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Include your savings goals

What’s more powerful than setting a savings goal? It’s putting that goal into your budget. Even though your budget may only allow for a few dollars and loose change to be put aside as savings, by carving out a spot for it, your goals will be set as a priority. This can help you stay steadfast to achieve them.

How to approach savings goals

When it comes to saving, it’s best to think in multiple streams: short, medium and long-term.

Short term

Little items that are just a bit out of your current budget (e.g. new appliances, a new bike or local getaways).

Medium term

Taking a bit more time or a bit more sacrifice (e.g. a new car, holiday, wedding or an emergency fund).

Long term

These are the big costs that can take years to achieve (e.g. buying a home or retirement).

Add your goals to your budget

Within your budget, allocate dollar amounts that help you spread your savings across these streams. Saving regularly towards a variety of goals could help you achieve more – and once you reach one target, you can start putting that money towards your other goals.

If you’ve got a head full of goals but no focused plan to achieve them, then you might want to hop on over to our Savings section to get your goals aligned before you bring it back to your budget. Otherwise, you’re ready to create your budget.

The information set out above is general in nature and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the information, you should consider whether the information is appropriate for you having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. By providing this information ANZ does not intend to provide any financial advice or other advice or recommendations. You should seek independent financial, legal, tax and other relevant advice having regard to your particular circumstances.
