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Behind-the-scenes of a socially distant result

Editorial Producer, bluenotes

2020-04-30 12:45

Banking results season is a big deal in the financial services industry.

It gives investment analysts an opportunity to get in a room with CEOs and CFOs and assess both the financials and body language. Journalists take their opportunity to ask hard-hitting questions and maybe organise a photoshoot for the newspapers. The opportunity to quietly network with key figures on all sides of the market is invaluable.

But what happens if social distancing measures mean none of this can happen as it normally does?

At ANZ, announcing our half-year results while maintaining social distancing measures meant a switch to online webcasts, executive interviews via video-link and lots of people collaborating from home. Essential staff in attendance passed through thermal scanners when entering ANZ’s locked-down headquarters.

So why do it at all? As a publicly listed company on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), ANZ is required to publish half year and full year results just as it is required to put out an audited annual report and hold an annual meeting under the Corporations Law.

The bank places high importance on engaging as deeply as possible with its owners – investors – and providers of funding and the results (together with subsequent meetings) are normally the best opportunity to build those relationships.

Take a look through the images below to see how we did things differently.

ANZ CEO Shayne Elliott, CFO Michelle Jablko and CRO Kevin Corbally conduct interviews with bluenotes Managing Editor Andrew Cornell via video-link. Andrew organised his own set up from his home study. 





ANZ CEO Shayne Elliott and CFO Michelle Jablko dial into the analyst briefing webcast to discuss the financials and answer questions.




The team set up remote controlled camera equipment to host the webcast and maintain social distancing.




Protective hygiene items were available for the essential staff in attendance.




Photos for this article were provided by Jun Sawa. You can find more of his work here

Jemma Wight is Production Editor at ANZ

Behind-the-scenes of a socially distant result
Jemma Wight
Editorial Producer, bluenotes

