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ANZ-CoreLogic Housing Affordability Report 2019


Updated: November 2019 

The ANZ-CoreLogic Housing Affordability Report is a guide to the trends and main drivers of housing affordability across Australia.

Housing affordability is a key focus for policy makers, and has become increasingly so over the past few years. While the recent decline in housing prices has helped to lift many measures of affordability more recently, improving conditions across the income spectrum and tenure models requires governments, the private and not-for-profit sectors to work together, and for that we need regular, reliable data.

The analysis provided here by ANZ and CoreLogic is designed to inform the discussion around policies that aim to improve affordability. Over time, this report will track changes in affordability for home owners, aspirational buyers and renters.

You can download a copy of the full report via the link below.


Updated: November 2019 

ANZ-CoreLogic Housing Affordability Report 2019
/content/dam/anzcomau/news/articles/2019/November/HousingAffordability_landing page.JPG

