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Employer superannuation support

Get employer superannuation support for ANZ EasyTransact and Smart Choice Super customers with instructions, training videos and guides.


Get started with ANZ EasyTransact


ANZ EasyTransact is provided at no cost to you^with an ANZ Smart Choice Super for employers and their employees plan ("ANZ Smart Choice Super").Superscript: 1 Register for ANZ Easy Transact by calling 13 47 43. Alternatively, if you are new to ANZ Smart Choice Super, you would have automatically registered and can log in as soon as you receive your User ID and password.

Get your user ID and password

Once your registration is complete, you will be sent your user ID and password via email.

Log on

Login to ANZ EasyTransact with your User ID and password.


ANZ EasyTransact support

What is SuperStream?

SuperStream was introduced by the Federal Government to improve the way super contributions are submitted by standardising the format and the way in which payments are made. To find out more read our FAQs below.

SuperStream FAQs (PDF)


Contact us about employer superannuation support

Call us

Mon-Fri 8am to 8pm (AEST)

13 47 43

Enquire online

Enquire now

Any advice does not take into account your personal needs, financial circumstances or objectives and you should consider whether it is appropriate for you.

ANZ recommends you read the applicable Terms and Conditions and the ANZ Financial Services Guide (PDF) before acquiring the product.

ANZ Smart Choice Super for employers and their employees and the Super Clearing Service offered via EasyTransact are issued by OnePath Custodians Pty Limited (OnePath Custodians) (ABN 12 008 508 496, AFSL 238346, RSE L0000673).

ANZ is an authorised deposit taking institution (Bank) under the Banking Act 1959 (Cth). OnePath Custodians is the issuer of the product but it is not a Bank. Except as set out in the issuer’s contract terms (including the PDS), this product is not a deposit or other liability of ANZ or its related group companies. None of them stands behind or guarantees the issuer or the product.

This information is of a general nature and has been prepared without taking account of your or your employees’ objectives, financial situation or needs. The appropriateness of the information, having regard to these factors should be considered. You and your employees should read the ANZ Smart Choice Super Product Disclosure Statement (PDF)Additional Information Guide (PDF)Insurance Guide - Standard Employer Plans (PDF) and the Electronic Access Terms and Conditions (PDF) before deciding to acquire, or to continue to hold an interest in ANZ Smart Choice Super.

You should read the EasyTransact Product Disclosure Statement (PDF) before acquiring, cancelling or deciding whether to continue to use the product or service. Read ANZ's Financial Services Guide (PDF) for information about ANZ's services, including the remuneration and other benefits that ANZ may receive in relation to products and services provided to you.

Other key features including insurance, available investment options and performance and functionality are relevant when choosing a super fund. In the event of any inconsistency between the information in this document and the constituent documents of ANZ Smart Choice Super for employers and their employees (e.g. governing rules, insurance policy) the terms of the constituent documents prevail. Before transferring money into ANZ Smart Choice Super, your employees should consider any lost benefits, in particular insurance cover, or whether investment costs will be incurred, investment risk changed, and where future employer contributions will be paid. Also consider eligibility to obtain adequate insurance in ANZ Smart Choice Super. This information can be found on annual statements or other documents for existing accounts. Insurance cover through ANZ Smart Choice Super can be applied for, including transfer of any existing Death and TPD cover currently held in another super account, before transfer by calling Customer Services. However, first consider whether eligible and whether that insurance is suitable as it may be subject to different terms and conditions to current insurances held.

OnePath Custodians Pty Limited currently does not charge a fee for ANZ EasyTransact but reserves the right and may do so in the future. Where this occurs, notification will be provided to existing users.

1. ANZ Smart Choice Super is a suite of products consisting of ANZ Smart Choice Super and Pension, ANZ Smart Choice Super for employers and their employees and ANZ Smart Choice Super for QBE Management Services Pty Ltd and their employees. ANZ Smart Choice Super and Pension is a retail product issued pursuant to the latest PDS available at ANZ Smart Choice Super for employers and their employees and ANZ Smart Choice Super for QBE Management Services Pty Ltd and their employees are both MySuper compliant employer products issued pursuant to separate PDSs available at On this page, "ANZ Smart Choice Super" refers to ANZ Smart Choice Super for employers and their employees.
