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ANZ Plus Deposit Account T&Cs

Upcoming changes

We are making the following changes:

  • Removing the requirement that you must close all your accounts (including any joint accounts) if you wish to close your ANZ Plus or ANZ Save account
  • Removing the requirement for existing ANZ Plus customers to hold ANZ Plus and ANZ Save accounts before applying for an ANZ Plus Flex Saver account and clarify that we may set limits on how many accounts you have
  • Removing the requirement that joint account applicants must each have individual ANZ Plus Accounts and ANZ Save Accounts before applying
  • Removing the restriction on opening an account if you or a Joint Account holder have closed an account in the past seven days (but clarify that we may still set limits on how many accounts you have)
  • Clarifying that customers who hold only an ANZ Save Account can contact us to take money out of the account
  • Clarifying that some accounts may allow withdrawals using a Visa Direct Account Funding Transaction
  • Clarifying that a default restriction on payments to payees that we identify as cryptocurrency exchanges applies,  but if we allow you to make payments to such payees a monthly limit of $10,000 applies across all your accounts
  • Clarifying when changing or stopping transactions may not be possible
  • Clarifying that we may not notify you if Rounds Ups are disabled or suspended
  • Providing the terms and conditions for a new ‘Confirmation of Payee’ service, which may allow you to check that the name of a person you intend to pay matches the name on the account you’re transferring to and allows others to do the same in respect of your accounts. 
  • Clarifying how and when we pay interest on accounts that earn interest. In particular we clarify that interest is generally paid on the day after the last Business Day of the month, although it is credited to your Account dated the last Business Day of the month.
  • Clarifying that, for example, when we collect selfie images, we may use that information to create a biometric template for verification and anti-fraud purposes
  • Aligning with our recently consolidated ANZ Plus Privacy Collection Notice
  • Disclosing that employees who assist you with your account may be eligible to receive individual rewards in addition to their salary
  • Including two products called ANZ Plus Progress Saver and ANZ Plus Online Saver to support our future plans for ANZ Plus. These products are not for sale.  

These changes will become effective on 14 April 2025, click here to view them.

About these T&Cs

These are the terms that apply to your:

  • ANZ Plus Account
  • ANZ Save Account and
  • ANZ Plus Flex Saver Account (we also call this ‘Flex Saver’)

We call the terms of the contract the T&Cs.

The T&Cs can change. Read 'Things can change...'.

The T&Cs are important. You should read them.

A Coach can help you with these products.

Not independent

We are not independent, impartial or unbiased in relation to any personal advice we give you in relation to an Account or the ANZ Plus App. This is because we are the issuer of each Account and the ANZ Plus App.

Almost there… before we open your Account

Even though our contract has started, we may need some more things to happen before we open your Account – like getting more information from you so we can get your details right and know who you are.

Hopefully there won't be delays and we'll be able to open your Accounts quickly!

You must give us the details and information about you that we need to open an Account as quickly as possible.

If you don't, or if we are unable to open your Account, we may end our contract with you for that Account. We may not give you notice if we do this.

If this happens, you may need to start a new application and create a new contract with us.

Until we open your Account, we won't have any obligations to you in relation to it under our contract – like giving you statements – other than obligations about your information (read 'Privacy & your information') and whatever the law says applies to us.

Once your Account is open, all of these T&Cs apply to you and us.

ANZ Plus is digital first

You'll need to do and have some things

You can generally only access, use and manage your Account and your money via the ANZ Plus App.

The ANZ Plus App T&Cs set out the terms that apply to the ANZ Plus App. It's available on the ANZ Plus website. It's an important document. You should read it. It tells you things you’ll need like:

  • an Australian mobile number
  • a mobile phone with a specific operating system
  • internet access and
  • to keep your mobile phone's operating system and the ANZ Plus App up to date.

You should also use a PIN or biometric identification (like face ID) to keep your mobile phone secure.

You must always have and do these things and comply with the ANZ Plus App T&Cs. If you don't, you may not be able to access, use or manage your Account or your money via the ANZ Plus App.

The ANZ Plus App or parts of it may not always be available like if we do maintenance or upgrades or if there is an outage so there might be times when you won't be able to access or use it (or your Account or your money). The ANZ Plus App T&Cs tell you more about this.

Because ANZ Plus is digital, you agree that we'll generally communicate with you electronically and where we do, paper copies may not be available. You must access the ANZ Plus App regularly to check for any important notices or updates.

Since ANZ Plus is digital, we can't promise that ANZ branches or our existing ANZ contact centre will be able to help you with your Account (including transacting on it) if you contact them.

However, we're here to help when you need us.

Read 'How to contact us' in 'Getting in touch' for the best way to get in touch with us about ANZ Plus and your Account.

Who's eligible

To be eligible for an Account you must:

  • be at least 15 years old
  • have an Australian residential address and
  • be an individual and use your Account for mainly personal use (not business).

To be eligible for an ANZ Plus Flex Saver Account you must also:

  • have an individual ANZ Plus and an ANZ Save Account that isn't blocked, restricted or restrained and
  • not have another individual ANZ Flex Saver Account.

To be eligible for a Joint Account all the Joint Account holders must:

  • also have an individual ANZ Plus Account and an ANZ Save Account that isn’t blocked, restricted or restrained.

We may not open an Account if you or another Joint Account holder have closed another Account in the last 7 days.

We can change our eligibility rules.

We can close your Account if you don’t meet our eligibility rules.

Money in

Putting money in

You can generally put money into your Account in the following ways:

  • transfer between your Accounts
  • transfer from another account in Australia
  • transfer from another account outside Australia
  • deposit cash at an ANZ ATM that accepts cash deposits
  • deposit an Australian Cheque at an ANZ ATM that accepts cheque deposits or
  • arrange for another person to make a direct credit.

We may also allow other ways to put money into your Account.

Limits may apply. Read 'Limits'.

Money out

Taking money out of your ANZ Plus Account

You can generally take money out of your ANZ Plus Account in the following ways:

  • transfer between your Accounts
  • transfer to another account in Australia (e.g. using Pay Anyone)
  • arrange another person to make a direct debit
  • arrange another person to take a PayTo Payment
  • BPAY Payment or
  • using your Visa Debit Card (e.g. at an ATM, point of sale machine or online).

Taking money out of your ANZ Plus Flex Saver Account

You can generally take money out of your ANZ Plus Flex Saver Account in the following ways:

  • transfer between your Accounts
  • transfer to another account in Australia (e.g. using Pay Anyone)
  • arrange another person to make a direct debit
  • arrange another person to take a PayTo Payment or
  • BPAY Payment.

Taking money out of your ANZ Save Account

You can generally take money out of your ANZ Save Account in the following ways:

  • transfer between your Accounts
  • arrange another person to make a direct debit or
  • arrange another person to take a PayTo Payment.

Taking money out generally

We may also allow other ways to take money out of your Account - but you can't transfer money from an Account to another account outside Australia.

If your Account is a Joint Account, other restrictions might apply. Read ‘Authority’ in ‘Joint Accounts’.

Limits may apply. Read 'Limits'.

Keep enough $ in your Account

Your Account doesn't have an overdraw feature and we don't agree to provide you with credit on it. You must make sure there's more money put in than taken out of your Account (because if you don't, your Account may be 'overdrawn').

We don't have to process a transaction if it would cause your Account to be overdrawn or if it's already overdrawn. However, we might choose to. For e.g., by:

  • allowing a direct debit
  • making a scheduled payment
  • making an adjustment or
  • processing a payment made with your Visa Debit Card.

However, and whenever it happens, if your Account is overdrawn you owe us that overdrawn amount and must put enough money into your Account so that it is no longer overdrawn within 30 days after the day it became overdrawn.

Read also 'Owe us money?' in 'Other terms'.


Limits that apply

This section sets out what limits apply to your Account.

We may allow you or a Joint Account holder to set other limits. This may increase your liability for unauthorised transactions on your Account. Read ‘Unauthorised transactions’ in ‘If things go wrong’.

Some limits apply across all Accounts you have with us, including Joint Accounts. This means each Joint Account holder can make certain payments or transactions from a Joint Account up to their own total individual limit for that payment type.

