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ANZ Document Exchange

Use this service to provide, fill and sign requested documents to your Business Banker.



  • View list of documents requested from your Banker
  • Receive realtime status updates as documents are provided
  • View, fill and electronically sign eligible ANZ documentation
  • Upload files up to 150MB
  • Increase privacy and security when sharing documents


Sign in securely

How to provide documents using ANZ Document Exchange

It's simple to share documents for your business lending and more secure than email.


1. Sign in


Start with the email address and mobile number you provided your Banker, then enter the SMS code sent to your mobile phone.

2. Provide information


Upload and/or electronically fill and sign the requested documents.

3. Receive confirmation


After you have provided all the documents, you will receive an email confirmation.

Using ANZ Document Exchange

See how to securely provide documents using Document Exchange, step by step by watching the above video.

How to provide documents using ANZ Document Exchange

In this video I’ll show you how to sign into the ANZ Document Exchange service, view the documents that have been requested from you and show you how to upload them. Your Banker or Relationship Manager will have sent you an email explaining the documents that are required, together with address of the Document Exchange service.

To start, select the ‘Sign in securely’ button, then enter your email address and mobile number. The system will then send a code to this mobile phone number – so enter the code – this will sign you into the system.

If you have any problems signing in, first check that you have used the same email and phone number provided to your Banker. If you still have problems, then please contact your Banker and they will be able to help.

When you first sign in you’ll be asked to review and accept the terms and conditions – these detail key aspects of the service.

Now that you are signed in, we’ll look at how to upload the documents.

Here is a list of the documents that you’ve been asked to provide. You may notice certain documents are marked with a red exclamation mark, which indicates the urgency of these documents – note there may also be documents provided for you to download.

All documents you provide are viewable by your ANZ banking team.

So let’s upload a document – select the ‘Upload’ button next to the document you want to upload. In the pop-up, simply drag and drop a file into the central area, or select it to open a file browser on your computer.

As you upload files, the status will change from pending to uploaded and when the banker has accepted a document, its status will change to accepted.

We mentioned Bankers accepting documents, but sometimes they may reject them – this can happen if the document is hard to read or covers an incorrect period of time. If this is the case, you can view the reason for the rejection below the document and then choose another file to upload.

Sometimes it’s not possible for you to provide a document – in this case simply contact your Banker and let them know. Alternatively, if someone else can provide the document for you, you can send the request to them to upload the file for you. To do this, select ‘Request documents’ and enter the details of this person. Then, select which documents you’d like them to provide.

After you provide all of the documents listed, you’ll receive an email with details of the length of time required by your Banker to make a decision.

Thank you.

Introducing eSignatures

Electronic signing of application documents

Learn how to fill and sign application documents using eSignatures on Document Exchange.

Electronic signing of application documents

In this video we’ll show you how to use the new eSignature feature in ANZ Document Exchange.

Your banker would have sent you an email explaining that documents are required, together with the address of the Document Exchange service.

To start, select the “Sign In” button. Then enter your email address and mobile number.

The system will then send a code to this mobile number to enter and obtain access.

On your dashboard, click on the request sent by your ANZ banker.

This will take you to the next screen with the documents required to be signed.

Select sign document for the document that needs your eSignature, and enjoy these benefits:

  • Faster Processing: eSignatures can speed up document approval, reducing waiting times.
  • Convenience: Sign from anywhere, at any time.
  • Security: Document Exchange is accessed using 2 factor authentication.

Please read the Electronic Signature Terms and tick the box if you agree.

You’ll then be shown the document to fill and sign. Start by entering the information required for the document - when entering numbers, the form will calculate totals automatically.

You can use the controls at the top to zoom in and out and you can save your progress.

You will be required to fill and sign various areas on the form.

You can select a signature type before adding - this will include a fancy font/cursive script, upload an image of your signature, or draw your signature.

Your name and date will be automatically added once you select the area.

Once you have signed the form, click on Save and Submit.

The document will then be saved and viewed by your ANZ banker.

Congratulations! Your eSignature is complete, and you're enjoying these advantages:

  • Real-time Tracking: Monitor the status of your documents in real time.
  • Accessibility: Download all signed documents for your records.
  • Streamlined Workflow: Simplify document management for a smoother banking experience.

Electronic signing of approval documents

Learn how to sign approval documents using eSignatures on Document Exchange.

Electronic signing of approval documents

When your application is approved, your banker will send you a Letter of Offer (*subject to conditions) on Document Exchange.

On your dashboard, click on the request sent by your ANZ banker. This will take you to the next screen where the Terms & Conditions are available for you to view and download along with the Letter of Offer to be signed.

Review the disclosure statement and tick the box if you agree.

You’ll then be shown the Letter of Offer to fill and sign. Read and review the information in the Letter of Offer carefully. When you are ready, select the signing area to place your eSignature and name.

Congratulations! Your eSignature is complete, and you're enjoying these advantages:

  • Real-time Tracking: Monitor the status of your documents in real time.
  • Accessibility: Download documents once you have signed, for your records.

