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ANZ India

Connecting our clients with insights and expertise in close to 30 markets globally.


ANZ in India

ANZ has been in India since 1984 through its presence as Grindlays Bank. ANZ established its Mumbai branch in 2011 and in 2014, received approval from the Reserve Bank of India to open new branches in Gurugram, New Delhi’s prime business hub, and in outer Bengaluru. ANZ commenced operations in Gurugram in July 2015 and in outer Bengaluru in May 2016. A major engine of growth in the region, India remains an integral part of ANZ’s strategy in Asia. 

ANZ is committed to supporting institutional and corporate clients in India and across close to 30 markets in our global network with their banking requirements for local and offshore facilities. ANZ India offers a full range of institutional banking services including Indian Rupee and foreign currency services, working capital and term financing, transaction banking, foreign exchange and interest rate solutions, deposits and advisory services.

With its in-depth local knowledge and global expertise, ANZ India also gives clients access to ANZ’s extensive capabilities in natural resources, agriculture and infrastructure to help them harness the growing trade and investment opportunities across Asia Pacific, and support their domestic requirements.

ANZ has a significant shared services hub operation in Bengaluru employing around 5000 staff supporting our businesses in Australia, New Zealand and Asia.

In the community

ANZ India is fully committed to providing both financial and volunteering support to non-government organisations and charities that support education and create employment opportunities for underprivileged communities. 

ANZ’s flagship adult financial education program, MoneyMinded, was launched in India in 2012 and since then continues to be delivered by ANZ staff volunteers in Mumbai and Bengaluru where it continues to help people improve their financial skills, knowledge and confidence. In 2016, ANZ India implemented MoneyMinded Business Basics in Mumbai, a program developed to deliver entrepreneurship skill training among community participants.

Our products and services

Institutional Banking

ANZ India supports institutional and corporate customers with their banking requirements for local and offshore facilities in India and across close to 30 markets in our network worldwide through our three core product sets:

  • Transaction Banking – trade and supply chain, payments and cash management and clearing services
  • Markets – structuring and customer solutions, corporate and institutional sales, commodities solutions, wealth distribution, trading, debt capital markets, and syndications
  • Loans & Specialised Finance – structured leasing and asset finance, project and structured finance, as well as structured export finance
  • Foreign Exchange Rates (PDF)
  • Term Deposit Rates (PDF)
  • e-FX Service Schedule (PDF)

Covid-19 Regulatory Package

Ref RBI circular on COVID-19 Regulatory Package dated March 27, 2020, ANZ India clients who wish to request for such moratorium or deferral of interest payment should apply for the same stating clearly the underlying reason for the liquidity support requested and source of eventual repayment.

Clients who are opting in for a moratorium can send in their request using the usual channels and contact details as per regular drawdown requests.

About Moratorium:

Moratorium is a period where the repayment of principal and/ or / payment of interest that are due for payment as per the terms and conditions of the credit facility(ies) availed by the borrower(s)/ customer(s) may be postponed / deferred.

In case of customer(s)/ borrower(s) enjoying multiple credit facility(ies) from the Bank, the Moratorium option will have to exercised individually / separately for each such credit facility.

Please note that moratorium will merely defer the payment of your immediate repayment of principal and / or payment of interest and is not a concession / waiver of any of your liabilities towards Bank. The interest would continue to accrue during the Moratorium Period at the applicable rate of interest and the same shall be collected at end of the moratorium period. The repayment would resume as per regular payment schedule from 1 October 2020, post moratorium period.

Further, availing the Moratorium / Deferment will result in accumulation of accrued interest on the outstanding amount of loans/credit facility(ies) over the moratorium/deferment period and will consequently increase your overall debt to the Bank.

Grant of Moratorium:

ANZ will consider grant of such moratorium in adherence with ANZ group governance framework, credit & liquidity assessment of the applicant by ANZ and in compliance with our home regulatory requirements.  

The moratorium can be availed for loan instalments due between 1 March 2020 to 30 September 2020. Interest will be accrued for this period and will be collected on 01 October 2020 including the principal payment.

For any further queries on the subject, please get in touch with your relationship manager at ANZ and in order to apply for the Moratorium please send an email to

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ANZ India is registered with DICGC

(DICGC website)
