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ANZ waives Money Transfer fee to Australia to help with fire crisis

Published on 7 January 2020

ANZ NZ has today removed International Money Transfer (IMT) fees to Australia to help New Zealanders wanting to donate to the Australian bushfires relief effort.

The waiver for the NZD$9 fee will apply to payments made from a New Zealand bank account to an Australian bank account via ANZ Internet Banking or ANZ goMoney.

The IMT fee-free period will initially last until 20 January 2020, but may be extended if necessary.

“In recent weeks New Zealanders have watched in horror as the disaster unfolds in Australia, and are keen to contribute to the relief effort. This will help the flow of donations to the communities, friends and families that need it urgently,” said ANZ NZ CEO, Antonia Watson.

ANZ in Australia has announced a AUD$1 million bushfire relief package to support customers and communities affected by the emergency.

The package complements ANZ’s existing assistance, which includes $300,000 to volunteer fire services across New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia and $500,000 to support local community services.

In addition, ANZ will match any donation by staff members to the fire relief effort.

For media enquiries contact: Stefan Herrick, 021748492

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ANZ waives Money Transfer fee to Australia to help with fire crisis
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