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ANZ-Roy Morgan Consumer Confidence

Consumer confidence maintains new-year momentum

Published on 14 January 2025

Consumer confidence fell 0.4 points last week to 87.1 points. The four-week moving average decreased 0.3 points to 86.0 points.

‘Weekly inflation expectations’ declined 0.1 percentage point to 5.0 per cent, while the four-week moving average printed at 4.9 per cent.

‘Current financial conditions’ (over the last year) dropped 1.8 points and ‘future financial conditions’ (next 12 months) lifted 2.1 points.

‘Short-term economic confidence’ (next 12 months) increased 0.8 points, while ‘medium-term economic confidence’ (next five years) rose 1.5 points.

The ‘time to buy a major household item’ subindex declined 4.6 points.

"ANZ-Roy Morgan Australian Consumer Confidence maintained most of the prior week’s gains and is up 3.2 points since the end of December," ANZ Economist, Madeline Dunk said. 

"The biggest rise in 2025 so far has been households’ confidence in the 12-month outlook for their finances, which is up 7.8pts since the end of December.

"Consumer confidence is up for all cohorts so far in 2025, with outright homeowners recording the biggest increase in confidence, widening the gap between outright owners and other households.

"Inflation expectations dropped 0.1 percentage point last week, but are still in the top three strongest results since mid-August 2024. The lower Australian Dollar/US Dollar may be influencing households’ inflation expectations."

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Media contact

Judy Hang

+61 479 173 821

Consumer confidence maintains new-year momentum
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