The following limits will apply if the transaction type applies to your account:

  • for a Pay Anyone payment, the total individual limit across all the Accounts you have with us (including Joint Accounts) is $30,000 a day, or any other limit that we allow
  • for a BPAY Payment, the total individual limit across all the Accounts you have with us (including Joint Accounts) is $100,000 a day, or any other limit that we allow
  • for a PayTo payment, you can find the limit on the ANZ Plus App or on the ANZ Plus website
  • for a payment using your Visa Debit Card (other than a payment made using the Visa Direct service), the limit is your Funds of your ANZ Plus Account, or any other limit that we allow
  • for cash withdrawals using your Visa Debit Card, the limit is $2,500 a day per card or any other limit that we allow
  • for cash deposits, the limit is:
    - $10,000 a day per ANZ Plus Account or
    - $2,500 a day per ANZ Save Account or
    - $2,500 a day per ANZ Plus Flex Saver Account,
    - or any other limit we allow and
  • For an Australian Cheque deposit at an ANZ ATM that accepts cheque deposits, the limit is $999,999.99 per cheque.

We apply a monthly limit of $10,000 across all your Accounts for payments made to payees we’ve identified as cryptocurrency exchanges.

Want to change a limit? We'll tell you what limits are available to you in the ANZ Plus app.

Higher limit payments may require additional authentication from you before we process them.

More about limits

Lower limits sometimes apply to your Account. For e.g.:

  • If your Account allows cash withdrawals, a cash withdrawal limit of $200 a day may apply if a system failure happens and we can’t confirm your Funds
  • if you use a third party service (such as Visa Direct) to make a payment from, or receive a payment into your Account, we may apply other limits to those transactions. Before using these services, you should refer to the ANZ Plus App for information about limits that may apply and
  • we may apply a lower daily Pay Anyone or BPAY Payment limit if we suspect fraudulent activity or reasonably believe a higher limit poses a risk.

Other people involved in a transaction may apply limits and charge fees if a limit is exceeded.

A 'day' starts at midnight (Melbourne time) and ends at 11:59pm (Melbourne time) on the same day.

It's your responsibility to make sure you don't exceed the limits.

We don't have to process a transaction if a limit is exceeded, or it would cause a limit to be exceeded or your Account to be overdrawn. However we might choose to.

About amounts shown

Amounts shown are indicative and may not be what is actually available

There are reasons for this and this section explains them.

An amount shown for your Account is only indicative of the amount you may be able to use.

You typically will see an amount for your Account in your ANZ Plus App, on a receipt, statement or at an ATM. It can be called things like 'Funds', 'Balance', 'Amount in your Account' or just a $ figure.

Some or all of the amount shown might not be available straight away (or at all) even though it may be called those things. In addition, some of the amount that should be available may not actually be available.

This can be because, for example:

  • a transaction may not have updated the amount shown - e.g., reversals
  • a transaction may have updated the amount shown but is not yet fully processed - e.g., a pending transaction
  • we may not process transactions at the time, on the day or in the order that they're made or
  • some transactions may have been processed and updated the amount shown, but are later adjusted.

If you go ahead with a transaction or payment when there may be insufficient funds, you may overdraw your Account or we may decline or not process a transaction.

About transactions

Things don't always happen straight away

We may not process or apply transactions at the time, on the day or in the order they're made.

This is generally because there are cut-off times and processing times for different types of transactions because some transactions aren't processed on weekends or public holidays and because some transactions may happen across different time zones. We might also need you to provide us with more information before we can process a transaction.

Others involved in the transaction like someone you buy something from or the bank of the person you make a payment to may also have similar or other things that affect the time and order of transactions.

The day that someone receives a payment from you might not be the day that you make or schedule it or the day that it's processed or applied to your Account.

We can make adjustments

Sometimes something happens that affects a transaction that we have processed or applied to your Account – like if a payment that we processed or applied is later reversed or not received by us. If that happens, we'll generally adjust the transaction and the things it impacted like your Funds or effective daily balance. However, we might not make an adjustment if the transaction is more than 60 days old or, in the case of re-checking whether or not you met the monthly savings target to earn bonus interest and calculating bonus interest, one month old.

This may affect the amount of interest we pay or have already paid. Read ‘Adjustments’ in 'Earning interest'.

Be careful!

We rely on you to get it right.

It’s your responsibility to make sure that all transaction details are correct. We rely on them and may not check them and might use one detail but not others. For e.g., we’ll generally rely on the BSB and account number you give us in processing a transfer to another account, person or bank and won't check that the account name you give us matches the name of the holder of the account you transfer money to.

Changing or stopping transactions may not be possible and sometimes isn't in our control

Some types of transactions don't involve us. Instead, they are authorities that you give someone else to transact on your Account like a monthly direct debit you have agreed someone can make from your Account for a product or service they provide you.

In some cases (like direct debits), we may be able to stop a particular transaction if you ask us to and give us enough time before you expect the transaction to be charged. You may also ask the person with the direct debit authority to stop using it. You can also amend, pause and cancel a PayTo Payment Agreement. Read the ANZ Plus PayTo T&Cs if you want to do this.

In other cases (like standing authorities where you give a merchant your Visa Debit Card number and authorise them to use it to transact on your Account or where you give us valid BPAY Payment instructions), we can’t stop or cancel the transaction for you. You must ask the person with the authority to stop using it.

Until the authority is blocked or removed, we may be obliged to process the transactions they ask us to.

Your Visa Debit Card

We'll send you a Visa Debit Card after you have asked for one and we've opened your ANZ Plus Account.

You'll need to activate your Visa Debit Card before you can use all of its features (including using the physical card and adding it to some Digital Wallets).

Your ANZ Save Account is separate to your ANZ Plus Account. To use the money in your ANZ Save Account using your Visa Debit Card, you'll have to first transfer it to your ANZ Plus Account.

You must keep the ANZ Plus App, your Visa Debit Card and your mobile phone secure by:

  • setting a PIN for your Visa Debit Card and a PIN for the ANZ Plus App. The PIN must not be your birth date or be a recognisable part of your name or include sequential or repetitive numbers
  • keeping each PIN secret don't tell anyone what it is and don't store it on or with your Visa Debit Card or mobile phone or keep a written record unless you can reasonably protect it and
  • not otherwise acting with extreme carelessness in failing to protect the security of all PINs.

We call these steps the ‘Security Guidelines’ and you must comply with them. If you don't, you may be liable for your losses (including if someone takes money out of your ANZ Plus account without your permission). What you're liable for will be determined by the ePayments Code.

You must otherwise keep your Visa Debit Card, mobile phone and each PIN safe.

You must tell us if you have lost your Visa Debit Card or if an unauthorised transaction happens. Read 'Unauthorised transactions' in 'If things go wrong'.

If you have given a merchant a standing authority to use your Visa Debit Card to transact on your ANZ Plus Account like to pay your subscription to a streaming service - that authority may automatically continue even if your Visa Debit Card details have changed (for example, when you're issued with a replacement card, we may provide your updated Visa Debit Card details to Visa for the merchants to access and use). This means some merchants may use your new Visa Debit Card details without you directly giving those details to them.

If you don't want this to happen, you can opt out of these automatic updates at any time. Contact a Coach to do this using one of the contact methods listed in 'How to contact us' in 'Getting in touch'. You can also check with merchants if they will receive automatic updates to your Visa Debit Card details.


You can't take money out of your Account using a cheque. However, you can use an ANZ ATM that accepts cheques to put an Australian Cheque into your Account.

Processing times for cheques can be longer than other transactions it generally takes between 3 to 7 Business Days for you to be able to use money put into your Account with a cheque (but could take longer).


A PayID is an optional address you can use to receive payments, or have another person take PayTo Payments, instead of using the BSB and account number of your Account.

We may allow you to create a PayID in the ANZ Plus App by linking your Account to your mobile phone number or email address. If you have a Joint Account, each Joint Account holder can set up their own PayID this way. Not all Accounts are eligible.

You can only link one account to a PayID at a time, but you can create multiple unique PayIDs for your Account.

We'll use your linked Account name as your PayID name. When someone looks up your PayID to start to make a payment to you or take a PayTo Payment from you, they may see your PayID name (but not your other account details). You agree that we can show your PayID name to anyone who looks up your PayID.

If you have created a PayID for your Account, you will be able to use the ANZ Plus App to close a PayID. You can contact a Coach if you need to change your linked Account name.

You can generally transfer a PayID to a different account, including an account held with another bank. You can use the ANZ Plus App to tell us you want to transfer a PayID.

We'll action your request to transfer or close a PayID within 24 hours unless we tell you otherwise. However, if you are transferring a PayID to another bank, they may require you to take steps to link the PayID to the account you have with them.

You must tell us if your PayID details change (e.g., if you get a new mobile number or your name changes) or you no longer own or are authorised to use the PayID or link it to your Account.

