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ANZ United Kingdom

Connecting our clients with insights and expertise in close to 30 markets globally.


ANZ in the United Kingdom

ANZ began in London in 1835 as the Bank of Australasia, established under Royal Charter. Over the years ANZ grew by a series of acquisitions and mergers resulting in the incorporation of Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited in 1951, which moved its head office from the United Kingdom to Australia in 1977.

In the UK, ANZ now operates as part of the International division, with a branch in London. ANZ is supervised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.

ANZ UK supports investment grade Multi-National Corporations and financial institutions that are headquartered in UK and Europe and have a significant presence in Australia, NZ and Asia. The London-based team provides Lending, Trade and Markets products in the region and manages relationships across the ANZ network.


ANZ and the Women in Finance Charter

ANZ Banking Group Limited is a proud signatory to the Women in Finance Charter, a commitment by the financial services industry and HM Treasury to improve gender diversity in the financial services industry.

At ANZ we strive to deliver the best experience for both customers and employees. We believe that this can be best achieved by having an inclusive, supportive and diverse company. We believe that companies with a good balance of men and women in senior roles have better insights into their customers and market opportunities, make better decision, and perform better financially.

In line with the Women in Leadership (WIL) project goal of ANZ’s Institutional Division, we set ourselves a WIL target of 30% women at Levels 1-3 by 30 September 2019. To achieve our goal, we undertook a number of proactive steps to improve gender equality, including enabling flexible working; encouraging networking, personal and professional development (via City Women’s Network); and linking the variable pay of our Executive Directors to gender progression and assigning an Executive to be responsible for gender diversity at all levels.

When we signed up to the Charter in March 2018 we had 29% female representation. As at 1 September 2024 we have 43% female representation in our UK senior management team, and 31% in Levels 1-3. ANZ will continue to strive for increased diversity in its senior roles.


Modern slavery statement

To manage our modern slavery risks, our modern slavery program focuses on building awareness, improving policies and processes, and undertaking due diligence across our business operations and supply chain.  We report on our progress through our annual Modern Slavery Statement.​

You can find our current and historical Modern Slavery Statements on our ESG reporting page.

    -Terms of Business
    -Best Execution Policy
    -Risk Disclosure Statement
    -Costs and Charges
    -Customer Information Sheet
    -Client FAQs
    -Systematic Internaliser Policy Disclosure
    -Debt Capital Markets Investor Pre-Marketing and Allocation Policy
b. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
    -Fair Processing Notice (FPN)
c. Remuneration Code
    -Remuneration Disclosures


Corporate Governance

ANZ's strong governance framework provides a solid structure for effective and responsible decision making at ANZ. Copies/Summaries of some of ANZ's key documents related to Corporate Governance, including its Whistleblower Policy, can be found at
