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ANZ donates to Solomon Islands rebuild

Published on 8 December 2021

ANZ today announced it would donate AUD100,000 to the Solomon Islands rebuild, including some funds previously announced for COVID-19 relief.

ANZ Solomon Islands Country Head, Martin Beattie, said: “The Solomon Islands has had a turbulent history but it is a proud country and we truly believe the future is promising.

“The past 20 months have been challenging, with global supply disruptions, lockdowns and closed borders impacting manufacturing, logging, fishing and tourism.

“With the right support, we hope the Solomon Islands will be able to realise the country’s potential for the prosperity of the whole population.

“The past week has been challenging but our staff have shown they are resilient and can move quickly to support our customers and communities,” Mr Beattie said.

ANZ is the leading international bank in the Solomon Islands, with more than 50 years of local experience. ANZ is committed to improving the financial wellbeing of individuals and communities in the Solomon Islands through its flagship financial literacy program, MoneyMinded. Last year, around 450 Solomon Islanders took part in the program to build their financial skills and knowledge.

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ANZ donates to Solomon Islands rebuild