apply for financial assistance

If you’ve experienced a loss of income or a downturn in business or if you're finding it difficult to meet your payment obligations, then applying for financial assistance might be the right step. It’s extra support to help manage financial difficulty when you need it most.

Visit our financial assistance page

The information set out above is general in nature and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the information, you should consider whether the information is appropriate for you having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. By providing this information ANZ does not intend to provide any financial advice or other advice or recommendations. You should seek independent financial, legal, tax and other relevant advice having regard to your particular circumstances.
