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ANZ Home Loan Protection

ANZ Home Loan Protection is optional insurance that can pay your ANZ Home Loan and help maintain your home lifestyle – when you can't due to unexpected unemployment, illness, injury and more.

We no longer offer this insurance product to new customers. However, if you're an existing ANZ Home Loan Protection or ANZ Mortgage Protection Insurance customer you can still make a claim or read below to consider if this insurance is still right for you.

What's covered


  • A one-off payment that pays your ANZ home loan if you pass away or are diagnosed with a terminal illness with less than 12 months to live.

Injury, illness and involuntary unemployment

  • Your monthly ANZ home loan repayments for up to 18 months, if you can't work because of illness or injury.
  • Your monthly ANZ home loan repayments for up to 90 days, if you become involuntarily unemployed.

Life, injury, illness and involuntary unemployment

  • A one-off payment that pays your ANZ home loan if you pass away or are diagnosed with a terminal illness with less than 12 months to live.
  • Your monthly ANZ home loan repayments for up to 18 months, if you can't work because of illness or injury.
  • Your monthly ANZ home loan repayments for up to 90 days, if you become involuntarily unemployed.

A 30-day waiting period applies for each claim after the claim event date if you are either ill or involuntarily unemployed.

What's not covered

  • For any illness, injury or condition that is subject to a medical consultation in the 12 months before your policy starts, and this leads directly or indirectly to your death or disablement after your policy starts
  • For death caused by suicide in the first 13 months of any cover
  • If you’re involuntarily unemployed for the first 90 days after the policy start date
  • For any illness in the first 30 days after the policy start date
  • If you work less than 20 hours in paid employment per week
  • If you resign or retire from your job, take voluntary redundancy, your employment contract expires, or your employment is terminated because you commit wilful misconduct or take part in a strike or labour disturbance
  • For any condition that results from using alcohol or drugs (except where the drugs are taken as prescribed by a medical practitioner)

Are you an ANZ Mortgage Protection Insurance customer?

We no longer offer this insurance product to new customers however if you're an existing policy holder you remain covered by this insurance. Check out the ANZ Mortgage Protection Product Disclosure Statement and Policy Document (PDF) for information about the product including what you're covered for.

If you need to make a claim or have any questions about your policy call us on on 1300 552 253 weekdays 8am to 5pm (Sydney/Melbourne time).

Home loan protection common questions and guides

Your premium is calculated monthly, based on a few factors including age, single or joint cover, cover type selected, loan amount and monthly loan repayment, as well as government charges and stamp duty.

You pay your premium monthly in advance by direct debit from a bank account or credit card.

How to make a complaint, compliment or provide feedback

We value your feedback regarding our performance and we’re committed to resolving any concerns you may have. 

Talk to us

Our customer service team is your first point of contact for any enquiries, raising concerns or providing feedback. Our contact details are below. We will do our best to resolve your concerns genuinely, promptly, fairly and consistently, and keep you informed of the progress.

If you are not satisfied with the response to your complaint or feedback, your concerns will be escalated to our Complaints Resolution Centre.

Call us

13 16 14

Mon - Thur, 8.30am - 7pm (Sydney/Melbourne time)
Fri, 8.30am - 5.30pm (Sydney/Melbourne time)

Email us

Write to us

Complaints Resolution Centre
GPO Box 7086
Sydney, NSW, 2001


External dispute resolution

If your concerns have not been resolved to your satisfaction, you can lodge a complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) who provides fair and independent financial services complaint resolution that is free to consumers. 

Time limits may apply to complain to AFCA and so you should act promptly or otherwise consult the AFCA website to find out if or when the time limit relevant to your circumstances expires. The AFCA contact details are:


1800 931 678 on weekdays (except on public holidays) from 9am to 5pm (AEST)


Write to   

Australian Financial Complaints Authority
GPO Box 3
Melbourne, Victoria, 3001

Visit online


Make a claim

We know making an insurance claim comes at an extremely stressful time, so we've made the process as easy as possible. With support available over the phone from our local claims centre, we're here when you need us most.

Mon - Thur, 8.30am - 7pm (Sydney/Melbourne time) Fri, 8.30am - 5.30pm (Sydney/Melbourne time)

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This information was published on 1 December 2023 and is subject to change.

ANZ Home Loan Protection is issued by Zurich Australia Limited ABN 92 000 010 195 AFSL 232510. Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) ABN 11 005 357 522 distributed this product. We recommend that you read the ANZ Financial Services Guide (PDF) and the ANZ Home Loan Protection Product Disclosure Statement and Policy Document (PDF) (available online or by calling 13 16 14) before deciding whether to continue to hold this product.

ANZ Mortgage Protection is issued by Zurich Australia Limited ABN 92 000 010 195 AFSL 232510 for the Life Benefit and QBE Insurance (Australia) Ltd (QBE) (ABN 78 003 191 035, AFSL 239 545) for the Disability Benefit and the Involuntary Unemployment Benefit. Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) ABN 11 005 357 522 distributed this product. We recommend that you read the ANZ Financial Services Guide (PDF) and the ANZ Mortgage Protection Product Disclosure Statement and Policy Document (PDF) (available online or by calling 13 16 14) before deciding whether to continue to hold this product.

Although Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) (ABN 11 005 357 522 AFSL 234527) distributes these products, ANZ does not guarantee or stand behind the issuers or their products.

This information is of a general nature and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the information, you should consider whether the information is appropriate for you having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs.

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