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Foreign exchange calculator

Use the ANZ foreign exchange calculator, an enhanced currency converter, to view today’s FX rates, convert currencies and any likely fee(s) associated with your transaction.

I want to

I would like to do this via

To this destination country/region

In this currency

Current exchange rate:
AUD 1.00 = USD 0.6083.
Refer to the breakdown for details of fees, total amount payable and estimated beneficiary amount.


International Money Transfers are available up to AUD 100,000

Rate / Fee TypeAmount
Exchange rate:0.6083
The breakdown (AUD)
ANZ transfer feeSuperscript: 1:9.00
Estimated correspondent feeSuperscript: 2:0.00
Total estimated feesSuperscript: 3:9.00
Total amount payable:109.00
Estimated beneficiary amountSuperscript: 4
60.83 USD

Foreign cash transactions must be completed using an ANZ Transaction Account or ANZ Credit Card only.

Transfer money overseas

International Money Transfers are available up to AUD 100,000

Rate / Fee TypeAmount
Exchange rate:0.6083
The breakdown (AUD)
ANZ transfer feeSuperscript: 1:9.00
Estimated correspondent feeSuperscript: 2:0.00
Total estimated feesSuperscript: 3:9.00
Total amount payable:109.00
Estimated beneficiary amountSuperscript: 4
60.83 USD

Real-time rates and lower fees available via ANZ Internet Banking. Limits apply.Superscript: 5

The calculator is illustrative only and does not constitute a quote. The calculator uses an indicative exchange rate that is current as at 26 March 2025 but is subject to change. Exchange rates include a margin. The calculator may not reflect the exchange rate that applies to International Money Transfers sent or received over AUD100,000.

1. $0 ANZ transfer fee if sent in AUD from an AUD account to Kiribati (Internet Banking only).


2. Correspondent fee is a reasonable estimate of the fee(s) charged by correspondent bank(s) to send an International Money Transfer. The fee data is sourced from SWIFT. Actual fee charged may be different.


3. Total estimated fees is the sum of the ANZ transfer fee and any correspondent fee that may be charged to send an International Money Transfer. Additional fees and charges may apply if using an ANZ Credit Card to pay for an International Money Transfer.


4. This is an estimate of the amount received by the beneficiary. The beneficiary's bank may charge the beneficiary fee(s) for receipt of payment.


5. Daily International Money Transfer limits for ANZ Internet Banking and Internet Banking for Business are the same as your Pay Anyone limits. No daily International Money Transfer limit applies if using ANZ Phone Banking.

Terms and conditions, fees and charges apply. Please refer to International Money Transfer Terms and Conditions and  ANZ Personal Banking General Fees and Charges (PDF 116kB). For more information on International Money Transfers please see the International Money Transfer page.
