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ANZ offers flood assistance package for Nelson – Tasman businesses

Published on 19 August 2022

ANZ Bank New Zealand (ANZ NZ) today announced an assistance package for businesses affected by the recent extreme weather events in the Nelson – Tasman region.

Lorraine Mapu, ANZ NZ Managing Director of Business, said the community was facing serious damage and disruption as it deals with ongoing heavy rain and flooding.

“Our thoughts are with the Nelson-Tasman community as it grapples with this severe weather event,” Ms Mapu said.

“We know those farms and businesses impacted by flooding will be focused on repairing damage and ensuring their livestock are safe.

“We’re offering targeted assistance to take some of the financial pressure off so people can focus on the urgent matters at hand.”

The options available for those affected, subject to approval, are:

  • Applying for short-term funding to assist them to cope financially with unexpected costs arising from extreme weather;
  • Suspending or reduce loan principal repayments;
  • Where the customer meets hardship circumstances, waiving notice period requirements and removal of any interest rate recovery costs associated with early access of Term Deposit funds.
  • Waiving fees associated with restructuring business loans considered necessary due to impacts of extreme weather;
  • Waiving fees for term finance and investments which have the potential to improve performance and the ability to respond to climatic variation in future years.

Business customers impacted by flooding should speak to their Relationship Manager to discuss the impact on their business and their funding requirements.

The assistance package takes effect from 19 August 2022.

For media enquiries contact Briar McCormack on 021 2801173.

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ANZ offers flood assistance package for Nelson – Tasman businesses