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Forget your BSB and account number! With PayID, it's easier to receive paymentsSuperscript: 1 or set up a PayTo® agreementSuperscript: 2, by sharing your email, mobile number or ABN/ACN instead. Nice!
PayID is like a nickname for your account. It can be your phone number, email address, Australian Business Number (ABN), Australian Company Number (ACN) or organisation ID and is unique to each customer. It doesn’t replace a BSB and account number, which stays exactly the same, but is easier to remember.
Simpler to remember and share your PayID than your BSB and account number. 
Transactions have the same security protection as your existing accounts and payments.
Use your PayID to set up PayTo®Superscript: 2 agreements and control when businesses can take money out of your account.
Check or update your details to ensure the mobile number or email address you want to use are registered to your ANZ App or Internet Banking profile. This is crucial to the set up process as we will send a verification code to your ANZ registered mobile number or email to confirm it’s you setting up a PayID.
Log in to the ANZ App
Tap Profile in the bottom right
Under Payments, tap PayID
Follow the prompts to create your PayID and link it to your eligible ANZ account. Nice one!
Have an eligible business account? You can set up a PayID using your ACN or ABN, in addition to a PayID attached to your mobile or email address.
Log in to ANZ Internet Banking
In the Settings menu, select Manage your PayIDs
Click Create a new PayID
Select the PayID option you want to use, and link it to your eligible ANZ account. Easy!
Have an eligible business account? You can set up a PayID using your ACN or ABN, in addition to a PayID attached to your mobile or email address.
You can transfer your PayID to a different account within ANZ or from another financial institution in ANZ Internet Banking. Remember, any payment made to your PayID will continue to go to your previously linked account until the below steps are completed and you’ve received confirmation from us.
Log in to ANZ Internet Banking
Click on Settings then Manage Your PayID
Select Edit for the PayID you wish to transfer
Select the account you wish to link to your existing PayID
Scroll down to click Transfer this PayID and follow the prompts. Simple!
Every financial institution is different but generally you may be able to initiate the transfer via your non-ANZ financial institution’s digital banking channels. Chat to them and follow any instructions provided.
Once you have transferred your PayID from your non-ANZ financial institution, follow the steps to create your PayID. Simple!
Message us if you need more assistance.
To switch your PayID to a different mobile or email address:
Log in to ANZ Internet Banking
Close your existing PayID
Update the mobile or email on your profile
Create a new PayID. Simple!
To close your PayID as a payment option:
Log in to ANZ Internet Banking
Click on Settings then Manage your PayID
Select Edit for the PayID you wish to close
Scroll down to click Close this PayID and follow the prompts. Done!
Log in to the ANZ App
Tap Profile in the bottom right
Scroll down to see your PayIDs. Too easy!
A PayID can only be registered to one account. However, you can have multiple PayIDs on your profile by creating different types, i.e. one for mobile, one for email. These can be linked to the same account or to different accounts if you prefer.
For example:
The ANZ App is provided by Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) ABN 11 005 357 522. Super and Insurance (if available) are not provided by ANZ but entities which are not banks. ANZ does not guarantee them. This information is general in nature only and does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. ANZ recommends that you read the ANZ App Terms and Conditions available here for iOS (PDF) and here for Android (PDF) and consider if this service is appropriate to you prior to making a decision to acquire or use the ANZ App.
PayID and PayTo are registered trademarks of NPP Australia Limited.