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Home deposit and upfront costs calculator

Wondering if you have enough for a home loan deposit? Use this deposit and upfront costs calculator to estimate how much you’ll have left for a home deposit after allowing for upfront costs.

The information on this page does not apply to ANZ Plus products
Calculator loaded read below

Your estimated upfront costs


Transfer of Land / Stamp Duty



– $-

Other government costs

+ $-


+ $-

Bank charges

+ $-


+ $-

Your estimated deposit


How much you have now


First Home Owner GrantSuperscript: 1 

+ $-

Total estimated upfront costs

– $-


  • These calculations are estimates only and are provided for illustrative purposes. The estimates are based on the limited information you have provided. It does not constitute a quote or an offer for credit. To apply for an ANZ home loan you must complete an application. All applications for credit are subject to ANZ’s credit approval criteria.
  • For the purpose of estimating Stamp Duty, Off The Plan concessions have not been included in this estimate.
  • The estimated upfront cost amount includes an estimate for Lender’s Mortgage Insurance (LMI).
  • By indicating that you intend to live in the home you’d like to purchase, we’ll assume it’s for a minimum of 12 months, which is an eligibility requirement for the FHOG and the first-home buyer duty concession.

Other calculators

Our repayments calculator can help you understand how much your potential repayments could be.

$3,000 bonus for first home buyers

If you’re buying your first home, you could get $3,000 to spend however you like, plus support from an ANZ First Home Coach. Available to eligible first home buyers with an ANZ home loan of $250,000 or more. 

Drawdown within 180 days of applying, bonus paid after settlement. Eligibility criteria and T&Cs apply.Superscript: 4

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Your deposit and stamp duty questions answered

Most home loans can fund up to 85-95% of the value of your property, which means you’ll need a minimum of up to 5-15% as a home deposit. However, there may be benefits in saving a larger home deposit. For example, if you borrow more than a certain level (commonly 80% of the value of the property you’re using the loan to buy), you might have to pay lender’s mortgage insurance (LMI). This can add a sizeable amount to your overall costs. 

Generally, the more you have as a home deposit, the less you’ll need to borrow and the lower your monthly repayments. Find out how much you really need for a house deposit.

If you already own a property, you might want to consider using the equity you’ve built up in that property to help with your deposit.

Find out more about home loan deposits and get tips on how to save for a deposit.


Stamp duty or land transfer duty is the tax that you pay when buying a property. 

Generally, when buying land in any state or territory in Australia, which may include buildings (such as a family home on a suburban block), you will need to pay stamp duty to the government. The amount of stamp duty depends on which state or territory the property is in and the property value.

You can estimate how much stamp duty you might have to pay using our stamp duty calculator.


Generally, the cheaper the property, the less stamp duty you’ll pay. But there are other variables that could impact your stamp duty bill. 

What’s more, each state and territory has its own rules for how to calculate stamp duty – and some are more complex than others. 

To get an idea of how much stamp duty you’ll need to pay, you should find out the rules that apply in your state or territory, or check with your solicitor or conveyancer. Or get an estimate the easy way with our stamp duty calculator.


The amount of stamp duty payable depends on which state or territory the property is in and the property value. Each state and territory has its own rules for how to calculate stamp duty – and some are more complex than others.

To get the latest stamp duty information for your state or territory, choose your location:

When working out how to calculate stamp duty, you could also check with your solicitor or conveyancer or get an estimate with our stamp duty calculator.


In some states and territories, there may be stamp duty exemptions and concessions for eligible first home buyers, or for seniors and pensioners. There might also be concessions based on the value of the property purchased or the buyer’s annual income.

Just be aware that each state and territory has its own rules for calculating stamp duty and offering exemptions and concessions. Check with your solicitor or conveyancer if you’re eligible for a stamp duty exemption or concession.


Yes, there is stamp duty on land. 

When you buy an existing house, you pay stamp duty based on the value of both the land and the house. 

When you’re building a new house, you pay stamp duty based on the value of the land you buy. You don’t have to pay stamp duty on the house you then build, which could be a substantial saving.

Our stamp duty calculator could help you estimate your stamp duty costs based on the value of the property. 


In some states and territories, you may be able to save on stamp duty when you buy off the plan because you’re buying a new property before it’s actually been constructed. 

This can vary depending on which state or territory the property is in, whether you’re purchasing a home or an investment property, and your particular contract. 

Check with your conveyancer or solicitor about the stamp duty owed, whether any concessions are available, and when it must be paid.


Generally, stamp duty applies whether you’re buying a primary home, a holiday home or an investment property

Each state and territory has its own rules for how to calculate stamp duty, so to get an idea of what you’ll need to pay, you should find out the rules that apply in your state or territory.

Use our stamp duty calculator to help you estimate the stamp duty costs based on the value of the property. 


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Get a price range estimateSuperscript: 6of how much a property could sell for, with options to estimate equitySuperscript: 7if you already own property. 

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1. We've included the First Home Buyer or other property concessions based on the information you have provided regarding your property purchase and on the assumption that you will be eligible for the concession. For information regarding the concessions which may be available in your state and details of the eligibility criteria, please refer to the relevant government website.


2. An ANZ Security Guarantee could help reduce your LVR to less than 80% and save you from having to pay LMI if you have a guarantor who agrees to accept the risks and obligations associated with entering into a guarantee. It is important to remember that if for some reason you default on your loan, ANZ can seek to recover from your guarantor.


3. The maximum acceptable LVR before Lenders Mortgage Insurance is required depends on the type and location of the purchased property. The maximum LVR before Lenders Mortgage Insurance that is generally required is usually 80%. For some property types, LMI might be required when LVR is less than 80%.


4. Offer can be withdrawn at any time. Maximum one bonus per eligible loan, individual may only claim once. Available for eligible First Home Buyers who purchase or construct their first property and take out an Eligible ANZ Home Loan of $250,000 or more. To be eligible to receive the bonus First Home Buyers must hold an ANZ Access Advantage, ANZ Plus or ANZ One offset account at loan drawdown. Drawdown on the Eligible ANZ Home Loan(s) must take place within 180 days from applying. See the full Terms and Conditions (PDF) for this offer. Fees, charges and eligibility criteria apply.


5. ANZ Mobile Lenders operate as an independently operated ANZ Mortgage Solutions franchise of Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) ABN 11 005 357 522. Australian Credit Licence Number 234527.


6. A property price range estimate is an estimate only. It is based on certain available information and is not a valuation of a property or guarantee of its market value or future sale price. Price ranges and predictions may change daily and the actual sale price (if the property is sold) may be different.


7. Equity in your home is calculated as the difference between the value of your home and the amount you have left to pay on your home loan at the time the calculation is performed. Estimated equity ranges are estimates only and may not be available for all properties. They are based on certain available information and dependent on the current loan amount data that you input into your ANZ Property Profile Report request form, calculated against the price range estimate. Estimated equity ranges are not confirmation as to the equity you may have in a property or a guarantee of the equity available should a property be sold.