We can lock a PayID if:

  • we think it's being used to obtain fraudulent payments
  • we're required to by law, court order or a direction of a regulator or
  • it is otherwise reasonably necessary to protect our legitimate interests.

You won’t be able to receive payments, have another person take PayTo Payments using a PayID, or transfer or update a PayID while it's locked.

If a PayID has been inactive for 10 years, we can close that PayID. We can also close a PayID if there is a dispute about the PayID, and you can't confirm you have the right to use it.

We may require you to re-confirm that you have the right to use a PayID. If there is a dispute about who has the right to use a PayID you have created, we will contact you and may ask you for additional proof of your authority. If you are unable to provide that proof within the time limit we specify, your PayID may be closed.

If your PayID changes or is closed, you are responsible for letting other people know, including anyone who makes payments to you or takes PayTo Payments from you using the PayID. If your PayID is closed:

  • your PayID may be registered by someone else if they can show they have the right to use it, and payments using this PayID will then be made to their account and
  • we may pause or cancel your PayTo Payment Agreements.

By creating a PayID, you consent to us storing, using and disclosing your PayID information to third parties, including NPP Australia Limited and BPAY and other financial institutions, for the purposes of registering your PayID and to enable NPP payments to be sent and received and for other reasonable purposes – like tracing and investigations.

PayID is a registered trademark of NPP Australia Limited.


We may allow you to authorise and maintain PayTo Payment Agreements in the ANZ Plus App. Our ANZ Plus PayTo T&Cs set out how you can do this. It’s an important document. They form part of these T&Cs so you should read them.

PayTo is a registered trademark of NPP Australia Limited


To make a BPAY Payment you must give us:

  • the biller code (this is usually on your bill)
  • your customer reference number (this is usually on your bill)
  • the payment amount
  • the account you want to pay from and
  • for scheduled payments, the date you want to make the payment

When we receive a valid payment direction from you, we’ll debit your Account with the amount of the payment set out in it.

We may not process a BPAY Payment if you don't give us all the required information, if any of the information that you give us is wrong, or if you do not comply with the Security Guidelines.

We also may not process a BPAY Payment if the biller no longer accepts BPAY Payments.

Our cut-off time for BPAY Payments is 6pm Melbourne time on Business Days.

Generally, if you make a BPAY Payment:

  • before the cut-off time on a Business Day, the biller will treat it as received on that day and
  • after the cut-off time on a Business Day or on a day that isn't a Business Day, the biller will treat it as received on the next Business Day.

There might be processing delays for some BPAY Payments. For e.g., if:

  • you make a BPAY Payment after the cut-off time on a Business Day, or on a day that isn't a Business Day or
  • someone involved in the BPAY scheme (like a biller) does not comply with their obligations

Generally, a processing delay won't last more than one Business Day, but might be longer.

We can suspend or block BPAY Payments on your Account if:

  • we or BPAY Pty Ltd reasonably think that you:
    - are using BPAY Payments fraudulently or illegally
    - haven't complied with your BPAY Payment obligations
    - are using BPAY Payments in a way that could harm the integrity, stability or reputation of BPAY Payments, the BPAY scheme, or the quality of BPAY services offered generally
  • BPAY or a regulator requires or requests us to do so or
  • our BPAY scheme membership or our subscription to BPAY Payments is suspended or ends

We don't have to tell you before this happens, but we will where possible. We may also block BPAY Payments for other reasons – read ‘Stopping & Closing’.

Round Ups

We may allow you to ask us to transfer the difference between the amount of an Eligible Card Transaction and the nearest dollar amount from your ANZ Plus Account to your ANZ Save Account. We call this ‘Round Ups’.

You can ask us to do this in the ANZ Plus App. You can nominate a nearest dollar amount for the Round Up in multiples of $1.00, $2.00, $5.00 or $10.00.

For e.g., you ask us to round up Eligible Card Transactions to the nearest dollar amount in multiples of $2.00. When you make an Eligible Card Transaction of:

  • $26.50, the nearest dollar amount that is a multiple of $2.00 is $28.00. We'll transfer $1.50 (being the difference between $28.00 and $26.50) from your ANZ Plus Account to your ANZ Save Account.
  • $10.00, this is already a multiple of $2.00, so we won't Round Up this transaction.

Sometimes transactions are made in foreign currencies. If an Eligible Card Transaction is made in a foreign currency, it’ll be converted to Australian dollars, and we’ll calculate the Round Up on that amount.

For e.g., you ask us to round up Eligible Card Transactions to the nearest dollar amount in multiples of $5.00. You make an Eligible Card Transaction of US$50 which is converted to AU$73.83. The Round Up will be AU$1.17 (being the difference between $73.83 and the next multiple of $5.00, which is $75.00). We'll generally apply Round Ups to all Eligible Card Transactions. You can check your Round Ups in the ANZ Plus App or on your statement. If you think we have missed a Round Up, contact us – read 'How to contact us' in 'Getting in touch'.

We won't reverse or change a Round Up if an Eligible Card Transaction changes after you make it. You can ask us to stop Round Ups in the ANZ Plus App.

Either Joint Account Holder can also ask us to round up Eligible Card Transactions for a Joint Account. Round Ups for Joint Accounts may only be transferred between a joint ANZ Plus Account and a linked joint ANZ Save Account.

We may disable Round Ups if we close or suspend your Account.


We may allow an ANZ Plus Account to be linked as an offset account to an ANZ Plus home loan account. Eligibility criteria may apply. We’ll tell you if and when it’s linked.

An ANZ Plus Account linked as an offset account to an ANZ Plus home loan account can be de-linked via the App or another way we allow. We can also de-link it in certain circumstances. We’ll tell you if and when it’s de-linked.

Read the ANZ Plus Home Loan T&Cs for details.

Earning interest

Interest rates

We’ll tell you:

  • if your Account earns interest
  • And if so, the current interest rates for your Account

 in the ANZ Plus App or on the ANZ Plus website.

Interest rates form part of the T&Cs.

Interest rates are annual rates. They may change and may be zero.

You can ask us to provide you with information about current interest rates.

How and when we pay interest

We pay interest into your Account on the last Business Day of each month. It’ll generally include interest earned up to (but excluding) that day.

How interest is calculated

We calculate interest for each day by dividing the applicable annual interest rate by 365 (or 366 in a leap year) and multiplying this rate by the effective daily balance above $0 (or the relevant part of it) for your Account for that day.

The effective daily balances we use when we calculate interest are at 11:59pm (Melbourne time).

Types of interest

Different types of interest rates may apply for a day if your Account earns interest – e.g.:

  • standard interest – this is when an interest rate or rates apply to the entire effective daily balance for your Account
  • banded interest – this is when different interest rates apply to different parts of the effective daily balance for your Account
  • bonus interest – this is when you may earn extra interest on your Account if you meet the conditions.

More than one type of interest may apply to your Account.

ANZ Save Account

You earn standard interest on your ANZ Save Account plus bonus interest if you meet your monthly savings target.

You’ll meet your monthly savings target if the effective daily balance of your ANZ Save Account for the target date (before we pay interest) has grown by $100 or more compared to the last target date (after we paid interest).

The target date is the last Business Day of the month.

The effective daily balances we use to check if you meet your monthly savings target are at 11:59pm (Melbourne time).

If you meet your monthly savings target, you’ll earn bonus interest from the last target date (or, if it’s later, the day that bonus interest starts to apply to your ANZ Save Account) up to (but excluding) the target date.

ANZ Plus Flex Saver Account

You earn banded interest on your ANZ Plus Flex Saver Account.

ANZ Plus Account

Your ANZ Plus Account does not earn interest.


We will generally make an adjustment if something happens that changes the effective daily balance that we used to calculate interest like if a payment that was included in your effective daily balance is later reversed. However, we might not make an interest adjustment if the transaction is more than 60 days old or, in the case of re-checking whether or not you met the monthly savings target to earn bonus interest and calculating bonus interest, one month old.

This may affect the amount of interest we pay or have already paid.

If we make an adjustment, we may use either the current interest rate or the rate that would have applied at the date of the transaction.

An adjustment may mean that a different interest rate applies to your effective daily balance (or the relevant part of it) for banded interest (if it applies) or change whether or not you met your monthly savings target to earn bonus interest (if it applies) and the interest you earn.


Fees that apply

This section sets out what fees apply.


