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What is redraw?

ANZ Redraw could let you access extra payments you’ve made to an eligible loan when you need to.disclaimer You can easily access your redraw funds via ANZ Internet Banking and other convenient ways.

Requirements for redraw

Before you can redraw, you'll need to

  • Have an eligible loan account 
  • Satisfy all the conditions for ANZ Redrawdisclaimer, including:
    • your loan must be fully drawn
    • your loan must not be paid out
    • if your loan is guaranteed, the guarantors have consented in writing to ANZ Redraw (applicable to Letters of Offer issued prior to 9 February 2008)
    • there is no current event of default in relation to your loan
    • Be registered for ANZ Redraw. You must register for ANZ Redraw if your loan application was submitted prior to 9 February 2008. For more details on how to register click here

For more details on ANZ Redraw please refer to the ANZ Consumer Lending Terms and Conditions (PDF).

How does a redraw facility work?

Here’s an example.

  • Say the minimum monthly repayment on your home loan is $1,000.
  • You decide to pay an extra $100 a month – adding up to $1,200 in extra repayments in one year. These extra repayments have decreased your loan balance by $1,200. 
  • While you have an available redraw balance, this will also reduce the amount of interest costs payable each month as compared to the interest costs payable were you not to have an available redraw balance.
  • This extra $1,200 may be available for you to redraw at a later date, should you meet the relevant eligibility criteria.
  • If you want to redraw these extra funds, you can make a redraw request and the funds will be placed into an ANZ transaction account for you to use as you wish.
  • If you redraw $500 from the extra $1,200 in repayments you’ve previously made, this will:
    • Reduce your available redraw balance to $700;
    • Increase your loan balance by $500; and
    • Increase the monthly interest costs of your loan (although you would still be paying less interest costs than if you had no available redraw balance).

Important Note:

When you close out your loan, you will no longer have the ability to redraw the extra repayments you’ve previously made. This is because the extra repayments will be factored in to the calculation of paying off your loan balance.

For example, if your loan amount was $200,000, and you had $50,000 in redraw, your current loan balance would be $150,000. The amount required to pay off your loan would be $150,000, with the $50,000 redraw amount paying off the remainder of the outstanding loan amount. Whereas, if you were to redraw the $50,000 prior to closing out your loan, you would be required to pay $200,000 in full to pay off the loan in this scenario.

How to redraw the money

You can complete a redraw using any of the options below.


Log in to ANZ Internet Banking

Look for the 'Redraw loan' link in your Account Overview page

Log in to ANZ Internet Banking

Submit a redraw request form

Complete and return the request form via email, mail or fax

Download request form (PDF)

Call us

Monday to Friday
8am – 7pm (Sydney/Melbourne Time)

1800 077 070

Eligible loans for ANZ Redraw

The following loans are eligible for ANZ Redraw:

  • ANZ Standard Variable Home Loans
  • ANZ Simplicity PLUS Home Loans
  • ANZ Fixed Home Loans (in a variable rate period)
  • ANZ Standard Variable Residential Land Loans 
  • ANZ Standard Variable Residential Investment Loans
  • ANZ Simplicity PLUS Residential Investment Loans
  • ANZ Fixed Residential Investment Loans (in a variable rate period)
  • ANZ Standard Variable Residential Investment Land Loans
  • ANZ Fixed Interest-in-Advance Residential Investment Loans (in a variable rate period)  

When ANZ Redraw is not available

ANZ redraw is not available in the following cases:

  • If you have previously defaulted during the loan term.
  • During the fixed rate period of an ANZ home loan or Residential Investment Loan, or on home loans in a company name.
  • Certain early or additional repayments are not available to be withdrawn, including payments made on a home loan or residential investment loan:
    • prior to 24 November 1997
    • prior to the commencement of the fixed rate period
    • during the fixed rate period that commenced before 8 July 2013
    • during a construction or progressively drawn down period on a loan
    • payments made on a particular day, until after the end of that day (or, if that day is a non-business day, until after the end of the next business day).

Frequently asked questions

There is currently no minimum redraw amount for eligible ANZ home loans and Residential Investment Loans.

An approved redraw request completed via ANZ Internet Banking on a business day will generally be in your ANZ transaction account the same day.

If your redraw request is processed over the phone, it may take up to two business days to transfer to your ANZ transaction account.

Money from a redraw can only be deposited to an ANZ account that’s linked to your ANZ Internet Banking. If you’re asking for a redraw over the phone, you may also get a cheque issued instead.

To find out more about redraw visit ANZ Redraw or please call the ANZ Mortgage Redraw team on 1800 077 070 between Monday and Friday 8.00am – 7.00pm Sydney/Melbourne Time.

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The information on this page does not take into account your personal needs and financial circumstances and you should consider whether it is appropriate for you and read the relevant terms and conditionsProduct Disclosure Statement and the ANZ Financial Services Guide (PDF) before acquiring any product. 

Applications for credit subject to approval. Terms and conditions available on application. Fees and charges apply. Australian credit licence number 234527.

Terms and Conditions and eligibility criteria apply to ANZ Redraw. ANZ Redraw is not available on loans in a company name. For further information on ANZ Redraw please refer to the ANZ Consumer Lending Terms and Conditions (PDF).
