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Direct Debit

Would you like to have payments automatically drawn from your clients' accounts into your business account on a pre-arranged basis?

ANZ's Direct Debit service allows you to do this and more.

What is Direct Debit?

Would you like to have payments automatically drawn from your client’s accounts into your company’s account on a pre-arranged basis? ANZ’s Direct Debit service allows you to do this and more.

You simply lodge a direct debit formatted file with ANZ and your customers’ accounts are debited, then your account is bulk credited.

This service is ideal for any business that receives regular payments from the same debtors. By using the Direct Debit service, you receive your money on time and your customers enjoy an easier and more convenient way of making payments.


Features and benefits


Direct debit illustration

Debtors always pay on time

You no longer have to rely on 'the cheque in the mail'. Debtors always pay on time and on a date of the user's choosing (subject to availability of funds).

The regular collection of premiums; policies with premiums collected by Direct Debit are also less likely to lapse.

Improved cash flow illustration

Improved cash flow

You can significantly improve your cash flow because Direct Debit supplies you with a date when funds will be available.

The debits can be of variable amounts or frequency to accommodate the customers’ current payment arrangements.

Reduced paperwork illustration

Reduced paperwork

You will no longer have outstanding invoices to reconcile and chase. Funds are taken directly from your customer’s account and paid into your company account.

This not only means less paperwork but minimises your preparation time and the number of trips to the branch, saving you significant administrative and postage costs and reducing the risk of having cash on your premises.

Illustration of coins, plant and laptops with online chat on screen

How to get started

To get started with ANZ’s Direct Debit service, get in touch with one of our specialists.

Monday-Friday 8am to 8pm (AEST)

Call 1800 351 663  


Any advice does not take into account your personal needs, financial circumstances or objectives and you should consider whether it is appropriate for you.

ANZ recommends you read the applicable Terms and Conditions and the ANZ Financial Services Guide (PDF) before acquiring the product.