When you:

  • withdraw money from your Account in Australia at a non-ANZ ATM, a fee may be charged by the ATM operator
  • withdraw money from your Account outside Australia at a non-ANZ ATM, we will charge a fee of $5 and a fee may also be charged by the ATM operator and
  • make a balance enquiry in Australia or outside Australia at a non-ANZ ATM, a fee may be charged by the ATM operator.

The fee will be charged to your Account.

Overseas Transaction Fee

When there is an overseas transaction on your Visa Debit Card, we'll charge you 3% of the total value of:

  • the transaction in Australian Dollars and
  • the ATM operators' and any other fees or charges for the transaction.

The fee will be charged to your Account.

It won't always be clear to you whether a transaction is an overseas transaction. For e.g., an overseas transaction can include any withdrawal, purchase, reversal or other transaction where money is taken from your Account:

  • at an ATM outside Australia
  • in a currency other than Australian dollars
  • where the person accepting or processing it is outside Australia like a purchase from a person who is overseas or that is processed by someone overseas or
  • that another person involved in processing or accepting the transaction decides requires conversion into Australian dollars or is an overseas transaction.

The value of the transaction may be calculated, and include fees and other amounts charged, by another person involved in the transaction like an ATM operator or a person who processed the transaction.

Where a transaction is refunded or reversed:

  • the transaction amount may be refunded or reversed but the Overseas Transaction Fee might not be and
  • the conversion rate or rates used for the refund or reversal transaction may be different to the conversion rate or rates used for the original transaction.

International Inward Money Transfers

If you receive $300 (in Australian dollars) or more in a single transaction in your Account from outside Australia we may charge you a fee of $15 or less unless the person making the transfer pays the fee.

The fee will be taken from the amount transferred to you.

Others like banks that provide services to us to allow international payments to happen may also charge additional fees. These will also be taken from the amount transferred to you.

Offset Fee

You must pay us a monthly offset fee of $10 if your ANZ Plus Account is linked as an offset account to an ANZ Plus home loan account.

It is payable each month in advance:

  • on the day your ANZ Plus account is linked as an offset account to an ANZ Plus home loan account and
  • on the same day each month after that, if your ANZ Plus Account is still linked as an offset account to an ANZ Plus home loan account on that day.

However, if the day on which the fee is payable is a day which is the 29th, 30th or 31st of a month which doesn’t have a date – like February – it will be payable on the last day of that month instead.

The fee will be charged to your ANZ Plus Account.

It isn’t refundable.

More about fees

We can change and add fees. Read 'Things can change...'.

Other people may also apply fees and charges.

You can ask us to provide you with information about current fees.

We’ll generally debit fees on the day that they’re payable.

The only fees and charges we will charge under these T&Cs are those described in this section (or as changed from time to time in accordance with this section).

We have a range of other products and services. You may have some of those, including those which have fees and charges. Fees and charges on those other products and services (not being the Account or part of ANZ Plus) do not form part of these T&Cs.

Joint accounts

Individual and joint responsibility

Each Joint Account holder is responsible for everything about their Joint Account both on their own and together with the other Joint Account holder, and is bound by anything the other Joint Account holder does in connection with the Joint Account.


By default, a Joint Account can generally be managed by any Joint Account holder. This means each Joint Account holder is authorised to do most things in connection with the Accounts without any other Joint Account holder. For e.g., withdrawals, transfers and requests to close the Joint Account can generally be made by any Joint Account holder, not all of them.

You may ask us to change this so that the Joint Account can generally only be managed by all Joint Account holders. We'll do this as soon as we reasonably can.

Changing the management of the Joint Account in this way:

  • will restrict who can do things in relation to the Joint Account
  • may restrict transactions in and out of the Joint Account e.g., this means you may not be able to make payments using your Visa Debit Card, or via BPAY, Pay Anyone or PayTo
  • may result in the cancellation of pending or scheduled transactions and
  • may mean that all Joint Account holders have to contact a Coach or otherwise do something in order to authorise things in connection with the Joint Account.

We may also restrict a Joint Account in this way if we think it's reasonably necessary to do so. E.g., to prevent financial abuse.

Joint Visa Debit Card

Each Joint Account holder will receive a separate Visa Debit Card after they've asked for one and we have opened your Joint Account. This card can only be used to access funds in the joint ANZ Plus Account.

Joint Account holders' limits may be different

You should read 'Limits'.

If you have a Joint Account, you should speak to the other Joint Account holder to understand what their limits are. Theirs may be different to yours, and may be higher. This may increase certain payments or transactions that can be made from your Joint Account and your liability under this contract e.g. for unauthorised transactions.

You can speak to a Coach about limits - read 'How to contact us' in 'Getting in touch'.

Unauthorised transactions

We may require the affected Joint Account holder to tell us about an unauthorised transaction or a lost or stolen Visa Debit Card or phone before we act, even if the other Joint Account holder tells us.

Access to information

Each Joint Account holder may have access to information about the Joint Account and the other Joint Account holder. For e.g., where the other Joint Account holder has different payments or transactions limits across the individual accounts they have with us. You consent to this.


We may contact any Joint Account holder on behalf of all Joint Account holders, unless the law requires us to contact all of you. This includes us giving any statement or notice or other document. If we do this, all Joint Account holders are taken to have been contacted by us.

If someone dies

If a Joint Account holder dies, we can treat the balance of the Joint Accounts as belonging to any surviving Joint Account holder.

If things go wrong

Unauthorised transactions

You must contact us immediately if:

  • you become aware of a transaction on your Account that you didn't make or that you didn't agree another person could make (this is an 'unauthorised transaction').
  • you suspect someone has unauthorised access to your Account or knows your PIN or
  • your Visa Debit Card or mobile phone is misused, lost or stolen.

In some circumstances, we may be able to get back the money that was paid out of your Account without your authorisation, or we may have to pay you that money back. We won't have to if you don't contact us or if you unreasonably delay in contacting us.

You must tell us about an unauthorised transaction by using one of the contact methods listed in 'How to contact us' in 'Getting in touch', regardless of whether you have told us another way like in connection with a non-ANZ Plus product or service.

Replacing your Visa Debit Card

If your Visa Debit Card has been reported to us by you as lost or stolen, then:

  • we can provide you a replacement card if you ask us for one
  • if the card was part of a Digital Wallet, we can update the Digital Wallet with the details of the replacement card
  • if the card was not part of a Digital Wallet, you may need to receive the physical replacement card before you can add it to a Digital Wallet.

When you won’t be liable for loss

You won’t be liable for loss that arises from an unauthorised transaction if:

  • it's clear that you (or, for Joint Accounts, another Joint Account holder) didn't contribute to the loss
  • the loss happens because your Visa Debit Card or an identifier was used without requiring a PIN and you do not unreasonably delay in telling us that your Visa Debit Card was lost or stolen
  • the loss happens because of:
    - the fraud or negligence of our employees or agents, or a merchant's fraud or negligence
    - a forged, faulty, expired or cancelled Visa Debit Card, identifier or PIN
    - a transaction being debited to your Account more than once by mistake
    - a transaction requiring a Visa Debit Card or PIN that happened before you received the Visa Debit Card or set the PIN (including a reissued Visa Debit Card or PIN) or
    - an unauthorised transaction that was processed after you told us that your mobile phone or Visa Debit Card was misused, lost or stolen, or that your PIN was no longer secure.

When you'll be liable for loss

You'll be liable for a loss that arises from an unauthorised transaction when:

  • you act fraudulently
  • you don't follow our Security Guidelines
  • you leave your Visa Debit Card in an ATM
  • you take too long to tell us that:
    - your mobile phone or Visa Debit Card has been stolen, lost, or misused or
    - your PIN is no longer secure, or
    - an unauthorised transaction happens and a PIN was needed to perform the transaction.

Different rules apply to each of these, and because it's important, they're explained in more detail below.

If you report an unauthorised transaction on your Visa Debit Card, you'll only be liable for losses up to your liability under the Visa rules.

You acted fraudulently or didn't follow our Security Guidelines

If we can prove that it was more likely than not that you contributed to the loss through fraud or by not following our Security Guidelines, you'll be liable for the actual loss that arises before you tell us that:

  • your mobile phone or Visa Debit Card was misused, lost or stolen or
  • a PIN was no longer secure

except for the portion of losses that:

  • were incurred on any one day that exceeded a daily transaction limit. Read 'Limits'
  • exceeded the balance of your Account or
  • were incurred on any Account that we both agreed could not be accessed to perform a transaction using the Visa Debit Card or PIN (e.g., your ANZ Save Account)

For you to be liable for losses for a transaction which required more than one PIN (for e.g., one for the ANZ Plus App and one for your Visa Debit Card) we must:

  • prove you didn't follow the Security Guidelines for each PIN or
  • if we can't do that, prove it was more likely than not that your failure to follow the Security Guidelines was the main cause of the losses.

