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NZ Business

Solar power driving a sustainable Pacific

2020-02-04 09:48

Sustainability is at the heart of New Zealand company Infratec’s innovative projects to build clean green power systems on some of the Pacific’s most remote islands.

In July 2019 the company completed its latest project - four solar power plants on the Cook Islands, at a cost of NZD$16 million.

These have reduced the islands’ annual need to import 360,000 litres of diesel for use in generators, eliminating 960 tonnes of CO2 emissions each year.

“Our mission is to deliver renewable energy solutions,” says Chris Service, Infratec’s Pacific Business Development Manager.  

“But we also want to create positive impacts for communities, businesses and the planet.”

The company also has projects in Solomon Islands, Nauru, Kiribati and Tuvalu, where it has focused on giving local communities the skills and knowledge to run and maintain their plants themselves.

“We’re deploying innovative technology, but the innovation we’re really proud of is how we engage locally to make sure there's added value for them,” says Service.


The ANZ’s strong presence in the Pacific has directly benefited Infratec, giving the company access to local ANZ staff, in countries like Timor-Leste where it is considering new projects.

“The opportunities we can open up to our customers can make a real difference,” says Nathan Wilson, ANZ’s Head of Commercial – Fiji.

Wilson says projects like those carried out by Infratec are critical to the future and sustainability of Pacific nations and their local economies.

He says they also help protect the environment in a part of the world that relies heavily on its pristine beauty to attract tourists.

“These projects also reduce our reliance on imported fossil fuel and therefore helps the local economy grow, helping improve the quality of life for local communities,” he says.

ANZ has also been able to link Infratec with other bank customers, generating new business opportunities for both.

“We have been provided a number of introductions which will hopefully lead to the first solar battery mini grid in the outer Islands of Fiji,” says Service.

“That's a really powerful sort of matchmaking.”



ANZ's 2019 ESG report here

Solar power driving a sustainable Pacific