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2022 Reconciliation Action Plan Progress Report

2023-01-23 11:56

In December ANZ released its 2022 Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Progress Report.

ANZ’s fifth RAP commenced in October 2021 and it outlines the actions we will take over three years to contribute to a reconciled Australia. This is our roadmap, defining ANZ’s commitment to the social and economic participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and to respecting the world’s oldest continuous culture.

This Progress Report provides detailed information on how ANZ have performed against 17 actions outlined in our RAP between 1 October 2021 and 30 September 2022. We made strong progress on our commitments, delivering on 99 per cent that fell due in this period.

Highlights of our 2022 performance include:


As we enter our second year of the RAP we remain committed to delivering on our targets and to holding ourselves to account.

The Inclusion Australia team invests in a diverse and inclusive workforce, creating employment opportunities for under-represented groups and attracting, developing and fostering new talent to ANZ.

2022 Reconciliation Action Plan Progress Report

