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Analysis and updates on Australian and global currency markets, exchange rates and their implications for businesses, investors and the banking sector.

  • Currency

    The euro has weathered the economic storm

    Brian Martin::Senior International Economist, ANZ

    Brian Martin Senior International Economist, ANZ

    This year marks the 25th year of the European Union’s currency. Has it aged like a fine French wine? Or is it hitting a quarter-life crisis?

    19 February 2024
  • Currency

    Currency contagion: monetising virus responses

    John Bromhead & Daniel Been::FX Strategist & Head of FX and G3 Research, ANZ

    John Bromhead & Daniel Been FX Strategist & Head of FX and G3 Research, ANZ

    Economies around the world are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some are doing better than others.

    5 May 2020
  • Payments

    Rise of the stablecoin

    James Culham::Executive Director, Institutional Portfolio Management, ANZ

    James Culham Executive Director, Institutional Portfolio Management, ANZ

    If 2018 was the year of bitcoin, perhaps 2019 will see the stablecoin take centre stage.

    25 January 2019
  • Technology

    High tide for blockchain

    Maria Bellmàs::Associate Director, Trade and Supply Chain Product, ANZ

    Maria Bellmàs Associate Director, Trade and Supply Chain Product, ANZ

    Blockchain has been the darling of the tech world for some time but the tide is starting to turn.

    21 March 2019
  • Technology

    LONGREAD: in defence of crypto

    Steve Dando::Personal & Business Banker, ANZ

    Steve Dando Personal & Business Banker, ANZ

    Say what you like about Bitcoin & crypto-currencies, the technology has innumerable upsides.

    30 January 2018
  • Banking & Finance

    Private virtue, public vice

    James Culham::Executive Director, Institutional Portfolio Management, ANZ

    James Culham Executive Director, Institutional Portfolio Management, ANZ

    Are economies staring down the barrel of the next recession? And how will monetary policies and investments help them float.

    25 July 2019
  • Payments

    Reading Libra’s horoscope

    Andrew Cornell::Past Managing Editor, bluenotes

    Andrew Cornell Past Managing Editor, bluenotes

    Facebook has launched its own currency - Libra - we foretell doubters and challenging times ahead.

    26 June 2019
  • Banking & Finance

    Creating and destroying money

    James Culham::Executive Director, Institutional Portfolio Management, ANZ

    James Culham Executive Director, Institutional Portfolio Management, ANZ

    Do banks just create unlimited amounts of money out of thin air?

    25 March 2019
  • Technology

    Keeping up with digital trade finance

    Khalil Hegarty and Tyler McDonald::Associate Director and Consultant at ITS Global

    Khalil Hegarty and Tyler McDonald Associate Director and Consultant at ITS Global

    Regional authorities are quickly moving towards digitising trade and customs – is Australia falling behind?

    7 March 2019
  • Technology

    Is it foolish to write off crypto?

    Steve Dando::Personal & Business Banker, ANZ

    Steve Dando Personal & Business Banker, ANZ

    A bump in the road won’t be enough to keep crypto - an asset class still worthy of investment – away.

    30 July 2018
  • Technology

    Crypto’s Icarus movement

    Andrew Cornell::Past Managing Editor, bluenotes

    Andrew Cornell Past Managing Editor, bluenotes

    The BIS has delivered its result on crypto – as if the market was still waiting for advice - and it sounds like coinmania flew too close to the sun.

    27 June 2018
  • Technology

    Why NZ can be a block party

    Emma Mellow::bluenotes contributor

    Emma Mellow bluenotes contributor

    NZ has the perfect business environment to develop blockchain tech – and reap the many rewards.

    21 June 2018
  • Technology

    Lessons on crypto, fintech and regulation

    Mark Evans & Alexander Malaket::ANZ & OPUS Advisory Services

    Mark Evans & Alexander Malaket ANZ & OPUS Advisory Services

    Lessons learned from trade finance can teach us a lot as regulators eye consumer protections on tech like bitcoin.

    15 May 2018