If we can't, you won't be liable for the losses.

You left your Visa Debit Card in an ATM

You'll be liable for a loss that arises from an unauthorised transaction that happens because you leave your Visa Debit Card in an ATM, provided that the ATM has reasonable safety standards that reduce the risk you'll leave your Visa Debit Card in it.

You unreasonably delayed telling us that your mobile phone or Visa Debit Card was misused, lost or stolen, or that your PIN was no longer secure

If we can prove that it was more likely than not that you contributed to losses resulting from an unauthorised transaction by unreasonably delaying in telling us your mobile phone or Visa Debit Card was misused, lost or stolen or that your PIN was no longer secure, you'll be liable for the actual losses that occur between when you became aware or should have been reasonably aware of these problems, and when you told us about them, except for any portion of the losses that:

  • were incurred on any one day that exceeded a daily limit. Read 'Limits'
  • exceeded the balance of your Account
  • were incurred on any Account that we both agreed could not be accessed to perform a transaction using the Visa Debit Card or PIN (e.g., your ANZ Save Account) or
  • we recover under the Visa rules when a Visa Debit Card is used.

If an unauthorised transaction happens in any other circumstances and a PIN was needed to perform the transaction

If an unauthorised transaction happens in any other circumstances and a PIN was needed to perform the transaction, you'll be liable for the lesser of:

  • $150 or any lower amount we decide
  • the balance of your Account at the time the unauthorised transaction happened or
  • the actual loss at the time you told us that your Visa Debit Card or mobile phone was lost, stolen or misused, or that a PIN was not secure, excluding that portion of the losses incurred on any one day that exceeded any limit. Read 'Limits'.

Mistaken and Misdirected Payments

If you pay the wrong person

If a Mistaken Payment or Misdirected Payment happens, tell us and we'll investigate it. We'll tell you the outcome of the investigation within 30 days.

If we think a Mistaken Payment or Misdirected Payment:

  • hasn't happened, we won't try to get your money back or
  • has happened, we'll try to get your money back.

We can't guarantee we'll be successful in trying to get your money back. This is because the Receiving Bank may not agree that a Mistaken Payment or Misdirected Payment has occurred. There are other rules which apply if we think a Mistaken Payment or Misdirected Payment has happened. We cover these in the next section.

You can complain to us if you're unhappy with how we have dealt with your report about a Mistaken Payment or Misdirected Payment. Read 'Complaints?'.

This section on 'Mistaken and Misdirected Payments' does not apply to:

  • mistaken BPAY Payments. Read ‘Problems with BPAY’ in this section for how we handle mistakes and other problems with BPAY Payments
  • payments that you have made as the result of a scam or 
  • PayTo Payments. Read the ANZ Plus PayTo T&Cs for how to handle problems with PayTo payments.

If we think a Mistaken Payment or Misdirected Payment has happened

It may not be possible to retrieve any or all of your money where:

  • we and the Receiving Bank think that a Mistaken Payment or Misdirected Payment has happened, but the balance of the recipient's account is less than the amount of the Mistaken Payment or Misdirected Payment or
  • the Receiving Bank thinks that a Mistaken Payment or Misdirected Payment has not happened.

If you tell us about a Mistaken Payment or Misdirected Payment and we think the Mistaken Payment or Misdirected Payment has happened, we'll ask the Receiving Bank to return your money. The Receiving Bank must return it to us if they agree a Mistaken Payment or Misdirected Payment has happened.

It's important you tell us quickly because different rules apply depending on how soon you tell us.

If you tell us about the Mistaken Payment or Misdirected Payment:

  • within 10 Business Days of making it and we think the Mistaken Payment or Misdirected Payment has happened we'll ask the Receiving Bank to return your money. The Receiving Bank must return it to us if they agree a Mistaken Payment or Misdirected Payment has happened and the full amount of the money is available in the account of the person who received it (we call this person the 'recipient'). If the Receiving Bank:
    - agrees that a Mistaken Payment or Misdirected Payment has happened but there isn’t enough money available in the recipient’s account, the Receiving Bank must return as much of the money as it thinks appropriate in the circumstances or
    - doesn’t agree that a Mistaken Payment or Misdirected Payment has happened they will need the recipient's consent to return your money

  • more than 10 Business Days but within 7 months of making it and we think the Mistaken Payment or Misdirected Payment has happened we'll ask the Receiving Bank to return your money. The Receiving Bank must return it if after investigating it they agree a Mistaken Payment or Misdirected Payment has happened and the full amount of the money is available in the recipient's account, unless the recipient provides some proof that they are entitled to the money. If the Receiving Bank:
    - agrees that a Mistaken Payment or Misdirected Payment has happened but there isn’t enough money available in the recipient’s account, the Receiving Bank must return as much of the money as it thinks appropriate in the circumstances unless the recipient provides some proof that they are entitled to the money or
    - doesn't agree that a Mistaken Payment or Misdirected Payment has happened, they will need the recipient's consent to return your money or

  • more than 7 months after making it and we think the Mistaken Payment or Misdirected Payment has happened we'll ask the Receiving Bank to return your money. The Receiving Bank will need the recipient's consent to do so.

If you receive a payment by mistake

You might receive money in your Account that was meant for someone else.

If this is a Mistaken Payment or a Misdirected Payment, you're the recipient and we're the Receiving Bank. The Sending Bank may ask us to return the money and if we're required to return the money:

  • we may block your access to the money or, where the balance of your Account is less than the amount of the Mistaken Payment or Misdirected Payment, as much of the money as we determine to be appropriate in the circumstances
  • you authorise us to take the money from your Account and we can do so without notice. If you're receiving income support payments from Centrelink, we'll comply with the Code of Operation when we take the money.

Problems with BPAY


When you make a BPAY Payment we'll treat it as if you have instructed us to pay the amount from your ANZ Plus Account to the biller you have identified.

If you make a mistake and pay the wrong BPAY biller and you contact us immediately, we'll try and retrieve your money but we may not be successful.

This is because the biller decides whether it will return it to us. We won't give your money back to you unless the biller returns it to us.

If you pay a biller more than you owe, you can contact the biller and ask for a refund of the overpayment. You can also raise a dispute by contacting a Coach. Read 'How to contact us' in 'Getting in touch' if you want to do this.

If you pay a biller less than you owe, you can make another BPAY Payment for the amount you still owe. If this amount is less than the biller's minimum payment, you can ask us to arrange for a reversal of the initial payment so you can then make the payment again for the correct amount.

If a biller receives a BPAY Payment by mistake or in error, this won't count as a payment by you of any amount you owe the biller.

Incorrect or failed processing

We’ll attempt to make sure that your BPAY Payments are processed promptly by the participants in BPAY Payments, including billers to whom your payments are to be made.

You must tell us immediately if you become aware of any delays or mistakes in processing your BPAY Payment.

If a BPAY Payment is made:

  • to a person or for an amount that is not in accordance with your instructions (Mistaken BPAY Payment) or
  • in accordance with a payment direction that appeared to be from you but that you didn't in fact authorise (Unauthorised BPAY Payment),

you must tell us immediately and we'll credit your Account for the amount of the BPAY Payment.

However, you agree that we can recover this money (or part of it) back from you by debiting your Account if:

  • we decide that you were responsible for a mistake that led to the BPAY Payment or you didn't follow our security requirements for giving payment directions and
  • we cannot recover the amount (or part of it) from the person who received it within 20 Business Days of attempting to do so.

We'll tell you if your BPAY Payment cannot be processed and will credit your Account for the amount of the BPAY Payment. We'll tell you how we can help you (if possible) to make the BPAY Payment again.


You must tell us immediately if you think that you have been fraudulently induced to make a BPAY Payment. If a BPAY Payment is induced by the fraud of someone involved in the BPAY scheme (like a biller) (Fraudulent BPAY Payment), you can ask that person to return your money.

You'll be liable for the loss if that person does not return your money, unless another person involved in the BPAY scheme knew of the fraud (or would have, with reasonable diligence), in which case that person must return the money to you.

