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About Financial Wellbeing

Your guide to getting started in life

Financial Wellbeing Coach

2024-09-03 00:00

Estimated reading time
4 min

Learn all about

  • Your options for life after high school: study, travel or start working or all three – the world is your oyster
  • Moving out of home and how it requires some careful thinking
  • Finding a job and working to earn cash or bulk up your CV
  • The low down on big banking terms so you can create healthy money habits

Young people have to consider a whole lot of things when entering the ‘adult’ world. 

Things you don’t really learn about in school. Should you go to university or go travelling after high school? Do you need to move out of home straight away? Where does your rental bond money even go? And how can you find a job with no experience?

While the answers to each of these questions (and others) are different for each person, we’re here to support you as best as we can with the basics, so you can reach your adulting goals with helpful strategies and tools.

Leaving high school

Finishing Year 12 is a pretty sweet accomplishment. But in the lead-up to freedom, you’re going to have to ask what’s next? The world is your oyster, and there are plenty of post-school pathways you could take – each with their own costs and considerations involved.

You could do more study so you can hop, skip and jump your way into your preferred job. Or you could pack your bags to explore this great big world of ours. Or maybe you might start working to get some real-world experience and money.

Whatever you decide to do, ANZ is here to give you the confidence and important financial info you need to fund your next step.

Read more about 3 ways to get started after Year 12

Finding a job

Working is a great way to get some life-long experience under your belt (and extra cash in your back pocket). The best part is there are plenty of work options you can explore, no matter how much experience you have. You could check out online job boards, do some work experience, or even volunteer for your favourite charity (did someone say puppies?).

If you’re not sure where to start, don’t fret. We’ve got some handy tips to help get you on the right path – from getting your tax sorted, to the job searching itself.

Read more about “How to land your first 'real' job"

Moving out of home

Moving out of home is one of the biggest steps a young person can take. Whether you’re moving closer to uni or waiting until you have some money in the bank, there are ways you can be financially savvy about this big step.

Think about how you can be a smart saver and spender – can you make a budget so you can pay your rent and have some fun money left over? How can you fairly divvy up the bills with your housemates or partner? What can you do to save up some rent before you move in?

To get started, check out the ANZ renting checklist – it can help you start thinking about all the important things that can come up during the moving out process.

Read more about how much it costs to move out of home

Banking 101

Whether you love it or not, banking is part of everyday life. And it’s important that you understand the basics of everyday banking so that you can fully enjoy adulthood. Learning the banking basics can also put you on a path to being more financially savvy.

Now is a good time to start thinking about your new favourite adult phrase – financial wellbeing. Getting your money-life sorted now by budgeting, being a smart saver and savvy spender, will pay off in the long-term. And that’s something that’s truly priceless.

Read more about what you need to know about banking

Your guide to getting started in life
Financial Wellbeing Coach

What are your adulting goals?

We all have goals we want to achieve – so what are yours? Our smart dream board can help you work out how much you’ll need to save for each of your goals (and when to save them by!).

Start goal-setting today (PDF)



The information set out above is general in nature and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the information, you should consider whether the information is appropriate for you having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. By providing this information ANZ does not intend to provide any financial advice or other advice or recommendations. You should seek independent financial, legal, tax and other relevant advice having regard to your particular circumstances.
