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Home building and contents insurance

The unexpected happens, so when it comes to protecting the things you love, ANZ Home Insurance has got you covered. 

Cover includes:

How to get a quote

ANZ Home Insurance Product Disclosure Statement (PDF)

ANZ Home Insurance Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement (SPDS) (PDF) - For new policies commencing from 2 February 2025 (inclusive) or policies renewing from 16 March 2025 (inclusive).

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ANZ home, landlord and car insurance is proudly underwritten by CGU, part of Insurance Australia Group (IAG), Australia's largest insurer protecting half a million homes and over one million motor vehicles today. 

Why choose ANZ Home Insurance?

Safety Net included

If the cost to repair or rebuild your home is higher than your building sum insured, the Safety Net will cover up to an extra 25% on top of your building sum insured.Superscript: 1

Cover for natural disasters

Cover for loss or damage to your home and contents caused by flood, bushfires, storm and other natural disasters.Superscript: 3

Accidental damage cover

Includes cover for accidental damage to buildings, fixtures and your belongings from unintended and unexpected accidents around your home.Superscript: 2

Pay your way

You can choose to pay fortnightly, monthly or annually at no extra cost.

What is ANZ Home Insurance?

Choose from building only, contents only or combined cover.

ANZ Home Insurance covers the cost of repairing or rebuilding your home building and contents following an insured event up to the insured amount or the limits set out in the policy.

This includes cover for natural disasters, such as a bushfire, flood, earthquake or storm, as well as theft and vandalism. It also includes automatic accidental damage cover.

What's included

Key benefits

  Building & Contents Building only Contents only
Safety Net – up to an extra 25% on top of your building sum insured if your home needs to be rebuilt or repairedSuperscript: 1
Cover for flood, bushfire and other natural disastersSuperscript: 3
Accidental damage cover for building and contentsSuperscript: 2
Temporary AccommodationSuperscript: 4
Cover for electrical motor burnoutSuperscript: 5
Cover for liabilitySuperscript: 6
Safety Net – up to an extra 25% on top of your building sum insured if your home needs to be rebuilt or repairedSuperscript: 1
Building & Contents
Building only
Contents only
Cover for flood, bushfire and other natural disastersSuperscript: 3
Building & Contents
Building only
Contents only
Accidental damage cover for building and contentsSuperscript: 2
Building & Contents
Building only
Contents only
Temporary AccommodationSuperscript: 4
Building & Contents
Building only
Contents only
Cover for electrical motor burnoutSuperscript: 5
Building & Contents
Building only
Contents only
Cover for liabilitySuperscript: 6
Building & Contents
Building only
Contents only

Optional benefits

  Building & Contents Building only Contents only
Portable contents – cover away from your homeSuperscript: 7  
Valuable contents – inside your homeSuperscript: 8
Portable contents – cover away from your homeSuperscript: 7
Building & Contents
Building only 
Contents only
Valuable contents – inside your homeSuperscript: 8
Building & Contents
Building only
Contents only

What's not included

Some things ANZ Home Insurance doesn't cover or include:

  • Actions of the sea, like sea waves, high tides and king tides.Superscript: 3
  • Damage by your animals, or animals you allow into your home.
  • Damage caused by water leaking or escaping from a shower recess or shower base. CGU also doesn't cover the costs to repair or replace the item that the liquid leaked or escaped from.
  • Electric motors over 15 years after they were made or any motors covered by a warranty or used in your business.Superscript: 5
  • Portable items with scratches and dents or items being cleaned or repaired.Superscript: 7
  • ANZ no longer offers Full Building Replacement. You are now covered up to your building sum insured. However, also included with your cover is up to an extra 25% Safety Net in addition to the building sum insured to cover the extra reasonable costs to repair or rebuild your home.

View CGU policy documents

Refer to these important policy documents for full details including limits, conditions and exclusions and to decide if this product is right for you.

Get a quote

Before getting started

Step 1: Be prepared

To help speed up the process, be prepared to answer questions about your contents like:

  • what type of items you require cover for
  • details about the home

Also think about if you will want optional benefits like:

  • portable contents cover or
  • valuable contents cover

Step 2: Tailor your cover

Tailor your policy to suit your needs by adding any optional benefits you require. You will need to check that:

  • the sums insured are enough to help rebuild your home or, 
  • replace your contents

A calculator is available from the Insurance Council of Australia to help you determine your sums insured. Superscript: 9

Get started

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Go to ANZ Internet Banking

Existing ANZ Internet Banking customers can get a quote by:

  • Logging in to your Internet Banking
  • Navigating to the 'Products and Offers' tab

If you are an ANZ customer and not already registered with ANZ Internet Banking, click here to check your eligibility and register for Internet Banking.

Call us or visit a branch

To get a quote, apply or for general enquiries:

Call us on 13 16 14 Mon-Fri 8.00am to 8.00pm (Sydney/Melbourne time)

Book an appointment or find an ANZ branch near you.

New to ANZ?