ANZ Document Exchange FAQs

Getting started

The ANZ Document Exchange platform provides a personalised list of supporting documents requested from you by your Banker. With eSignature capabilities, you can securely upload, sign, and download documents, with the system tracking what has been provided.

Please check that you are using the same email address and mobile number provided to your Banker and try again. If you still cannot sign in, please contact your Banker.

ANZ Document Exchange supports the following browsers:


  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge


  • Safari
  • Google Chrome

We suggest using the latest versions as older browsers can be subject to security issues and may not support certain features. 

Uploading files

You can upload files up to 150MB.

You can upload files in the following formats:

  • .doc
  • .docx
  • .pdf
  • .xls
  • .xlsx
  • .xlsm
  • .jpg
  • .png
  • .tiff
  • .tif
  • .bmp
  • .rtf
  • .csv
  • .ppt
  • .pptx

You can send a request for another person - for example your accountant - to upload documents on your behalf. To do this:

  1. Select "Request documents"
  2. Enter the first name, surname, email and mobile number of this person
  3. Check the box if you agree to the statement and select next
  4. Select the documents you want to request
  5. Select "Send request"

You can change or delete this request at any time prior to ANZ accepting these documents.

ANZ Document Exchange: Privacy and Confidentiality Statement

It’s important to us that your privacy and data is safe whenever you use ANZ Document Exchange. When using our site, we’ll collect your personal and business information to assess your application. Business information includes that of any business that you own, part own, or a business where you are authorised to act on behalf of the business owners.

ANZ will collect and use information about you during the course of your relationship with ANZ. We explain below when and how ANZ may collect, use and disclose this information as we progress your application, including contacting you about incomplete applications.

You can contact us at any time to withdraw your consent to this use of your personal and business information, or to find out more.

We may disclose this personal or business information to our related entities, and to agents, contractors, or service providers that we engage to carry out or assist our functions and activities.

If you choose to disclose your financial information to us, then you are also agreeing to our collection, use and disclosure in line with this privacy and confidentiality statement, the relevant product terms and our Privacy Policy.

New and existing customers are also subject to the relevant product terms, which provide additional information on how we use personal and business information. If you want to review that information now, it is contained in the product terms which we will make available upon request.

It is important that the information ANZ holds about you is up to date. You must let ANZ know when information you have provided ANZ has changed.

Collection, use and disclosure of personal and business information

ANZ may use and disclose the personal and business information we collect about you for the following purposes:

  • to assist in providing information about a product or service;
  • to consider your request for a product or service;
  • to enable ANZ to provide a product or service;
  • to tell you about other products or services that may be of interest to you;
  • to assist in arrangements with other organisations (such as loyalty partners) in relation to the promotion or provision of a product or service;
  • to manage accounts and perform other administrative and operational tasks (including risk management, systems development and testing, credit scoring, staff training, collecting debts and market or customer satisfaction research);
  • to consider any concerns or complaints you raise against ANZ and/or to manage any legal action involving ANZ;
  • to identify, prevent or investigate any fraud, unlawful activity or misconduct (or suspected fraud, unlawful activity or misconduct);
  • to identify you or establish your tax status under any Australian or foreign legislation, regulation or treaty or pursuant to an agreement with any tax authority; and
  • as required by relevant laws, regulations, codes of practice and external payment systems.

Absence of relevant personal and business information

If you do not provide some or all of the personal and business information requested, ANZ may be unable to provide you with a product or service.

Information required by law etc.

ANZ may be required by relevant laws to collect certain information from you. Details of laws that require us to collect information about individuals (personal information) and why these laws require us to collect personal information are contained in ANZ's Privacy Policy and

Providing your information to others

You agree that we may disclose your personal and business information about any individual or non-individual (e.g. companies) to:

  • any related entity of ANZ which may use the information to: carry out ANZ's functions and activities; promote its own products and services; assess your application for one of its products or services; manage your product or service; perform administrative and operational tasks (including debt recovery); or comply with regulatory requirements and prudential standards;
  • an organisation that is in an arrangement with ANZ to jointly offer products and/or has an alliance with ANZ to share information for marketing purposes (and any of its outsourced service providers or agents), to enable them or ANZ to: provide you with products or services; and/or promote a product or service;
  • any agent, contractor or service provider ANZ engages to carry out or assist its functions and activities (for example, mailing houses or debt collection agencies);
  • an organisation that assists ANZ to identify, prevent or investigate fraud, unlawful activity or misconduct;
  • regulatory bodies, government agencies, law enforcement bodies and courts;
  • other parties ANZ is authorised or required by law or court/tribunal order to disclose information to;
  • participants in the payments system (including payment organisations and merchants) and other financial institutions (such as banks);
  • other credit providers;
  • mortgage insurers and any reinsurer of any such mortgage insurer;
  • your guarantors (and intending guarantors) and any person who has provided security for your loan to enable that person to consider whether or not to act as a guarantor;
  • any person who introduces you to ANZ;
  • your referee(s);
  • your employer;
  • your joint borrower(s) or account holder(s); co-director or partner; and
  • your adviser; your authorised agents; your executor, administrator or trustee in bankruptcy; your legal representative; your attorney; or anyone acting for you in connection with your account.

