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ANZ Accessibility and Inclusion Program

ANZ is committed to ensuring our workplace welcomes, supports and celebrates the unique contributions of all our people, and ensuring our products and services are inclusive and accessible to everyone.

Opportunities for people with a disability at ANZ

We’re working hard to make sure ANZ is accessible and inclusive and we’re helping people with disabilities along every step of the recruitment journey and employment process. We want to make sure that people with a disability have an inclusive and supportive experience when applying, interviewing for, and joining ANZ.

ANZ’s Accessibility and Inclusion Plan 2023-2025 (PDF, 3MB) outlines our commitment to making ANZ an open and accessible employment choice for people with disabilities, whether visibile or invisible, and a workplace that supports all staff to be successful.

If you are a person with a disability or have any support or access requirements, we encourage you to apply for our roles as you’ll receive equal opportunity in the recruitment process.

If you require adjustments at any stage of recruitment, including alternative formats to the application process, please contact us at

Adrika Sri Bawan's story

Adrika Sri Bawan joined ANZ as one of 116 graduates in February 2020 after being encouraged to apply by her parents, who have worked at ANZ for many years.

"My mum told me that ANZ is a place where you are accepted for who you are, they treat you with respect and dignity and there are lots of opportunities to grow."

Adrika has bi-lateral profound hearing loss and her communication is assisted by seeing a person’s face, so she can lip-read and see facial expressions.

Audio calls using conferencing facilities were initially challenging. "It was exhausting for me as I couldn’t understand what was being said," recalls Adrika.

Working with the Graduate team to find a solution, she acquired a ‘mini-mic’ which is compatible with her Bluetooth enabled cochlear implants. "It’s important that as an individual, one raise that awareness and educate the community and wider society to enable them to understand one’s disability," said Adrika.

"ANZ is a safe and secure workplace that has allowed me to raise my voice and subsequently I have received tremendous support from my fellow grads, colleagues and managers."

The move to remote working due to COVID-19 restrictions has been relatively smooth, enabled by the mini-mic and the accessibility of ANZ mobile Apps.

Adrika Sri Bawan 

ANZ Programs supporting accessibility and inclusion

ANZ Spectrum Program  

The ANZ Spectrum Program is a commitment to recognising the talents of autistic people in shaping a workplace where they can thrive. By providing a supportive employment environment we hope to empower autistic people to build greater independence and thriving careers at ANZ and beyond.

Learn more about the ANZ Spectrum Program


PACE Mentoring

ANZ is the proud principal sponsor of the Positive Action towards Career Engagement (PACE) Mentor program facilitated by our partner, the Australian Network on Disability. PACE Mentoring connects jobseekers with disability to mentors across ANZ, helping jobseekers gain vital workplace experience, develop skills and expand their networks.

For more information on PACE mentoring program contact the Australian Network on Disability.


'Stepping Into' Internships

Stepping Into is an internship program facilitated for ANZ by our partner, the Australian Network on Disability. This program is incorporated into our Summer Internship program which runs from November through to February each year and is a pipeline into our Graduate Program.

We advertise for these roles in July of each year and works closely with the Australian Network on Disability to encourage students to apply.

For more information, refer to the Australian Network on Disability website.


ANZ Abilities Network

The ANZ Abilities Network is an important element of this commitment: by harnessing the unique perspectives of employees with disabilities, and their allies, we can continue to shape a world where people of all abilities can thrive.

The Valuable 500

In 2020, we became a signatory to the Valuable 500 global disability inclusion campaign making the commitment to ensure that disability inclusion is on our board agenda.   

We are committed to further build the disability confidence and competence of our employees.  


Learn more about the Valuable 500

Australian Network on Disability Access and Inclusion Index

ANZ is proud to be recognised as a leading organisation in the 2020-21 Access and Inclusion Index. This demonstrates our commitment to progressing access and inclusion across ANZ. 


Learn more about the Access and Inclusion Index

Disability awareness in our recruitment

During the application process, we will ask you how we can adjust our recruitment process to ensure you are able to perform at your best at every stage of our recruitment process.

If you are successful in securing a role with us we offer access and support for employees with disability, including:

  • flexible working hours
  • allocating minor duties (not the inherent requirements of a role) to another person which a person with a disability may find difficult to do
  • assistive technologies, such as screen reading software for a person with vision impairment
  • additional training, mentoring, supervision and support
  • providing an Auslan interpreter or captioning for a deaf employee.

To help drive greater progress, we have set global goals for employment of people with disability, and we report on these annually as part of our Corporate Sustainability Framework.

Change starts with a shift – Shift 20 Initiative

We’re proud to partner with the Shift 20 Initiative. A powerful movement to increase representation of people with disability in advertising.

Australians with disability make up almost 20% of the population. That’s 1 in 5 Australians.  Yet in advertising, they are only represented 1% of the time.

At ANZ, we know it’s important for people with disability to be seen like everyone else (although we recognise that not all disabilities are visible). You cannot be what you cannot see.

It’s important for us to champion disability visibility in all aspects of our advertising, as one of Australia’s leading organisations, we can set an example.

It’s a simple yet powerful change.

We are continually committed to making products, services, workplace and culture welcoming and supportive of all people. We understand that disability is relevant to every aspect of our business – customers, employees, markets, communities, suppliers, and key stakeholders.

Find out more at

See how we support customers at Accessibile banking.

Image: Sara, Dylan, Anthony, Hamish and Diesel

Start your career

You can view our current opportunities here.
If you require adjustments at any stage of recruitment, including alternative formats to the application process, please contact us at
