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Turning pumpkins into carriages of gold

2019-03-20 10:00

“Most people are not generally interested in pumpkin seeds, but when they taste ours, yeah, they absolutely love it.” Sharan

The Styrian is a special type of pumpkin. Its seeds don’t have shells. So they’re perfect for eating and oil.

In Australia, the only commercial growers are Sharan and Jay West Rivett, the husband and wife team behind the Australian Pumpkin Seeds Company.

For more than 15 years, Sharan and Jay have been developing their business – they now grow, manufacture, produce and distribute pumpkin seeds, oil and flours across Australia.

“We’re famous for pumpkin seed oil, which is a delicacy in Slovenia,” Jay explained.

“My dad was from Slovenia, so I’m a third generation Pumpkin Seed farmer,” Sharan adds.  

“Most people are not generally interested in pumpkin seeds but when they taste ours, yeah, they absolutely love it,” Sharan said.

It probably helps that one of the seven flavours they offer is chocolate-coated.


Turning pumpkins into carriages of gold