Treatment of BPAY Payments

If a BPAY Payment you have made:

  • is an Unauthorised BPAY Payment, and is also a Mistaken BPAY Payment or a Fraudulent BPAY Payment, then we will treat it as an Unauthorised BPAY Payment or
  • is both a Mistaken BPAY Payment and a Fraudulent BPAY Payment, then we will treat it as a Fraudulent BPAY Payment.

It might be more difficult for us to investigate or recover the BPAY Payment if you delay telling us what happened.

You must help us investigate these types of BPAY Payments. If the biller doesn't have sufficient records to help our investigation, you may need to resolve the issue directly with them.

For an Unauthorised BPAY Payment, we may ask for your consent to obtain information from the biller about that payment. If you don't consent, the biller may not be allowed to give us the information we need to investigate or resolve the payment.

A BPAY Payment can't be reversed unless it's:

  • a Mistaken BPAY Payment
  • an Unauthorised BPAY Payment or
  • a Fraudulent BPAY Payment.

BPAY Payments won't be refunded through the BPAY scheme where you have a dispute with the biller about goods or services you have agreed to buy from them. You must resolve these disputes directly with the biller.

Your liability

If you're liable for a BPAY Payment under this 'Problems with BPAY' section and the ePayments Code applies, your liability will be limited to the lesser of:

  • the amount of the relevant BPAY Payment or
  • the limits of your liability under 'Unauthorised transactions', and we'll be liable to you for the difference between the amount for which you're liable and the amount of the relevant BPAY Payment.

You must pay us any costs we reasonably incur because of your negligence or fraud in relation to BPAY Payments.

Our liability

We'll use reasonable efforts to resolve issues in relation to your BPAY Payments in the way described in this section. Unless the law says otherwise, we won't be in breach of this contract or liable to you if, despite using reasonable efforts, you suffer loss or damage as a result of using BPAY Payments.

Stopping & Closing

Stopping access or use

The ANZ Plus App

We can suspend, block or close your access or use of the ANZ Plus App as set out in the ANZ Plus App T&Cs.

When we can block Accounts and transactions, and refuse to act on your instructions

We can block access to and use of your Account, and delay, block or refuse to act on your instructions or process transactions without telling you first, if:

  • any of the reasons that would let us close your Account applies
  • we reasonably think or suspect a transaction or instruction may be the result of fraudulent activity or a scam, be a mistake, contain material errors, or not be authorised by you.

Account blocks may apply to any one or more of your Accounts and may block:

  • transactions out of your Account only (but we may still choose to process transactions like certain direct debits) or
  • both transactions in and out of your Account.

Locking your Visa Debit Card

We can lock your Visa Debit Card if you tell us you have lost it or an unauthorised transaction has happened.

You can tell us by contacting our team for this. Read 'How to contact us' in 'Getting in touch' if you want to, or need to, do this.

We can also lock your Visa Debit Card if any of the reasons that would let us block an Account applies. We'll tell you if we lock your Visa Debit Card.

The quickest way to lock your Visa Debit Card is via the ANZ Plus App.

If your Visa Debit Card is locked, we may also block your ability to use your Visa Debit Card via your Digital Wallet.

Closing your Account

When we can close your Account

We can close your Account without telling you first if:

  • we reasonably think that you haven't complied with these T&Cs or the ANZ Plus App T&Cs in a material way and you haven’t fixed the non-compliance in a reasonable time after we ask you to do so
  • we think there is a Regulatory Risk
  • we're required to by law, court order or a direction of a regulator
  • we reasonably think an account you have with us (including a joint account with someone else and/or under any other name or brand ANZ use) is being used fraudulently or illegally
  • you are no longer eligible to have your Account
  • we reasonably think that something you told us or a confirmation that you gave us is or becomes incorrect and that is material to us
  • we reasonably think you are using any account and/or product you have with us, or using any channel provided by us, to engage in financial or other abuse, unlawful behaviour or to engage in offensive, threatening, defamatory, harassing or controlling behaviour or
  • we think it’s reasonably necessary in our legitimate business interests.

We can also close your Account if you owe us any money and haven't paid us after receiving a request from us asking you to, or the effective daily balance of your Account is $0 for 180 days or longer, and we reasonably consider that it is in our legitimate interests to do so.

We'll try to tell you before we do this.

We can close your Joint Account if all Joint Account holders don't have an individual ANZ Plus Account and ANZ Save Account e.g., if one of you closes your individual Accounts.

We can also close your Account without reason if we tell you a reasonable time before we close it.

You can ask to close your Account

You can ask us to close your Account by contacting a Coach.

To close your Account:

  • the effective daily balance of that Account must be $0
  • all transactions (including pending ones) must be complete and
  • all authorities (like direct debits) must be cancelled or stopped.

If you ask us to close your ANZ Plus Account or ANZ Save Account, you must also ask us to close all your accounts (including any Joint Accounts).

If your Account is closed

If your Account is closed:

  • we'll cancel your Visa Debit Card linked to that Account
  • you must not use your Account or your Visa Debit Card
  • we'll pay you any interest and any amount that we owe you but haven’t paid yet. However, you won’t earn bonus interest for the month in which your ANZ Save Account is closed.

You might need to give us details of another bank account that we can pay this money into unless we pay you another way, and

In some circumstances, a closed Account can be reopened or transacted on if there is a transaction after it’s closed like if you had set up a direct debit but didn’t cancel or stop it.

You're responsible for any transactions on your Account before and after it’s closed, including the amounts of any transactions and fees that are processed even though your Account is closed.

You must pay us any money you owe us (whether you owed us before your Account was closed or after) even if the amounts get added after your Account was closed.

When your Account is closed and we think that you and we have performed all of our obligations under our contract, we can tell you that our contract has ended.

Privacy & your information


As part of providing your Account, we'll collect, store, use and disclose additional information about you. Our ANZ Plus Privacy Collection Notice sets out when and how we do this.

You should read it. Some of the important things that it explains are:

  • the types of information we collect about you
  • what we use your personal information for, which includes providing our products and services to you and for marketing and analytics purposes and
  • the third parties we may share your information with (including that some third parties are located in the overseas countries).

These are the uses and disclosures most relevant to us providing your Account and the ANZ Plus App.


You should also read our Privacy Policy on the ANZ Privacy website.

It tells you more about our privacy practices, including how you can raise concerns – like if you think we have not complied with the privacy laws that apply – and how we'll respond. Privacy laws are any laws that relate to how ANZ must protect and handle an individual's personal information.


You agree that we may collect, store, use and disclose:

  • behavioural biometric information about how you use your mobile phone or other device and the ANZ Plus App (such as how you type, click, scroll and swipe) to help prevent fraud
  • sensitive information about you that you provide to us as part of verifying your identity (like a selfie photo of you or a recording of your voice) and
  • sensitive information about you that you provide when raising an issue or concern with us (such as if you tell us about a health problem you're experiencing when you make a hardship claim).

Our ANZ Plus Privacy Collection Notice explains how we collect, store, use and disclose this information in more detail. You could accept (or we could tell you about) further uses and disclosures in future, including relating to marketing.

Credit reporting

You agree that we may collect, use and disclose personal information and credit information about you to credit reporting bodies to verify your identity and assess your creditworthiness. We may ask a credit reporting body to provide us with an assessment (and may receive an assessment from them) of whether your personal information (in whole or in part) matches the personal information held by the credit reporting body. The credit reporting body may use your personal information, and the personal information of other individuals, to provide this assessment.

If you don't agree to the disclosure of your personal information and credit information for these purposes, we cannot provide you with your Account. You may instead choose to apply for a non-ANZ Plus account product in an ANZ branch and verify your identity in person (or another way as directed by ANZ). Verifying, or previous verification of, your identity in connection with a non-ANZ Plus account product does not verify your identity for the purposes of joining ANZ Plus or opening your Account.

We may also disclose personal information, including information about your other credit liabilities, repayments and defaults, to credit reporting bodies. We may also collect this information from credit reporting bodies.

Our Credit Reporting Collection Notice is available on the ANZ Privacy website. It gives more information about our credit reporting practices like:

  • what information we disclose to credit reporting bodies and why
  • the credit reporting bodies that we deal with and how to contact them and
  • how you can exercise your rights (including if you have been a victim of fraud, if you want to access or correct your credit information or how to make a complaint).

You can contact a Coach for a paper copy of our Credit Reporting Collection Notice.

You must tell us

About changes

You must tell us if you change:

  • your name by contacting a Coach using the In-App Messaging feature (read 'How to contact us' in 'Getting in touch')
  • any of your contact details by updating them in the ANZ Plus App (or by contacting a Coach using the In-App Messaging feature if this is not possible).

