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Are you a financial wellbeing?

Brand Expert, ANZ Brand Strategy and Marketing

2022-05-05 13:32

By sharing relatable habits – big and small – that everyday Australians can adopt, we hope to help people make smarter decisions with money.” - Robert Bonomy, ANZ Brand Strategy and Marketing.

There’s something about buying an item on sale I find truly exciting.

The thrill of searching through sale items, rack after rack.

The relief of finding that item I’ve been eyeing forever, in my size but haven’t purchased because it’s not within my budget.

And the glory of stepping up to the counter knowing it’s further reduced and the purchase was finally meant to be!

Now, I’ll admit I don’t get the same feelings when I’m updating my budget spreadsheet or paying bills. But I am getting better with my money by having a plan that keeps me on track with my spending and helps me save for longer term goals.

That’s what makes me a Financial Wellbeing.

So what is a Financial Wellbeing?

We all know at least one person who is just good with money.

They might take leftovers for lunch each day. Their house is full of stylish bargains they bought at a fraction of the price you’d expect. They have a budget and they stick to it.

At ANZ we want to make becoming a Financial Wellbeing feel attainable regardless of your current thoughts and behaviours about money.


Nanjeong Oh, Branch Manager at ANZ Rhodes in New South Wales, explains it’s the little things that make a real difference towards becoming a Financial Wellbeing.

“Taking care of your financial wellbeing is just as important as looking after your physical and mental health and it’s never too late to start,” Nanjeong says.

“Most people know what it takes to maintain a healthy lifestyle - like eating healthy food, exercising and sleeping well. But we often don’t think about how we become financially healthy.”

“I encourage my customers to do things like look at monthly subscriptions and expenses, work out what can be cut, make plans to pay off debt faster and set up short and long-term saving goals.”

And there is nothing like a budget to keep things on track.

“One of the most important steps to become savvy with money is making a budget. It means constantly thinking about how much is coming in, what your ongoing monthly expenses are and working towards your goals,” Nanjeong says.

What’s your Financial Wellbeing Score?

Your Financial Wellbeing score is a measure of how comfortably you’re able to meet your current commitments and whether you can continue to do this in the future. By checking your Financial Wellbeing Score you can understand where you’re at and create habits to help manage your money.

One of us

ANZ’s latest brand campaign celebrates Financial Wellbeings. Regardless of where customers are in their financial wellbeing journey we’re committed to helping them take the next step.


By sharing relatable habits – big and small – that everyday Australians can adopt, we hope to help people make smarter decisions with money.

So, if you get excited by budget spreadsheets, love the thrill of a bargain, or just want to be better with money – you’re one of us! And if you’re not, we’ll help you become one.

Are you a financial wellbeing?
Robert Bonomy
Brand Expert, ANZ Brand Strategy and Marketing
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