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ANZ provides assistance for customers affected by floods in regional Queensland (PDF 28kB)

2010-12-07 18:57

ANZ today announced an assistance package for customers affected by the floods in regional areas of Queensland.

ANZ General Manager Regional Commercial Banking, Tania Motton, said: “Although it’s too early to tell the extent of the damage at this time, we hope our response will provide practical relief for local families, businesses and farmers who have been adversely affected by wide spreading floods.

As part of its assistance package, ANZ offers to:

• suspend repayments on all loans for three months;

• waive fees associated with restructuring business loans considered necessary due to flood impacts; • consider temporary adjustments to customer lending limits including credit cards to assist them to cope financially with unexpected costs arising from the floods; and

• waive fees associated with replacement of damaged business EFTPOS/credit card terminals.

“Many areas in regional Queensland have been declared natural disaster zones, and we want to ensure that customers who are in need of financial assistance are being supported,” Ms Motton said.

ANZ customers affected by the floods are encouraged to visit their local branch if they are able or to contact their relationship manager to discuss the impact on their business or personal circumstances.

Customers can also use our phone and internet banking services, which is available to customers 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling ANZ’s call centre on 13 13 14 or by visiting  

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ANZ provides assistance for customers affected by floods in regional Queensland (PDF 28kB)