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Media Release

ANZ donates $50,000 to help flood recovery in the Kimberley region

Published on 27 January 2023

ANZ today announced it will donate $50,000 to help the Kimberley communities of Derby and Fitzroy Crossing recover from recent flooding in far North Western Australia.

The donation from ANZ will be distributed across the Lord Mayor’s Distress Fund, the Leedal Foundation and the Foundation for Indigenous Sustainable Health (FISH).

The Lord Mayor’s Distress Fund, which in conjunction with the Western Australian government, is helping in the immediate recovery effort. While the Leedal Foundation is partnering with local organisations to coordinate assistance to people who have been impacted, especially in the Far North of the region.

FISH’s vision is for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to be confident, connected, healthy, have equal opportunities with education, training, employment and life choices and are valued as positive, and healing contributors who lead others to care for each other and for Country. This donation will be critical in helping to deliver children’s school packs, teacher’s educational resources and reading books for those schools impacted by the recent flooding.

ANZ General Manager Western Australia, Kathleen Jahour said: “The scale of this flooding has become widespread since we announced our initial relief measures and this is yet another way we can help the community recover”.

“The Kimberley community have been resilient in coming together during this difficult time. We understand the impact that disasters like this have on the community and we want our customers to know that we will keep supporting them as the recovery continues.”

ANZ customers affected by flooding can contact ANZ’s dedicated financial hardship team on 1800 149 549 or at

Customers can also visit the Derby or Broome branches if they are able to, or can contact their relationship manager to discuss the impact on their business or personal circumstances.

Customers with ANZ Home and Contents Insurance, may also be eligible for emergency funds and temporary accommodation. To lodge an insurance claim, customers can call 13 16 14 or visit

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For media enquiries contact

Lucille Keen

+61 481 097 803

ANZ donates $50,000 to help flood recovery in the Kimberley region

