The idea unprecedented negative interest rates will spur the economy isn’t coming to fruition, so what are they doing?
Interest Rates News:
Updates and analysis on interest rate trends, central bank policy, the Reserve Bank of Australia and their impact on the economy.
2019-09-04 09:37
With the Reserve Bank of Australia hiking interest rates, how much of those increases will be permanent?
2022-08-04 15:29 -
How is productivity impacting inflation and how far will the RBA have to hike?
2023-06-27 09:35 -
Market wisdom has it banks profit when interest rates rise. Is there more to this story than simply margin inflation?
2023-06-29 13:47 -
Higher interest rates mean mortgages are more expensive; many fear a recession. But the low unemployment rate and strong demand for workers brings hope to economists.
2023-02-28 12:12 -
There’s still a chance the Reserve Bank of Australia could lift interest rates in August. However the case for an extended pause on further increases is growing.
2023-07-17 11:48