You must do these things regardless of whether you give us this information in any other way like in connection with another product or service that you have with us outside the ANZ Plus App.

If you have told us about changes in another way then those details (or only some of them) may also change in the ANZ Plus App. This means you should make sure your details in the ANZ Plus App are always correct.

You must provide us information we reasonably ask for to verify the change.

If we ask for information

Sometimes we might ask for more information from you – like if the AML laws require us to collect further information or if we need further information to confirm your identity, communicate with you, or provide the ANZ Plus products and services to you.

You must provide us with information we reasonably ask for (otherwise, we may block access to and use of your Account and delay, block or refuse to process transactions or close your Account).

We rely on you

We rely on what you tell us like the information you gave us and confirmations you made when you applied for your Account. We can stop transactions, block your Account or close it if we reasonably think that something you told us or a confirmation that you gave us is or becomes incorrect and that is material to us. Read 'Closing Accounts' in 'Stopping & Closing'.

Your tax residency

To comply with Australian tax law for the Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI), we need to collect your Self-Certification including all your countries of tax residency. If you are unsure of your tax residency, please check with an independent advisor, as ANZ cannot provide tax advice.

As the account holder, you confirm the information you provide is true, correct and complete. If any of your information changes, you agree to notify us within 30 days of the change occurring and to provide updated documents and information as required. You understand providing false information may constitute an offence and penalties may apply under law.

Things can change...

Changes we can make

We can make the following changes to the product or the T&Cs without your consent, any change:

  • that is beneficial to you
  • to interest rates, the method of calculation of interest or when, how often or how interest is payable
  • to add a fee or charge, or change the amount or the method of calculation of a fee or charge or when, how often or how a fee or charge is payable
  • to the name or description of any rate, account or publication
  • to ensure that the product is, or the T&Cs are, consistent with our business, communication, technological or operational systems or processes
  • to reflect changes to the features of the product or how it works
  • to, or as part of a process to, discontinue or replace a product or migrate a product to a new system, and for this purpose we may change your product to a different product with similar features to the discontinued or replaced product, or change your existing product
  • that in our reasonable opinion is needed or appropriate to protect any person (including us) from the risk of fraud or illegal activity
  • that enhances the security of our products or services
  • that is administrative or corrects a mistake, inconsistency or omission
  • to simplify these T&Cs
  • that reflects current industry or market practice or conditions or that we reasonably think is appropriate in light of changes to community standards or expectations in respect of bank or environmental, social and governance practices
  • to comply with, or reduce the risk of non-compliance with any law or decision, recommendation, regulatory guidance or standard of any court, tribunal, regulator, ombudsman service or similar
  • that in our reasonable opinion is reasonably needed to prudently manage a material credit, operational or compliance risk or
  • that is reasonably necessary to protect our legitimate business interests.

We'll tell you about a change:

  • to the interest rate no later than the day we make the change
  • to the name or description of any rate, account or publication no later than the day we make the change
  • that adds or changes a government fee or charge - no later than the day of the change (unless the government tells you or publicises the change instead)
  • we reasonably consider is unfavourable to you, like adding a fee or charge, increasing the amount of a fee, or charge or changing the method we use to calculate interest – a reasonable time before we make the change (which will be at least 30 days). We may give you less notice if it is reasonably necessary to manage a material and immediate risk or
  • that we reasonably consider reduces your obligations, or has a positive or neutral effect on you – a reasonable time before we make the change (which will be no later than the day we make the change).

We don't have to tell you about a change to the T&Cs before we make it where we think the change is needed to immediately restore or maintain the security of our banking processes and systems, your Account or the ANZ Plus App. We'll tell you about these changes after we make them.

We'll tell you in one of the ways set out in 'How we'll contact you' in 'Getting in touch'.

Changes to the ANZ Plus App & its terms

We can also change the ANZ Plus App at any time as set out in the App T&Cs and we can change the ANZ Plus App T&Cs too.

Don't like a change?

You have a right to close your Account if you don't like a change we make. Read 'Closing Accounts' in 'Stopping & Closing'.

Getting in touch

How to contact us

The best way to reach us is by contacting a Coach via the ANZ Plus App, or if you don’t have access to the ANZ Plus App, by checking out the ANZ Plus website. Coaches are available 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday, Melbourne time, excluding national public holidays.

You can also contact us on +61 (03) 4050 9272 if both your Visa Debit Card and phone are lost or stolen.

Read 'Complaints?' for additional ways to contact us to give feedback or make complaints.

How we'll contact you

We may contact you and tell you about things like changes to interest rates or fees by:

  • making notifications or sending messages in the ANZ Plus App (in which case, you're taken to have received it the day we send it or make it available on the ANZ Plus App)
  • mobile phone, email, text or push notification (in which case, you're taken to have received it on the day we send the notification to your mobile number, email address or via the ANZ Plus App) or
  • sending you a letter (in which case, you're taken to have received it on the seventh day after we mail the letter).

You agree that we can do this.

We may introduce new features in the ANZ Plus App that let us contact you and tell you about things in different ways. We'll let you know if we change how we use the ANZ Plus App to tell you about things if we're required to by law. Generally, we will rely on the information you give us via the ANZ Plus App to contact you, so you must keep it up to date. However, if you have given us information (like a change to your contact details) another way, such as through another product or service you have with us outside the ANZ Plus App, we may rely on those details to contact you. This means you should make sure, and should regularly check, that your details in the ANZ Plus App are correct.


We'll generally give you statements for your Account monthly, by making them available to view and download in the ANZ Plus App.

You can ask for a statement more frequently by contacting a Coach.

You must check your statements carefully. Contact us immediately if you have any queries about something in a statement – this is important because there are time limits for disputing transactions, and you may be liable if you delay or don't contact us.

Read 'If things go wrong' for important information about this.


We want your feedback 

While we strive to get things right and present accurate information in the ANZ Plus App, we can’t guarantee its accuracy or that the ANZ Plus App will work perfectly all the time. Neither ANZ nor any of its group companies makes any representation or warranty regarding the completeness or accuracy of the information on or accessible via the ANZ Plus app.

If you have a complaint, please contact us first and we'll try to fix the problem. You may nominate another person (including another Joint Account holder) to make enquiries about a complaint on your behalf.

Information about ways to make a complaint can be found on the ANZ Plus App and the ANZ Plus website.

These include:

  • contacting a Coach using the In-App Messaging feature
  • completing an online form on the ANZ Plus website

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority (or AFCA) provides fair and independent financial services complaint resolution that is free to consumers. If an issue isn't resolved to your satisfaction, you can lodge a complaint with them:



Telephone: 1800 931 678 (free call)

In writing to: Australian Financial Complaints Authority, GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001

Other terms


The ANZ Plus App has features that use transaction data to provide you with insights. They’re for general informational purposes only and are not intended to be financial, accounting or other professional advice, so you should check them, because they may or may not be right.

Scam Safe

The ANZ Plus App may have features that aim to help protect you against scam activity, but the features have limitations and can’t always protect you from scammers. This means it’s also your responsibility to protect your money by ensuring transactions you make are legitimate. If it doesn’t seem right, it probably isn’t, and we may not be able to recover losses as a result of scam activity.


The ANZ Plus App has features where we may predict things like upcoming payments or how much you might spend or save if something happens. They're just predictions so you should check them, because they may or may not be right.


Sometimes the law or an authority requires us to take money or to reduce an amount we would otherwise pay into your Account and pay it as directed by that law or authority like:

  • government fees and charges
  • garnishee or freezing orders (where someone you owe money gets a judgment against you and we're required to pay) or
  • reductions from interest for withholding tax (for example the tax law requires us to withhold tax if we don't have your TFN or you are not an Australian tax resident). The need to withhold tax from interest is based on the information you provide to us (or for Joint Accounts, you and the other Joint Account holder). You don't have to give us your TFN or TFN exemption, but if you (or the other Joint Account holder) choose not to, we are required to withhold tax from the interest we pay at the applicable rate determined by the tax law.

We'll use the tax file number you give us via the ANZ Plus App in accordance with tax laws. The laws that allow us to request, collect, and use this information are referred to on the ANZ Privacy website. 

If you have already provided us with your tax file number (e.g. because you have other products with us), we may update your details with ANZ Plus to include this information. This means you should make sure your tax file number in the ANZ Plus App is always correct.

If we reasonably think we're required to, we'll take the money from an Account or from an amount we owe you and pay it as we think we're required to. We'll tell you if we do this by including it in your statement.

