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ANZ staff give back - ten years work volunteered in three months

2019-05-17 10:02

Almost 10 working years* - that is the collective time ANZ staff have spent volunteering with New Zealand charities over the last three months.

The company logged a record 18,360 volunteer hours as part of the three month long ‘ANZ in the community’ campaign.

This is up from 14,443 volunteer hours recorded in 2018.

“As one of the biggest private sector employers in New Zealand we understand the difference it can make when our people get behind a campaign like this,” ANZ Chief Operating Officer Mike Bullock said.

“Our communities are where we live and giving staff the opportunity to make a meaningful contribution through volunteering is hugely rewarding for everyone.”

ANZ provides all staff members with a paid volunteer day to use with whichever charity or community group they choose. This benefits dozens of local charities over the year.


Fletcher Sunde from Sustainable Coastlines crunches the numbers on how much rubbish was collected - download video.

This year as part of their campaign ANZ teamed up with Sustainable Coastlines to run 60 beach clean ups across the country.

Over 1250 staff took part collecting more than 10,000 litres of rubbish.

Fletcher Sunde from Sustainable Coastlines said corporates play a big role supporting organisations like his and what they want to achieve.

“Right now corporate volunteering makes up a big bulk of our volunteer hours,” Sunde said.

“Corporates that provide their staff with a volunteer day are absolutely vital for us at Sustainable Coastlines.”

ANZ said the passion and level of engagement of staff across the country showed their commitment to help communities thrive.

* Ten working years calculated as:

Working days: 2,448 (18,360 volunteer hours / 7.5 hours per work day = 2,448)

Work Years: 9.79 working years (250 working days per annum * 7.5 hours per working day = 1,875 working hrs a year; 18,360/1,875 = 9.79)

ANZ staff give back - ten years work volunteered in three months