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Tips and guides on youth and money

When it comes to forming good money habits and managing a healthy relationship with money, generally, the younger we start, the better. Parents, young adults and children alike could benefit from the tips and guides here.


How kids can make money

Melbourne mum of 3 shares her personal thoughts and ideas on teaching kids to make their own money.


Student banking

Simple banking, because studying is hard enough.


First job

Congratulations! You have landed your first job, which means your first pay is probably on the way too!


10 ways to teach your kids about money

Don't be surprised (or annoyed) if your kids, especially the younger ones, have zero idea how money works. They rarely see physical money change hands for everyday transactions. We are living in the digital age, after all.



How to teach kids and teens about money management

Teaching your kids and teens about money management can help set them up for life.

We may provide you with links to general articles and tools that may help you but any advice does not take into account your objectives, personal needs and financial circumstances and does not constitute financial advice or a recommendation. Before considering if any product is right for you, you should take into account your personal needs and financial circumstances and consider whether it is appropriate for you. 
