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Update your details

Update your address, phone number or email online with these simple, easy-to-follow steps.  You can also set your preferred name or even a nickname for use in the ANZ App and Internet Banking. Need to update your gender or recently married and want to change to your married name? We can help you with that too. 


Update your address

You can update your address for eligible accounts online using the ANZ App and Internet Banking. We can show you how.

You can add more than one address. This is because your residential and mailing addresses may be different, or you may have different mailing addresses for different accounts. You must not nominate a PO Box or Locked Bag address as a residential address or for the receipt of newly issued cards or replacement cards. 

How to change your address in the ANZ App

  1. Log in to the ANZ App
  2. Tap Profile
  3. Tap on your name
  4. Tap on Address
  5. Read the important information screens and follow the prompts.


How to change your address in Internet Banking

  1. Log in to Internet Banking 
  2. Select Profile from the header, then Profile and Security
  3. Under Contact details, select Address
  4. On the address you'd like to change, click Edit
  5. Read the important information screens and follow the prompts.


Update your phone or email

How to update your phone or email in the ANZ App

  1. Open the app and log in
  2. Select the Profile tab
  3. Tap on your name
  4. Tap on the contact detail you’d like to edit, Phone or Email, and follow the prompts.

How to update your phone or email in Internet Banking

  1. Log in to Internet Banking 
  2. Select the Profile icon from the header and Profile & Security from the drop down list
  3. Choose the contact detail you'd like to edit, Phone or Email and follow the prompts.

Update your gender or title

At ANZ we capture your gender identity, not legal sex or gender. That means you do not need to provide updated personal identification documents to change the gender or title we have recorded for you. If you have changed your legal sex or gender, we ask for a copy of updated personal identification documents to be provided to ensure we always have the most recent ID on file, however this does not need to be done prior to updating your gender or title with us.

To update your gender or title please book an appointment to visit an ANZ branch or give us a call.

Note: Non-binary gender and Mx title options are being introduced in a staggered approach and may not be available for all segments and products. Please refer here for more information.

Please book an appointment to visit an ANZ branch with your relevant identification and supporting documents. Your details will be updated immediately on our system and you'll be sent replacement cards and passbooks (where applicable) complete with your updated name.

Update your preferred name

This is a name or nickname that you'd like us to use when you're using the ANZ App or Internet Banking.

How to update your preferred name in the ANZ App

  1. Log in to the ANZ App
  2. Tap Profile 
  3. Tap on your name
  4. Tap on Preferred name and follow the prompts.

How to update your preferred name in Internet Banking

  1. Log in to Internet Banking 
  2. Select Profile from the header
  3. Select Profile & Security from the drop down list
  4. Choose Preferred name from your profile options and follow the prompts.

Love and marriage. How to update your name after getting hitched

To change your surname to your spouse's surname, firstly you must provide evidence of your name change in the form of a marriage or deed poll certificate. Here’s what you need to do next:

  1. Book an appointment to bring this evidence into an ANZ branch, along with any other signatories that may be listed on the accounts you'd like to update
  2. Sign the Signature Form under the witness of an ANZ staff member

Your details will be updated immediately on our system and you'll be sent replacement cards and passbooks (where applicable) complete with your updated surname. 


Note: On accounts with mulitple signatories, any signatories not present will need to book an appointment to return to the branch to complete the signature witnessing validation or,  you may return the signed paperwork on their behalf.

Need more help?

Message us

For fast support, message us in the ANZ App. Available 24/7.

Contact us

Don’t have the ANZ app? Download it now or find other ways to contact us.

Visit us

Find your local branch and book an appointment to visit us.

Your questions answered

Address updates can take up to 5 business days to be processed. Any paper statements and notices generated in this period may be sent to your old address.

If your address change is urgent, please contact us or visit a branch

If you need your details to be updated sooner, you can contact our ANZ Internet Banking Helpdesk on 13 33 50 (International callers: +61 3 9683 8833), 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or visit any ANZ branch in Australia.

Your updated address will be applied to the following:

  • Your residential and/or mailing address on your personal profile*
  • All eligible accounts and in progress loan applications for which you are a primary account holder or have power of attorney recorded with ANZ
  • All eligible accounts and in progress loan applications with the same address as your residential or mailing address on your personal profile before the update
  • Company accounts for which you are the sole owner and you are trading under a business name recorded with ANZ or for which you are the single director of the business
  • All eligible accounts and in progress loan applications linked to your other Customer Registration Numbers (CRNs) that match the above rules

*Your personal profile is a collection of personal information ANZ holds about you as a customer (such as your preferred/legal name, phone number, email address, and address details). The address on your personal profile is separate and can be different to the address(es) associated with your individual accounts and products.


Your updated address won't be applied to the following:

  • Accounts with an address that is different to the residential or mailing address currently recorded on your personal profile
  • Accounts for which you are not the primary account holder
  • Accounts that require multiple account holders to consent to updating details. To update these accounts, please visit an ANZ branch with all the required account holders
  • Accounts linked to other Customer Registration Numbers (CRNs) with different addresses to your residential or mailing address on your personal profile before the update
  • Business credit cards
  • Company accounts for which you are not a single director
  • Your business profile. This is the profile for your company, partnership or other organisational entity
  • Products issued by a third party (such as insurance, share investing and superannuation)

No. The primary card holder for the ANZ Credit Card account is required to authorise any changes for an ANZ Credit Card.

For certain accounts you may not be able to change your address details through ANZ Internet Banking or the ANZ App. Choose your account type below to find out more. 

Joint accounts

Certain joint accounts may require all account holders to consent to updating the address details. Please visit an ANZ branch with all the required account holders and photo ID to update your address.

Business accounts and finance

Get in touch by visiting our business banking contact us page.

Business credit card

Get in touch by visiting our business banking contact us page.

ANZ Insurance policy

Get in touch by visiting our insurance contact us page.

Statutory Trust

Please visit an ANZ branch.

ANZ Smart Choice

Please contact ANZ Smart Choice Customer Service on 13 12 87 (8.30am to 6.30pm Sydney/Melbourne time, Monday to Friday).

If you’re an ANZ Insurance policy owner, changing your address can affect policy conditions. You’ll also need to inform the ANZ Insurance Centre of the change on 13 16 14 (Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 8:00pm (AEST).

The ANZ App is provided by Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) ABN 11 005 357 522. Super and Insurance (if available) are not provided by ANZ but entities which are not banks. ANZ does not guarantee them. This information is general in nature only and does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. ANZ recommends that you read the ANZ App Terms and Conditions available here for iOS (PDF) and here for Android (PDF) and consider if this service is appropriate to you prior to making a decision to acquire or use the ANZ App.

Some account holders will be unable to update their address using the ANZ App or ANZ Internet Banking. If this occurs, please contact us.
