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ANZ Statutory Trust Account

A specialised trust account for real estate agents, conveyancers and solicitors to hold funds in trust for your clients.

Hold money in trust with easy access and no service fees


An easy way to stay compliant

Our Statutory Trust Account can help with easy access to your clients' money when you need it via ANZ Internet Banking, ANZ Internet Banking for Business, ANZ Phone Banking, ANZ branch or cheque book (optional).

No service fees

You won't have to pay a service fee for our Statutory Trust Account, so you can keep your business costs down. Other fees and charges may apply.disclaimer

Meet your industry's regulatory requirements

Keep your clients' money in trust to meet regulatory requirements. All credit interest will be automatically paid to your industry's governing body based on your state or territory.

How to apply

An ANZ Statutory Trust Account has to be linked to an existing ANZ business account.


1800 351 663

Mon-Fri 8am to 6pm (AEST)


We're here to help

Accessible banking

Our aim is to make ANZ products and services more accessible and inclusive.

More on accessible banking 


Financial hardship

If you’re experiencing vulnerability or having trouble making repayments on your loan or credit card, get in touch and together we can work on a plan to get you back on track.

Financial hardship support services 

