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NZ Business

Red, Orange, Green – what does it mean?

2021-12-01 08:46

On Friday 3 December 2021 New Zealand moved to the new Covid-19 Protection Framework and entered the Traffic Light System. So what does this mean for how ANZ New Zealand operates?

The first priority for us under the framework is the safety of our staff, customers and the public.

Given our size and many customers it’s critical for the functioning of the economy that the bank continues to operate efficiently and well.

We also need to meet our legislative and regulatory requirements, and for our staff, we want to create a collaborative work culture and environment.

What does this mean for customers and visitors to our buildings?

Our branch network staff will be dealing with members of the public at all levels under the Traffic Light System.

While not officially deemed an ‘essential service’ by the Government, our branch network is still the banking outlet of choice for some customers. As such, we do not require people entering branches to provide proof of vaccination. 

Additional measures to minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission in our branches will remain in place.

  • Under both red and orange settings customers will be required to wear a mask while in a branch, unless they have a valid exemption.
  • Customers will be required to scan in using the Covid tracer app, or record their visit, at all three traffic light settings. 
  • Perspex shields will remain in place. This will be reviewed at the green setting.
  • All staff working in ANZ Branches will either be vaccinated or undergo regular testing. 

ANZ staff in other customer facing roles - for example Institutional and Business Relationship Managers, Mobile Mortgage Managers and Private Bankers - will require proof of vaccination to meet with customers at the orange setting.

At the green setting proof of vaccination will no longer be required unless specified by the customer.

There will be no customer meetings or visits while at the red setting, these will be done virtually.

We’ll require proof of vaccination from contractors, suppliers and service providers from 17 January 2022.

Will this change the way ANZ operates? 

Managing our business and adapting to changing Covid-19 measures and restrictions is all part of how we operate now. 

Covid-19 has changed the way many of our customers want to interact with us and do their banking, with many more choosing to do their banking online or over the phone. 

We’ll continue to work hard to adapt our business to ensure we can meet the needs of all our customers how, where and when they need us.

Red, Orange, Green – what does it mean?

