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"This is Not A Job Interview" with Fiona Mackenzie

2023-08-02 22:00

She is the head of New Zealand’s largest KiwiSaver scheme provider, overseeing the investments of more than 600,000 people. But who is ANZ Investments’ Fiona Mackenzie? What does she wish she could tell her 20-year-old self?  What surprised her about working on Wall Street? And what is the secret to her slightly famous chilli scrambled eggs? Join us as we visit Fiona at home.


#LongtermInvestor -  That is how Fiona Mackenzie would describe herself.

“Persistent, hard-working and empathetic” would be some other descriptions she’d use.

She leads a team that manages over 33 billion dollars on behalf of ANZ Investments. But Fiona didn’t always plan to work in finance.

Initially she wanted to become a lawyer, studying at Otago University. “I think it helped me become a lot less shy.

But after doing some summer work for a law firm I realised that was just not my future.” She added a Commerce degree and eventually headed to Wall Street.

“I would tell my 20-year-old self to relax, it will all turn out alright in the end. And in the meantime, don’t turn down amazing opportunities.”

What surprised her most about her time on Wall Street? “What surprised me was how human everyone is. I made a lot of amazing friends, and I am still in touch with a lot of them now.”

Over twenty years later what is a motto she lives by? “Controlling the controllables and not worrying about what I can’t control.”

And finally, what is the secret to her chilli scrambled eggs? Crumbing the feta into the eggs before you beat them.

"This is Not A Job Interview" with Fiona Mackenzie
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