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ANZ appoints new Head of Te Ao Māori Strategy

Published on 14 June 2021

ANZ Bank New Zealand has appointed Karleen Everitt as Te Kaitohu Rautaki Māori (Head of Te Ao Māori Strategy), a newly-created role to lead the direction of ANZ’s Te Ao Māori strategy.

Ms Everitt will work closely with the New Zealand Leadership Team, wider leadership teams, Head of Māori Business, and Māori and Pasifika Affinity Group to shape the future Te Ao Māori strategy of ANZ.

Ms Everitt joins ANZ from Manaaki Solutions where she has been CEO since 2006. She has worked at a national level in the Māori economic space and prior to that worked in the health sector planning and funding Māori health services, mental health and primary health policy, and held finance roles in the commercial sector.

She has served on a number of boards and trusts across New Zealand and is currently deputy chair of the Queen Victoria and St Stephens Trust Board. Karleen was the first Māori woman to Chair Northland’s economic development agency, Northland Inc.

“Karleen will play a vital role providing leadership on how ANZ can play a stronger role in building stronger economic participation for Māori and increasing the cultural capabilities of ANZ as it relates to tikanga Māori,” said ANZ CEO Antonia Watson.


"She will work across ANZ NZ to shape our Te Ao Māori strategy, deliver initiatives that will have a meaningful impact for Māori communities and implement our vision of a strong partnership with Māori."



Ms Everitt, who affiliates with Te Iwi Mōrehu, Te Aupōuri, and Ngāpuhi Nui Tonu, has a Masters in Management and Post Graduate Diploma in Māori Management from the University of Auckland, and has attended the University of Virginia’s Darden Business School.

Ms Everitt began her role on Monday 14 June.

Ko kopoua e ANZ Whare Pūtea ki Aotearoa a Karleen Everitt hei Kaitohu Rautaki Māori (Te Kaihautū mō te Rautaki Ao Māori), he kaihautū hōu kia urungi i te rautaki Ao Māori a ANZ.

Ka āta mahi tahi a Karleen rātou ko te Ope Kaiārahi Aotearoa, ngā ope kaiārahi anō, te Kaihautū Pakihi Māori, me te Ope Kaingākau Māori me te Pasifika (Affinity Group), kia poipoia te pūmanawa o te rautaki Ao Māori a ANZ.

Rere mai ana a Karleen ki ANZ i te kōhanga o Manaaki Solutions Ltd, i reira ia i noho hei Tumu Whakarae nō te tau 2006. Ko mahia e ia i te taumata ā-motu ki te ahumahi ohaoha Māori, me te aha hoki, i mua i tēnā, i mahi ia ki te rāngai hauora, i reira, whakamahere ai, whai pūtea ai hoki mō ngā ratonga hauora Māori, ngā kaupapahere hauora matua me te hauora ā-hinengaro, ka mutu, i mau hoki i a ia ngā tūranga ahupūtuea i te rāngai pakihi.

Ko noho te manu nei ki ngā tini poari me ngā tiakitanga puta noa i Aotearoa, ā, ko ia tēnā e noho ana hei tiamana tuarua mō Te Poari Tiakitanga o Queen Victoria me St Stephens. Ko Karleen te wahine Māori tuatahi kia noho hei Tiamana o te umanga whakawhanaketanga ohaoha mō Te Tai Tokerau, ki Northland Inc.

“He hirahira tō Karleen tūranga e whakarato ai i ngā ārahitanga mō tā ANZ kaha whakatupu i te hohenga ohaoha mā ngāi Māori, me te whakawhānui hoki i ngā āheinga ā-ahurea a ANZ me te hāngai pū ki ngā tikanga Māori,” hei tā te Tumu Whakarae o ANZ, hei tā Antonia Watson.

“Ka rere ia ki ngā pito katoa o ANZ NZ e pokepokea ai tā mātou rautaki Ao Māori, e whakaratongia ai ngā kaupapa e whaipānga ana ki ngā hapori Māori, e whakatutukingia ai hoki tō mātou whāinga kia poipoi i te piringa kaha ki ngāi Māori.”

Tēnei manu, a Karleen, e tiu ana i ngā hau e whā o Te Iwi Mōrehu, Te Aupōuri, me Ngāpuhi Nui Tonu, ko tau ki te karamatamata o te Tohu Paerua i ngā Whakahaerenga, me te Pōkairua Tautara i ngā Whakahaerenga Māori nō Te Whare Wānanga o Tāmaki

Makaurau, ka mutu ko peka atu ki te puhikaioreore o te Kura Pakihi o Darden ki Te Whare Wānanga o Virginia.

Tīmatahia ai e Karleen tōna tūranga hei ā Mane, 14 o Hune.

For media enquiries contact Kristy Martin 021531402

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ANZ appoints new Head of Te Ao Māori Strategy