Get a quote online

If you’re new to ANZ, or not registered with ANZ Internet Banking, you can get a quote online.

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Contents insurance

Illustration for Home and contents insurance

ANZ Home Insurance with contents cover for renters:

  • Cover to help replace your belongings against theft, accidental loss and damage.

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Landlord insurance

Illustration for land insurance

ANZ Landlord Insurance has a range of cover available for your rental property:

  • Building only
  • Contents only
  • Building and Contents combined

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Car insurance

Illustration for car insurance

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  • Comprehensive
  • Third Party Fire and Theft
  • Third Party Property Damage

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Your questions answered

Home and contents insurance FAQs

Home and contents insurance is made up of two parts – home building insurance, which covers the building you live in and non-removable fixtures in case of damage or natural disasterSuperscript: 3, and contents insurance, which helps cover your contents in case they are damaged or stolenSuperscript: 10

The building insurance part of your ANZ home building and contents insurance covers the cost of repairing or rebuilding your home up to your sum insured plus up to a 25% safety net in the event that building repairs to your home exceed the sum insured.Superscript: 1

This includes cover for your main dwelling and any domestic outbuildings like sheds or granny flats against floods, bushfires and storms, and cover for professional and rebuilding fees such as the reasonable costs of employing an architect, engineer or surveyor.Superscript: 11

For the contents section of your home and contents insurance, you can add optional benefits that can help ensure your items are covered from accidental loss or damage wherever you are.

With ANZ contents cover, you don't need to get each of your contents insured individually; depending on the value, they may be covered as contents under your nominated insured amount. However, you would need to individually insure any portable content items that you take outside your home if you wanted cover away from home, and would need to increase your valuables cover if any category of valuable from works of art, jewellery and watches or collections exceeds $2,500.

Under your ANZ home building insurance, you are able to claim the cost of repairing or rebuilding your home if it is damaged after an insured event such as accidental glass breakage, theft or attempted theft, vandalism or natural events, such as a bushfire, flood, cyclone, earthquake or storm.Superscript: 3

Under your contents insurance, you are able to claim destroyed, damaged or stolen personal items. These could include:Superscript: 10

  • clothes and accessories
  • kitchen appliances
  • furniture or furnishings that are not built in
  • medical items and hearing aids
  • media bought online, such as music, software and videos
  • artworks, and
  • rugs and antiques

Under ANZ contents insurance, additional cover can also be taken out under your policy for each group of valuables from jewellery and watches, works of art or collections that exceeds $2,500, and portable contents cover that provides coverage for your items whilst they are outside of your home.Superscript: 7

 Your ANZ home and contents policy also includes legal liability cover.

If you are renting, your landlord is responsible for insuring the building and any contents at the property that are owned by your landlord, such as the carpet, curtains or blinds. However, your personal belongings are not covered by your landlord's insurance, and if you want cover to protect these items, you will need to take out your own contents insurance cover.

Renters can take out a contents insurance policy exactly the same way as a homeowner, and can have coverage for all their household items such as electronics, kitchen appliances, furniture, medical items, clothing and accessories.

If you want cover for your contents whilst you're out of the house, such as your mobile phone, bag or laptop in the case of theft or accidental damage, you can add the 'portable contents' optional benefit to your ANZ contents insurance policy. This can cover your items anywhere you need to go, whether it's to work, on public transport or on an overseas holidaySuperscript: 7.

In most cases, you'll need to contribute an amount towards the cost of approved claims. This is known as your 'excess', and you may increase the amount of excess you would like to pay to reduce your premiums.

Types of excess you might need to pay include the standard excess and an imposed excess.

Find all the important policy documents for ANZ Home Insurance, all in one place..

Making a home and contents insurance claim can come at an extremely stressful time. With 24/7 claims lodgement over the phone, help is with you when you need it most.

To make a claim, call 13 16 14. Make sure you have your policy number handy.

Call 13 16 14

Want more information on making a claim? Read our article, How to make a home and contents insurance claim.

Your feedback regarding our performance is valued greatly. ANZ and CGU are committed to resolving any concerns you may have.

The customer service team is your first point of contact for any enquiries, raising concerns or providing feedback. They will do their best to resolve your concerns genuinely, promptly, fairly and consistently, and keep you informed of the progress.

If you wish to lodge a complaint or provide feedback, please visit the Complaints Resolution Centre.

Tips and Guides

Contact us

Call us

Call 13 16 14  

Visit us in person

Get a quote or apply by visiting your nearest ANZ branch

Find a location or specialist

Make a claim

Make sure to have your policy number handy.

To make a claim, ANZ Internet Banking customers with a CGU policy can make a claim by logging in to your Internet Banking and navigating to the ‘Products and Offers’ tab from your top menu or call 13 16 14.

Visit our claims page for more information.

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This information was published on 31st Jan 2025 and is subject to change.