Owe us money?

The law gives us rights if you owe us money and don't pay us when you're required to.

You agree that we can also:

  • stop transactions, block your Account or close it
  • Setoff or combine accounts. Read 'Setoff and combining accounts' in this section and
  • take legal action to get you to pay.

Unless the law requires us to, we can do this without telling you.

Setoff and combining accounts

If you owe us money or we otherwise think it's reasonably necessary in our legitimate business interests to do so, we can:

  • use the money in your Account or from another account you have with us to pay any amounts you owe us (including amounts you owe us with someone else) like a loan, credit card or overdrawn account and
  • combine your Account with any other accounts you have with us (including a joint account with someone else and/or under any other name or brand ANZ use).

We won't do these things if it would breach the terms of the other account you have with us.

Unless the law or Banking Code of Practice requires us to, we can do this without telling you.


Your rights in relation to your Account, under the T&Cs and our contract are personal to you. This means that you cannot, without first getting our consent, transfer or assign these rights to someone else, or otherwise allow someone else to benefit from these rights.

We can assign, transfer, or otherwise allow someone else to benefit from our rights in relation to the Account, under the T&Cs or our contract without telling you and without first getting your consent. You can't claim any right of set-off or other rights against any person we transfer or assign our rights to or any other person who otherwise benefits from our rights.

ePayments Code and the Banking Code of Practice

We'll comply with the ePayments Code and are bound by the Banking Code of Practice. Relevant provisions of the Banking Code of Practice apply to your Account.


We're a member of the BPAY scheme. If we make BPAY Payments available on your account we can make payments on your behalf to billers, and we may also be a biller under the BPAY scheme.

We’ll tell you if we’re no longer a member of the BPAY scheme.

Financial abuse and inappropriate behaviour

Bank accounts are no place for financial or other types of abuse and using them to do so can have serious impacts. You must not use your Account or the ANZ Plus App to engage in financial or other abuse, unlawful behaviour or to engage in offensive, threatening, defamatory, harassing or controlling behaviour. If you do you may be warned and we may take other action, including closing your Account. Read ‘Closing Accounts’ in ‘Stopping and Closing’.

If you are experiencing financial abuse and would like to discuss your options with us, you can contact us using one of the contact methods listed in 'How to contact us' in 'Getting in touch'. We also provide information about financial abuse on

Who you’re acting for

You agree that you're acting on your own behalf, unless:

  • you have told us you're a trustee or are acting on behalf of someone else or
  • your Account is a Joint Account, in which case you're also acting on behalf of all Joint Account holders.


You provide us a standing authority to open a new account in your name to enable any transaction on your Account requested by your attorney. We will use this authority when:

  • you have appointed an attorney under a power of attorney who is authorised to deal with your Account; and
  • we don’t have another suitable account that can be used for this purpose.

This section also applies if a court has appointed a person (or people) or some other body to be your representative with authority to deal with your Account.

Financial Claims Scheme

You may be entitled to payment under the Federal Government’s Financial Claims Scheme. Payments under the Financial Claims Scheme are subject to a limit for each depositor. Information about the Financial Claims Scheme can be obtained from

The law that governs our contract

The law of Victoria governs the T&Cs and our contract.

You agree that any court with official power to make legal decisions and judgements in Victoria can hear proceedings in relation to our contract.

What some words mean

Words that have a special meaning

Some words have a special meaning when they're used in the T&Cs:

Account is an account you have with us to which these T&Cs apply (including any Joint Account).

AML laws is any Australian or foreign law that relates to money laundering and counter-terrorism or sanctions.

ANZ is us! We're Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ABN 11 005 357 522) Australian Financial Services Licence Number 234527. We are the issuer of your Accounts.

ANZ Plus is a digital banking platform provided by ANZ.

ANZ Plus Privacy Collection Notice is the document by that name which can be found on the ANZ Plus website.

ANZ Plus App is the software we make available to you through which you can access, use and manage your Account.

ANZ Plus App T&Cs is the document by that name which can be found on the ANZ Plus website.

ANZ Plus PayTo T&Cs is the document by that name which can be found on the ANZ Plus website.

ANZ Plus website is the ‘ANZ Plus’ part of our website, or other website we tell you.

ANZ Privacy website means or other website we tell you.

Australian Cheque is a cheque that is issued by an Australian bank, from an Australian branch, in Australian dollars.

Banking Code of Practice is the relevant version of the code with that name published by the Australian Banking Association that applies to us (or, if it's replaced, it means its replacement).

BPAY is the bill payment scheme service provided by BPAY Pty Ltd.

BPAY Payment is a payment made via the BPAY Payments service (excluding Osko ®) provided by BPAY.

Business Day is a day that isn't a Saturday, a Sunday or an Australian national public holiday.

Coach is an ANZ Plus Coach. Read 'How to contact us' in 'Getting in touch'.

Code of Operation is the ‘Code of Operation: Recovery of Debts from Customer Nominated Bank Accounts in receipt of Services Australia income support payments or Department of Veterans’ Affairs payments’ published by Services Australia (or, if it's replaced, it means its replacement).

Credit Reporting Collection Notice is the credit reporting notice available on the ANZ Privacy website.

Cryptocurrency Transaction means a payment we reasonably believe is being made to a person or organisation offering cryptocurrency exchange services based on information available to us at the time.

Digital Wallet is a mobile application that allows details of your Visa Debit Card to be added so that the application can be used in place of the physical card.

Eligible Card Transaction means a transaction we classify as a Visa Debit Card or Digital Wallet transaction based on information available to us. This will generally exclude other types of transactions, like direct debits, Pay Anyone payments, BPAY Payments and ATM withdrawals.

ePayments Code is the relevant version of the code with that name published by ASIC that applies to us (or, if it's replaced, it means its replacement).

Funds is the amount shown, from time to time, as ‘Funds’ for your Account in the ANZ Plus App. There may be other words before ‘Funds’ - for e.g., ‘Everyday Funds’ for your ANZ Plus Account.

Joint Account is an Account you have with us to which these T&Cs apply that you hold with another person(s).

Misdirected Payment is a payment processed using a PayID where money is transferred to an account of an unintended recipient because the PayID wasn't correctly created or maintained by the recipient's financial institution.

Mistaken Payment is a Pay Anyone payment processed using a BSB and account number or PayID that does not belong to the intended recipient as a result of your error, or the recipient advising you of the wrong BSB and account number or PayID details.

a month is calendar month like Jan, Feb or Mar.

NPP is the New Payments Platform, incorporating Osko®, PayID and PayTo.

Osko® is the Osko® payment service provided by BPAY Pty Ltd using the NPP.

Pay Anyone is a way to make a payment from your Account to another account using the BSB and account number or PayID of the recipient.

PayID is a smart address used to send and receive payments through the NPP instead of using a BSB and account number.

PayTo means the service which allows us to process payments through the NPP from your Account on the terms set out in a PayTo Payment Agreement.

PayTo Payment Agreement means an agreement between you and an approved payee under PayTo, where you authorise us to make payments from your Account.

PayTo Payment means a payment made under a PayTo Payment Agreement.

PIN is a personal identification number or other password or code that may be required to authenticate a payment like your Visa Debit Card PIN or ANZ Plus App Access PIN.

Policies are our anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism and sanctions policies, and can change from time to time. E.g. the policies require that we generally don't enter into or remain involved in transactions that have any connection to certain countries or regions or have any connection with some sectors of the economy in some jurisdictions. A summary of our Policies is available on

Privacy Policy is the document by that name which can be found on the ANZ Privacy website.

Receiving Bank is a bank who has subscribed to the ePayments Code, or which receives payments processed through the NPP.

Regulatory Risk refers to a circumstance where we reasonably consider or suspect that keeping your Account open or processing a transaction may cause us to break any law or regulation, involve a Sanctioned Person, involve the proceeds of unlawful conduct or be inconsistent with or prohibited by our Policies.

Sanctioned Person is a person (natural, corporate or governmental) that is itself sanctioned or is connected to any person that is sanctioned under economic and trade sanctions imposed by the United Nations, the European Union or any country.

Sending Bank is a bank who has subscribed to the ePayments Code, or which sends payments to be processed through the NPP.

Visa Debit Card is a physical or digital card we issue you which is linked to your ANZ Plus Account.

We / us / our is us! We're ANZ.

You is you! You're the holder of your Account. Unless the context otherwise requires, it means you individually and you jointly with any person with whom you hold a Joint Account and any authorised user of your Account.