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ANZ CoreLogic housing affordability report 2020

2020-07-20 14:25

The ANZ CoreLogic Housing Affordability Report is a guide to the trends and main drivers of housing affordability across Australia.

Housing is a fundamental human requirement, providing both shelter and security. The focus of housing affordability is often on home buyers; prices, interest rates, deposits. However, COVID-19 has hit the rental market harder than the buyers’ market, with a combination of falling demand and rising supply.

Home ownership is not for everyone - but secure housing is. Whether it is to buy or rent, access to housing at an affordable price is a necessity. With an increasing share of Australians renting their home, it is imperative we also look at rental metrics when thinking about housing affordability, and for that we need regular, reliable data.

The analysis provided here by ANZ and CoreLogic is designed to inform the discussion around policies that aim to improve affordability. Over time, this report will track changes in affordability for home owners, aspirational buyers and renters.

You can download a copy of the full report via the link below.


ANZ CoreLogic housing affordability report 2020
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