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ANZ CoreLogic housing affordability report 2021-1

2021-11-26 14:25

The ANZ CoreLogic Housing Affordability Report is a guide to the main trends and drivers of housing affordability across Australia.


From the end of September 2020, through to the end of March 2022, Australian home values underwent an extraordinary upswing. During this period, the national CoreLogic Home Value Index increased 27.8 per cent. Across Australian capital cities and broad ‘rest-of-state’ regions, increases in the index ranged from gains of 14.7 per cent across regional Northern Territory dwelling values to 42.4 per cent in regional NSW.

CoreLogic rent values have also significantly grown following a small decline at the national level  coinciding with the onset of COVID-19. Between August 2020 and March 2022, the CoreLogic Rental Value Index increased 13.8 per cent with advertised rents now around 13 per cent higher than they were prior to the pandemic.

While the upswing in rents and property values has generated increases in wealth and investment returns for many property owners, it has created greater affordability challenges for those who are renting, and those looking to purchase their first home.

You can download a copy of the full report via the link below.


ANZ CoreLogic housing affordability report 2021-1