If you do not want us to tell you about products and services, contact us to withdraw your consent.

Disclosure Outside Australia

ANZ may disclose personal and business information to recipients (including service providers and ANZ’s related entities) which are (1) located outside Australia and/or (2) not established in or do not carry on business in Australia. Our Privacy Policy contains information about the location of these entities.

Storage of information

When you register and use ANZ Document Exchange, the information will be collected and stored using cloud storage technology by a service provider on behalf of ANZ.

The information that ANZ collects with ANZ Document Exchange is housed in cloud storage in Australia.

Sensitive Information

ANZ will not collect sensitive personal information about you, such as information about your health, without your consent. In addition, information that should be kept secure including Tax File Numbers and Credit Card Numbers should be removed from files prior to upload. Where this information is provided, ANZ will endeavour to remove and not store this information within ANZ Document Exchange.

Our Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy contains information about: the circumstances in which ANZ may collect personal information from other sources (including from a third party) any laws that require or authorise us to collect certain information from you; how to access your information and seek correction of your information; and how you can raise concerns that we have breached the Privacy Act or an applicable Code and how we will deal with these matters.


Where you are a potential guarantor, we are also collecting your personal information to enable us to assess you as a guarantor for an application of credit.

Personal and business information about someone else or a third party

If you have provided information about someone else or a third party, please show them or their representative, a copy of this clause so that they may understand how we may use and disclose their personal information and business information.  Any application submitted is subject to this privacy and confidentiality statement.

Electronic Signing

Unless ANZ states otherwise in writing, and subject to any additional requirements requested by ANZ, a party may sign any Specified Document:

  • in writing;
  • electronically; or
  • through an Authorised Platform,

and bind itself accordingly.

Specified Document means the documents that ANZ has notified may be signed in this way.

Any print-out will also be an executed original counterpart of that document. Each signatory confirms that their signature appearing in the document, including any such print-out (irrespective of who printed it), is their personal signature authenticating it.

ANZ Document Exchange: Terms and conditions

Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ABN 11 005 357 522) (“ANZ”) provides access to this site. By using this site, you may be provided with access to documents, and other information, including customer data, financial and/or operational information ("Confidential Information"). By accessing and continuing to use this site, you agree:

  1. to keep the Confidential Information in the strictest confidence.
  2. to not use the Confidential Information for a purpose other than as agreed in writing by ANZ.
  3. to the extent permitted by law, not share, disclose, copy, or reproduce any part of the Confidential Information to any third parties (including, without limitation, any clients, affiliates, independent contractors and consultants), without the prior approval of ANZ in writing, or share, disclose, copy, or reproduce any password required to access the site, and must not otherwise permit a third party to access this site or the information contained on this site.
  4. to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, guidelines, and policies (including ANZ policies as amended from time to time), as may be in force from time to time which is applicable to your use of this site or the Confidential Information, and including privacy laws, as amended from time to time, and laws, regulations, guidelines, and policies in relation to the secrecy, collection, storage, use and disclosure of this Confidential Information, as if you were subject to those laws, regulations, guidelines, and policies.
  5. not to take any steps or actions to seek to identify the identity of any individual to whom any part of the Confidential Information relates.
  6. to indemnify and hold harmless ANZ in the event of losses or damages being caused or incurred, as a consequence of your disclosure of Confidential Information or breach of these conditions.
  7. to exercise at least the same care in protecting ANZ's Confidential Information from disclosure as you use with regard to your own confidential information (but in no event less than reasonable care).
  8. where requested by ANZ, within 30 (thirty) days as of such request, to return all Confidential Information which has been made available to you, and destroy all documents (both written and electronic) or other material containing, embodying, based on, or derived from, any part of the Confidential Information, and cease using the Confidential Information for any purpose whatsoever.
  9. not to tamper with, perform security or penetration tests in relation to, or otherwise access the site other than as expressly approved by ANZ in writing.
  10. that the password that you use to access the site will be unique, and not stored in any documents uploaded to the site, or otherwise on the site.
  11. that ANZ will monitor, and may remove access to this site at any time, and at ANZ’s sole discretion, without notice or liability to you.
  12. that ANZ makes no warranties in relation to the site, including but not limited to your use of the site or the information contained on the site, that such use will be uninterrupted, that the site and the information contained on the site will be error-free or that the site is free of computer viruses and other harmful data, code, components or other material. ANZ reserves the right to add, change or discontinue any feature on the site, hours of availability, and access or other software requirements, including any minimum system software requirements that will need to be met to ensure access to the site.
  13. Other than any liability that cannot be excluded by law, ANZ is not liable to you for any losses, damages, liabilities, claims and expenses (including without limitation legal costs and defence or settlement costs) whatsoever, whether direct, indirect or consequential, arising out of or referable to this site and any information contained on the site (including your inability to use or access the site), howsoever caused, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), statute or otherwise.
  14. ANZ may at any time vary, revise, add, amend, modify, or delete any part of these terms and conditions by updating the terms and conditions on this site. Your continued use of this site constitutes your acceptance of such variations.
  15. All provisions of these Terms and Conditions which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including without limitation, disclaimers, indemnities and limitations of liability.