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Request a Call Back

Eg. mobile 0409090909 or landline 0399090909

Please use the S-Number, SR-Number or ANZ-Number provided in the letter and SMS. Pattern: S-12345678/ SR-123456/ ANZ-1a2b3c4d

Please note that we are unable to take call bookings for the same day, on weekends and longer than 6 business days in advance.

Terms and Conditions

By submitting this form, you acknowledge and agree that ANZ may collect and use your personal information for the purposes of answering your enquiry and otherwise in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

ANZ's Privacy Policy explains how ANZ handles personal information and explains how you may access and seek correction of the information ANZ holds about you or raise a concern about how ANZ has handled your information.

By submitting this form, you acknowledge and agree that ANZ may collect and use your personal information for the purposes of answering your enquiry, and planning and improving ANZ’s products and services.
