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Inside ANZ

Working from home: Michelle Jablko

Chief Financial Officer, ANZ

2020-09-28 18:28

ANZ Chief Financial Officer Michelle Jablko is used to crunching big numbers and fronting up to major investor briefings but since the COVID-19 pandemic took over Melbourne, things have looked a little different – including the bank’s most recent half-year result.

In this new series, we step into the homes and offices of the bank’s executives to learn more about the person behind the desk. Michelle shares some of her favourite keepsakes as well as a good way to work through any stresses of the day.

I'm not the best selfie taker (unlike CEO Shayne Elliott who is known for them!) but here you can see my desk as well as some new grey hairs sneaking through – they are trickier to hide since hairdressers closed in Melbourne’s lockdown. You might also be able to spot the well-loved 1989 Casio calculator on my desk which is being held together by Band-Aids.

Treasured family moments

I look at this collection of photos on my bookshelf every day. They include my daughter and son when they were babies, me and my husband, and my mum with me as a baby (my son in the next photo is the spitting image of me!). There’s also a photo booth shot from my daughter's Bat Mitzvah - I actually fell and broke my wrist a few minutes after this happy photo was taken!


Vintage gaming

On the shelf below my photos is my husband’s original PACMAN game which I think might be even older than my Casio calculator - around 1983. While he doesn’t play it anymore he has passed on his love of gaming to the next generation.


Modern gaming and digi school

Much like my husband, my son also has his own collection of gaming consoles including this PlayStation 4. Like many students in Victoria, he (and his sister) are currently undergoing remote learning (aka digi school!) so he’ll occasionally come in to play on the PS4 at the end of his school day.


Stress relief

This final item is infamous in the finance department at ANZ - my punching bag! It’s set up in our home gym and is a welcome relief after a day of working from home! The weights also provide a great work out.


Michelle Jablko is Chief Financial Officer at ANZ

Working from home: Michelle Jablko
Michelle Jablko
Chief Financial Officer, ANZ

