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ANZ has announced a reduction to some of its variable home loan interest rates in Australia. ANZ may not automatically reduce existing direct loan payments for customers on P&I repayments. Learn more

Manage your home loan repayments

Understanding how to manage your home loan repayments can assist you in making the most of your ANZ home loan.

The information on this page does not apply to ANZ Plus products

How to make repayments

Repayments can be made by:

Change the frequency of your repayments

Want a different repayment frequency that suits your needs better? Depending on your loan type, you may be able to choose between weekly, fortnightly or monthly repayments via ANZ Internet Banking. If you're not using Internet Banking, then contact us and we'll help you make the change. 

Depending on your circumstances, switching from monthly to fortnightly or weekly repayments could help reduce your total interest charges.

Set up or modify your Direct Loan Payments

Direct Loan Payments are an easy way to set up recurring payments to your linked ANZ loan accounts. Want to set up Direct Loan Payments in ANZ Internet Banking? There are two ways to do this: 

Bank Managed

This method of payment is managed by ANZ and will automatically increase if the minimum required loan payment amount increases. ANZ will not decrease your payment if the minimum required repayment decreases.

It can be set up and managed in ANZ Internet Banking and will have to be set up with a linked ANZ account.

Customer Managed

This method of payment is managed by the customer but won't automatically update if the minimum loan payment amount increases.

It can also be set up and managed in ANZ Internet Banking and will have to be set up with a linked ANZ account.

To add or modify a Direct Loan Payment:

  • Log on to ANZ Internet Banking and select your loan account.
  • Select 'Create or Manage Direct Loan Payments'.

Read our detailed guide about setting up or making changes to your Direct Loan Payments.

It's important to keep up repayments

By law ANZ must share certain credit information as part of Comprehensive Credit Reporting with Australian credit reporting bodies that relate to any personal lending products you have with ANZ; including credit cards, personal loans, home loans and overdrafts. This information now includes your repayment history, including when you make payments on time and when you are late.

It's important to stay on top of your home loan and make repayments on time. If you do, it will appear favourably on your credit report. You can find helpful information that could help you navigate rising interest rates and stay on top of changing home loan repayments at Manage your loan.

Concerned about your repayments?

Costs of living impact everyone in different ways, which can at times include the ability to make home loan repayments. If you find yourself worrying about your next repayment, then depending on your situation we may have ways to help you, which could include restructuring your loan or working out a payment plan to better manage it.

Learn more

Connect with our home loan specialists or apply

Need to speak to a specialist?

Provide us with your details and one of our home loan specialists will get in touch. They can discuss issues including:

  • Applying for a home loan
  • Managing your existing loan
  • Refinancing your home loan
  • Interest rate enquiry

As well as any other home loan queries you may have.

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Call back time is 1-3 business days.

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Quick start application

Begin your home loan application journey by providing details about:

  • You
  • Your financial situation
  • The loan you're applying for

One of our home loan specialists will then be in touch to progress with your application.

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Call back time is 1-3 business days.

Apply online


Call us

Monday - Friday 8am to 7pm (Sydney/Melbourne time)

1800 100 641 


Any advice does not take into account your personal needs and financial circumstances and you should consider whether it is appropriate for you. ANZ recommends you read the Terms and Conditions and Product Disclosure Statement, which are available at or by calling 13 13 14, before deciding whether to acquire, or continue to hold, the product.

1. ANZ Mobile Lenders operate as an independently operated ANZ Mortgage Solutions franchise of Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) ABN 11 005 357 522. Australian Credit Licence Number 234527.
