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Your six steps to prepare for business lending

When you want to borrow money, lenders want to see a strong and healthy business.

We’ve outlined six steps to help you get a head start when applying for lending.

1. Create a business plan

Illustration of checklists, bar chart, plant pot, coins

Before you think about borrowing, it’s important to be clear about your business goals and opportunities.

A business plan can help you establish what you want to achieve. Do you want to expand rapidly? Boost profitability? Or maybe you’re thinking of taking on more staff?

Many lending applications require a solid business plan, especially if you’re a start-up or if your business doesn’t have 12 months of financial records yet.

If you already have one, it could be worthwhile revisiting your business plan and ensuring it’s still up to date.

Need to create a business plan?

Business plan template (PDF)


2. Talk to your accountant

Illustration of laptop with person on screen, calculator, plant pot

If you have an accountant or financial adviser, share your business plan with them. This way they can ensure that any key finance decisions are in line with it, and can support you at the time of a lending assessment.

Banks will want to see a healthy, profitable business when assessing business loan applications.


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Want to know more?

Read about the four C's of credit.


3. Link your accounting software

Illustration of laptop, coins, plant pot and coffee cup

Linking your accounting software and your bank account can be a huge time saver.

In reality, almost all of the business financial data that banks need to know is already in your accounting software platform. It’s this daily data that gives the best insight into how your business cash flow is going and where you’re headed.


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Want to know more?

Learn how to link your bank feed Superscript: 1
See the benefits of connecting your accounting software.


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Do this as early as possible. ANZ GoBiz applications require a minimum of 6 months of reconciled business financial data connected to eligible accounting software.


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Need accounting software?

View this QuickBooks offerSuperscript: 2


4. Understand your cash flow

Illustration of laptop with bar chart, calendar, plant pot

Cash flow can be complicated. Depending on your circumstances, some lending applications may require a cash flow forecast.

So, take the time now to wrap your head around it, or enlist the help of your accountant or financial advisor.


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Want to master cash flow?

Explore these articles and resources.


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Some accounting software can generate cach flow forecasts for you.

This could save you time and manual effort.

Need a cash flow forecasting template?

Cash flow forecast template (xlsx)


5. Explore your lending options

Illustration of space shuttle, rocket launch, coins

It’s important to take the time to understand what type of business lending solutions are out there.

By knowing your options now, you’ll be in a better position to choose the right solution when the time comes to applying for funds.

For example, if you know you’ve got a big purchase coming up, a loan may help; or vehicle finance can help reduce the impact on your cash flow if you need a new company vehicle.


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Not sure what types of loans there are?

Understand your business loan options.

Explore our range of flexible finance solutions.


6. Get in touch

Illustration of plant pot, mobile handset, folders, ANZ logo

It’s never too early to talk to us about your business and where you want to go, especially if you think you may need to borrow to get there.

No matter what stage you’re at, we’re here to help and can work with you to get the most suitable solution, and guide you through the process.

Our business lending managers are here to talk. There’s no obligation. You can get the conversation started by filling out our business contact enquiry form.


Request a call back

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1. Only available on ANZ Internet Banking and ANZ Internet Banking for Business. ANZ bank feeds are compatible with the majority of retail or commercial transaction, deposit, lending, funds management and credit card accounts. ANZ bank feeds are not compatible with Asset Finance accounts, ANZ Smart Choice Super products or Foreign Currency accounts.


2. This offer is only valid for ANZ customers who are new to QuickBooks and sign up to QuickBooks Simple Start subscription before 30 April 2025. Visit for more information.
