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ANZ Term Deposit

Enjoy the security of a fixed rate of interest over the investment term of your client's choice.


Features and benefits

Fixed returns

With a minimum investment of $5,000 customers can enjoy the certainty of fixed returns over their investment term. Investments of $100,000 or more may be subject to different rates.Superscript: 1

Earn competitive interest

Grow your customer's cash with the security of a fixed interest rateSuperscript: 1over a chosen term. Please refer to your Business Development or relationship manager for current interest rates.

No account service feeSuperscript: 2

No monthly service fee.

Choice of terms and payments

Your client is locking their money away for a set period. Choice of investment terms from one month to 5 years. Choose to have interest paid monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually. Early withdrawal may incur fees and charges.Superscript: 3

How does it work?


Make some choices

You'll need to choose how much you're going to invest, for how long, how often you want to receive your interest payments and what will happen at the end of the term. 


Earn interest 

Receive interest payments when and how you selected. You can view and change where you receive your interest payments using ANZ Internet Banking.


End of term

At the end of the term we'll pay out the balance of your term deposit or roll it over. Superscript: 4


Easy to track, highly visible

Secure digital banking tools for visibility of your accounts, makes tracking your interest easier.

ANZ Internet Banking

ANZ Internet Banking

Use Internet Banking to check your term deposit balance, interest paid to date and more.

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Make the everyday a little bit easier and do your banking on the go.Superscript: 5 Just four digits and you're logged in and ready to check the balance of your term deposit. 

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Security information

Government Deposit GuaranteeSuperscript: 6

Some extra peace of mind for banking in Australia. Deposits of up to $250,000 with ANZ can be covered by the Australian Government’s Financial Claims Scheme.  This means that this money is guaranteed if anything happens to ANZ.

Your questions answered...

Term deposits explained

A term deposit is a saving account where:

  1. Your money is invested over a fixed period of time. This is known as the ‘term’ and will generally last somewhere between 1 month to 5 years.
  2. Interest rates are locked in for your chosen term and will not change.
  3. Usually the money invested cannot be withdrawn unless you make a special request.  If you need your money before the end of the term, you will usually have to pay an administration fee and the rate of interest which you would have earned will be reduced.  Depending on the type of the term deposit, you may need to provide 31 days’ notice in advance before withdrawing.

The minimum investment amount for an ANZ Term Deposit and ANZ Advance Notice Term Deposit is $5,000.

Depending on the investment term, interest payment frequency can be monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually or at maturity. Please check the ANZ Savings and Transaction Product Terms and Conditions (PDF 746kB) for details.

Withdraw funds early

The early withdrawal or transfer of your funds will incur an interest reduction, and an administration fee is applicable. See ANZ Savings and Transaction Product Terms and Conditions (PDF 746kB) for more information about ANZ’s fees and charges. 

You may only make a partial withdrawal of funds from a term deposit account if the amount remaining after the withdrawal would be at least $5,000.

ANZ Term Deposits are suitable for customers who do not have a foreseeable need to access their funds prior to maturity.

If you make an early withdrawal from a term deposit account, an administration fee is applicable and we will reduce the interest in respect of the withdrawn funds in the manner described in ANZ Savings and Transaction Product Terms and Conditions (PDF 746kB). Any funds you leave in the account will continue to earn interest at the interest rate originally agreed, if the amount remaining after the withdrawal would be at least $5,000.

However, if you are facing hardship, you will need to call ANZ’s dedicated Hardship team (1800 092 536 between 9am and 6pm AEST, Monday to Friday) to discuss your situation and options.

Term deposit matures

Rollover instructions are required at account opening and you have a choice to rollover your ANZ Term Deposit or disburse your funds at maturity. 

Your instructions can be changed at any time prior to maturity or during the 7 day “grace period” following the maturity date.

On maturity of your term deposit, ANZ will act on your instructions to either to have your funds paid to you, or to reinvest those funds in another ANZ Term Deposit.  If you’ve instructed us to reinvest your funds, you can change those instructions any time up until the end of the 7 day period commencing on the first day after the maturity date of your existing term deposit. This is referred to as the “grace period”, and applies only to term deposits opened as a result of a rollover or re-investment of funds from a maturing term deposit (i.e. does not apply to new term deposit accounts).

During the grace period, you can elect to have all or any portion of your term deposit, as well as any unpaid interest, paid to you. Alternatively, you can change the amount you want to reinvest, the length of the investment term for those funds, or the frequency of interest payments for the new ANZ Term Deposit.

Any advice does not take into account your personal needs and financial circumstances and you should consider whether it is appropriate for you. ANZ recommends you read the ANZ Savings and Transaction Product Terms and Conditions (PDF 746kB) and the Financial Services Guide (PDF 104kB) before deciding whether to acquire, or continue to hold, the product. Fees, charges and eligibility criteria apply.

The information set out above is general in nature and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives financial situation or needs.  By providing this information ANZ does not intend to provide any financial advice or other advice or recommendations.  You should seek independent financial, legal, tax and other relevant advice having regard to your particular circumstances.

1. Different interest rates apply to different investment amounts, terms and interest frequencies. Early withdrawal fees may apply. Rates are subject to change. For current interest rates, please contact Adviser Services. 


3. If you withdraw funds before the maturity date of a term deposit, an administration fee of $30 will be charged and the account will incur an interest reduction in respect of the money withdrawn or transferred early. Other fees and charges may apply. Please refer to ANZ Personal Banking Account Fees and Charges (PDF 112kB) and ANZ Savings and Transaction Product Terms and Conditions (PDF 746kB) for details.


4. At the end of the term, if you have not told us what you want to do with your funds (that is, by nominating to pay the funds into an eligible ANZ account or by bank cheque, or to reinvest), or if you have told us to reinvest your funds, we will reinvest into a new ANZ Term Deposit for the same term but at the interest rate applicable at the time of reinvestment. This interest rate may be lower or higher than the interest rate on your maturing ANZ Term Deposit. You can contact us at maturity or within the 7 day grace period (following reinvestment) of your ANZ Term Deposit to confirm interest rates that will apply upon reinvestment.


5. The ANZ App is provided by Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) ABN 11 005 357 522. Super and Insurance (if available) are not provided by ANZ but entities which are not banks. ANZ does not guarantee them. This information is general in nature only and does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. ANZ recommends that you read the ANZ App Terms and Conditions available at and consider if this service is appropriate to you prior to making a decision to acquire or use the ANZ App.


6. The guarantee applies to the total balance held in one or more ANZ deposit accounts by each legal entity, up to a maximum amount of A$250,000. For further information please refer to the Financial Claims Scheme.
