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ANZ Bank widens support for customers affected by flooding

Published on 2 February 2023

ANZ Bank New Zealand (ANZ NZ) has widened the support on offer for customers affected by the extreme weather events in the North Island over the past week.

Ben Kelleher, ANZ Managing Director of Personal Banking, said the bank had been reaching out to customers over the last few days to understand their needs.

“With the wild weather starting to subside, and a massive clean-up effort underway, many customers are in need of some short-term financial support to help them get back on their feet.

“We’ve also been working closely with our insurance partners to ensure our customers are clear on how they can submit a claim.”

Mr Kelleher said many customers would need financial support sooner than their insurance companies could assess and pay their claims.

“We’re prepared to help find the right support for our customers in need. To enable our team to provide support faster, we’ve simplified some of our processes for things like temporary overdrafts for customers with insurance, and for those applying for a KiwiSaver significant hardship withdrawal for amounts up to $5000.”

Mr Kelleher said any customers who were facing some financial strain shouldn’t hesitate to contact the bank.

“In addition to the above, there are a range of other ways we could help, such as restructuring their loan repayments, or an urgent credit card limit increase.

“We’re also able to offer customers in hardship the ability to break Term Deposits early.”

More information about the support available can be found on our website.

For media enquiries contact Kristy Martin 021531402

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ANZ Bank widens support for customers affected by flooding
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