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My new statements

We've updated our statements to help you quickly and easily find the information you need. 

New look statement

Take a look at the examples below to understand the enhancements to your statements.




Statement details

Find your product name, statement number and date range at a glance


Statement summary box

Get the important numbers quickly


Account details

All your essential account information in one place


Contact details

Easily get in touch when you need to

Want to access your money on the go?

Get on top of your money with the ANZ App 

Simply log on with Touch ID or a four-digit PIN and start banking when you're on the go.Superscript: 1


Find out more

Set up online statements

Still getting paper statements? Online statements are secure, convenient and available 24/7.

Make the switch to online statements. We’ll show you how to change your statement preferences to online, in ANZ Internet Banking and the ANZ App.

Switch to online statements


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1. The ANZ App is provided by Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) ABN 11 005 357 522. Super and Insurance (if available) are not provided by ANZ but entities which are not banks. ANZ does not guarantee them. This information is general in nature only and does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. ANZ recommends that you read the ANZ App Terms and Conditions available here for iOS (PDF) and here for Android (PDF) and consider if this service is appropriate to you prior to making a decision to acquire or use the ANZ App.
