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ANZ wins Canstar Agribusiness Bank of the Year

2019-06-12 08:22

New Zealand’s green reputation is one of this country’s strongest selling points, but how to manage the relationship between farming and the environment is complex and controversial.

How do we support New Zealand farmers transition to a more environmentally friendly and economically sustainable future?

The clamour to act urgently on climate change is adding pressure on farmers to manage environmental sustainability, but farmers often have to make trade-offs between what they want to develop and what’s affordable.

New Zealand’s banks are increasingly focused on helping agribusiness meet the challenges of developing sustainable farming practices.

With its Environment Loan, ANZ supports customers to prepare their farm environment plan.

The lower interest loan can be used to pay for a range of infrastructure investments designed to develop or improve environment management, including water and energy conservation projects, fencing and planting, effluent management and consultants.

This support for the farming community is one reason why Canstar was delighted to announce that ANZ has won the Agribusiness Bank of the Year award for the eighth year in a row.

Canstar General Manager Jose George says: “Farming sustainably while protecting New Zealand’s unique environment inevitably involves trade-offs between profitability and care for the land.

“Through its Environment Loan, ANZ has demonstrated its commitment both to New Zealand Agribusiness and environmental sustainability. Winning the award for the eighth year in a row is a fantastic achievement and recognises ANZ's institutional support for our farming community.”

Canstar General Manager Jose George and Managing Director ANZ Commercial & Agribusiness Mark Hiddleston 

ANZ outperformed the market across all institutional measures these included service and support, information and education and disaster relief or assistance.

Accepting the award, ANZ Commercial and Agri Managing Director Mark Hiddleston says: “We are delighted to again have been recognised for our commitment to the New Zealand agri sector with the Canstar award.

“As sustainability becomes imperative for all businesses, we continue to see plenty of examples where customers are growing and preserving the value of their land and businesses through investment in environmental initiatives.”

“While this award is a great achievement for ANZ and something we are very proud of, I am equally pleased to see recognition for our farmers and their commitment to building a more sustainable future for New Zealand’s agri sector,”  Mr Hiddleston says.

“We are proud to work together with our customers to build economically sustainably, resilient farming businesses that we are confident can farm well into the future within the limits of the environment they sit in.”

For further information and for a full copy of the Agribusiness Bank of the Year Report 2019, please click here

For more information, contact:

Reza Azam

PR Manager - Canstar NZ

021 193 1198

ANZ wins Canstar Agribusiness Bank of the Year