ANZ Home Insurance is issued by Insurance Australia Limited (ABN 11 000 016 722, AFSL 227681) trading as CGU Insurance and distributed by ANZ under its own license. ANZ recommends that you read the ANZ Financial Services Guide (PDF), ANZ Home Building Key Facts Sheet (PDF), ANZ Home Contents Key Facts Sheet (PDF), ANZ Home Insurance Target Market Determination (PDF), ANZ Home Insurance Premium, Excess and Discounts Guide (PDF), ANZ Home Insurance Product Disclosure Statement (PDF) and for new policies commencing from 2 February 2025 (inclusive) or policies renewing from 16 March 2025 (inclusive) ANZ Home Insurance Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement (SPDS) (PDF) (available online or by calling 13 16 14), before deciding whether to acquire, or to continue to hold, this product.

ANZ Landlord Insurance is issued by Insurance Australia Limited (ABN 11 000 016 722, AFSL 227681) trading as CGU Insurance and distributed by ANZ under its own license. ANZ recommends that you read the ANZ Financial Services Guide (PDF), ANZ Landlord Insurance Target Market Determination (PDF), ANZ Landlord Insurance Premium, Excess and Discounts Guide (PDF) and ANZ Landlord Insurance Product Disclosure Statement (PDF) (available online or by calling 13 16 14) before deciding whether to acquire, or to continue to hold, this product.

ANZ Car Insurance is issued by Insurance Australia Limited (ABN 11 000 016 722, AFSL 227681) trading as CGU Insurance and distributed by ANZ under its own license. ANZ recommends that you read the ANZ Financial Services Guide (PDF), ANZ Car Insurance Target Market Determination (PDF), ANZ Car Insurance Premium, Excess and Discounts Guide (PDF) and ANZ Car Insurance Product Disclosure Statement (PDF) (available online or by calling 13 16 14) before deciding whether to acquire, or to continue to hold, this product.

Although Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) (ABN 11 005 357 522 AFSL 234527) distributes these products, ANZ does not guarantee or stand behind the issuers or their products.

This information is of a general nature and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the information, you should consider whether the information is appropriate for you having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs.

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1. Up to an extra 25% on top of your building sum insured (known as Safety Net) if your home needs to be rebuilt or repaired as a result of an incident CGU has agreed to cover and the cost to repair or rebuild your home is higher than the building sum insured.


2. CGU will cover your home if you have building insurance and your general contents and valuable contents if you have contents insurance for loss or damage caused by accident. You are only insured for contents when they are inside your home except as specifically provided for under any additional benefits or optional benefits you are entitled to.


3. CGU doesn't cover actions of the sea: like sea actions caused by normal tidal movements like high tides and king tides. Refer to the ANZ Home Insurance Product Disclosure Statement (PDF) and for new policies commencing from 2 February 2025 (inclusive) or policies renewing from 16 March 2025 (inclusive) ANZ Home Insurance Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement (SPDS) (PDF) for a full list of conditions, embargoes, limits and exclusions that apply.


4. If you're renting the home, CGU cover the reasonable extra rent costs for temporary accommodation. If you own and live in your home, CGU cover the reasonable costs of temporary accommodation. As long as you were living in the damaged home permanently before the incident, CGU cover up to 20% in addition to your building sum insured for up to 2 years for temporary accommodation for you and your pets, if your home suffers loss or damage and is unlivable from an insured event. You should seek CGU's agreement before incurring any out-of-pocket expenses to ensure you will be able to claim those costs back on your policy. If you do not obtain CGU's agreement first, CGU will only pay reasonable costs up to the amount CGU would have agreed to pay had you obtained CGU's prior agreement.


5. CGU can cover electrical motors for up to 15 years after they were made, provided they are not covered by a warranty or used for a business, trade or profession.


6. Cover applies if the incident happens at your home (under building or contents insurance).


7. If you have the Portable contents optional benefit, portable contents are covered for loss, theft and accidental damage. CGU cover up to $10,000 for each item unless you list it separately for more. There are other limits for items taken outside Australia or New Zealand, refer to the ANZ Home Insurance Product Disclosure Statement (PDF) and for new policies commencing from 2 February 2025 (inclusive) or policies renewing from 16 March 2025 (inclusive) (PDF) ANZ Home Insurance Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement (SPDS) (PDF) for a full list of conditions, limits and exclusions that apply. CGU don't cover scratches and dents, or items being cleaned or repaired. CGU don't cover fishing equipment, sporting equipment, drones, musical instruments or firearms while they're in use. CGU don't cover bicycles while they're being used in a competitive race or time trial.


8. Valuable contents – Jewellery and watches, works of art and collections are covered as part of your general contents, however the cover is limited to $2,500 in total for all items in each of these categories. 


9. These calculators are an approximate guide only and you still need to check that the sum insured is appropriate for you.


10. Limits and exclusions apply, please read the ANZ Home Insurance Product Disclosure Statement – issued by CGU Insurance for more detail.


11. You should seek CGU's agreement before incurring any out-of pocket expenses to ensure you will be able to claim those costs back on your policy. If you do not obtain CGU's agreement first, CGU will only pay reasonable costs up to the amount CGU would have agreed to pay had you obtained CGU's prior agreement.
