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FULL COVERAGE: ANZ’s half-year 2022 result

2022-05-04 20:20

ANZ has posted a statutory profit after tax for its 2022 half-year result of $A3,530 million, up 10 per cent on the prior comparable period.

ANZ has posted a statutory profit after tax for its 2022 half-year result of $A3,530 million, up 10 per cent on the prior comparable period.

The bank’s capital strength and underlying profitability delivered a CET1 ratio of 11.5 per cent. The proposed interim dividend is A72 cents per share, fully franked.

You can read and watch all the details below.


Elliott: pleasing progress in bank strategy  

CEO says the bank is well placed to support customers’ financial wellbeing through a period of economic uncertainty

Faruqui: solid result in challenging environment  

CFO says strong performances from New Zealand and Institutional together with continued focus on capital discipline and cost management bolstered the bank’s half-year result. 

Our results: in pictures

Find all the details of ANZ’s half year results in an easy-to-read infographic.

Knocking on innovation’s door  

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2022 ESG target update

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Greening the zinc economy

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FULL COVERAGE: ANZ’s half-year 2022 result
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