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Paying my account

Paying your credit card account can be done in a number of ways. Just choose the one that suits you and your business.


ANZ Internet Banking

You can directly transfer your payment between accounts. If your billing account is linked to Internet Banking the payment will be immediate. However, payments made after 10pm (AEST) will be processed the next business day.

Learn more

CardPay Direct (Direct Debit)

To set up CardPay Direct, you'll need to download and complete the ANZ Business One Maintenance Form. For the best experience, we recommend downloading to your desktop. The form can then be accessed from your saved location, and will open in a new tab to be completed.

You can return your completed and signed form via email here:

Or you can return it in the following ways:


1800 459 143


ANZ Commercial Cards

Locked Bag 10, Collins St West PO

Melbourne, VIC 8007

BPAY (Biller Code 6007)

Contact your participating bank to make this payment from your nominated account. BPAY payments from ANZ accounts made after 6pm (AEST) will be processed the next business day. Check with your institution for cut-off times. Your reference number is the Billing Account number (refer to your statement).

Find out more about BPAY


Direct Credit via EFT

Payments to your account can be made by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) from your nominated account. Please request your BSB and direct credit account number from the ANZ Commercial Cards Service centre on 1800 032 481. The payment should arrive and be processed by the payment Due Date shown on the statement of account.

Phone banking

Call 13 22 73. Payments made after 10pm (AEST) will be processed the next business day.

Pay by post

Simply complete and detach the Payment Advice slip at the bottom of your statement of account or Consolidated Cardholder Summary Statement and send it with your cheque (please do not send cash) to the ANZ Commercial Card Service Centre, G.P.O. Box 607, Melbourne VIC 3001. Your cheque should arrive and be processed by the payment Due Date shown on the statement of account.

Paying at any ANZ branch

Present your monthly Billing Statement with your Payment Advice slip to any ANZ branch in Australia.


Need help with your existing card?

ANZ business credit card support

Mon-Fri 8am to 8pm (AEST)

1800 032 481

ANZ Business Black customers

Mon-Fri 8am to 6pm (AEST)

1800 362 579

Any advice does not take into account your personal needs, financial circumstances or objectives and you should consider whether it is appropriate for you.

ANZ recommends you read the applicable Terms and Conditions and the ANZ Financial Services Guide (PDF) before acquiring the product.

Temporary service interruptions may occur. Technical requirements apply.
